League of Legends FAQ

Can a student use their personal summoner name from League of Legends, or do they need to create a new one?

Students can use their personal summoner name for League of Legends season. 

Can coaches connect their summoner accounts for League of Legends?

Yes, they will need to email support@playvs.com and it can take up to 48 hours before changes take effect with RIOT servers.

Student has input their League of Legends summoner name into PlayVS dashboard, but is not working yet?

It can take up to 48 hours for summoner names to replicate to the RIOT servers so please be sure to have your students in the system and summoner names set 2 days prior to any scheduled PlayVS event.

What is the game setup for League of Legends on game days?

All League of Legends matches will be two games back to back.  The playoffs and championship match will include best of 3 matches.  Keep in mind that teams will get two tournament codes on game days.  Each game they play will be with a different code.

When do games have to start for League of Legends?

PlayVS scheduled time you will have a 30-minute grace period, which allows teams 30 minutes after the scheduled match time to begin the game.  Game codes are given at the scheduled match time.  If a team does not show up within 30 minutes, their team will be considered to have forfeited the match.

Why can only 5 players be registered to a team when I have subs as well?

You can have 7 to a team, but only 5 can be registered per team.  The extra subs are not assigned to a specific team and can flip flop between multiple teams if you have more than one.  However, when playoffs begin, they are not allowed to flip between teams.  Those extra players simply login and connect and link up with other team members while one of the original 5 subs out and you can substitute between games