Job Descriptions
Job descriptions are for reference purposes only. They are generic descriptions of the duties, typical work activities and responsibilities of the job titles within the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES. The list is not all inclusive and is subject to change.
The State Education Department does not have a job description for 'Teacher' due to the wide variety of class settings, subject matter within a specific certification area and possible job assignment responsibilities.
- Certified (A-B)
- Certified (C)
- Certified (D-M)
- Certified (N-Z)
- Non-Certified (A-O)
Certified (A-B)
Certified Positions are listed in alphabetical order.
- AccelerateU Teacher
- Administrator of On-Line Instruction
- Advisor of Online Instruction
- Assistant Executive Coordinator of Section V Athletics
- Assistant Principal
- Assistant Superintendent for Administration
- Assistant Superintendent for Innovation and Accountability
- Behavioral Specialist Coordinator
- Business and Community Liaison
AccelerateU Teacher
The AccelerateU Teacher shall be responsible to the Administrator of Online Instruction.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- New York State Certification
- Five years of full-time teaching experience
- NYSED fingerprint clearance
- Technical expertise with Internet-based applications
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the AccelerateU Teacher are:
A. Complying with privacy and security standards outlined in FERPA, NYSED Ed Law 2D, etc.
B. Complying with all SED regulations, including those related to DASA and Mandated Reporting
C. Completes annual and intermittent trainings including SafeSchools trainings
D. Providing detailed welcome messages to new online students within one day of enrollment
E. Grading assignments within 3 days of receipt
F. Providing formative feedback within a reasonable timeframe
G. Sending progress reports on a weekly basis for students not making adequate progress
H. Answering student questions, mostly by email within 24 hours
I. Answering AccelerateU and district staff questions, mostly by email within 24 hours
J. Maintaining regular and substantive interaction with students, minimally once per week
K. Providing one synchronous office hour per week for students
L. Promoting a positive environment that encourages students to actively engage in learning
M. Reviewing IEP and 504 Plan documents as needed, making suggestions for compliance
N. Notifying AccelerateU staff of students who are inactive or failing to make adequate progress
O. Demonstrating flexibility and creativity in meeting the needs of diverse learners
P. Works collaboratively with our advisor to better serve students
Q. Completes students in the system or notifies staff immediately upon completion
R. Suggesting improvements to course content and procedures
S. Incorporating materials, resources, and strategies from face-to-face courses
T. Responding appropriately to issues of potential plagiarism
U. Attending professional development sessions on an as-needed basis
V. Modifying courses for standards alignment or improvement purposes, as requested by supervisor. When requested, AccelerateU teacher will be paid at the current curriculum rate
W. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Administrator of Online Instruction as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: October 13, 2020
Revised: June 5, 2024
Administrator of On-Line Instruction
The Administrator of On-Line Instruction shall be responsible to the Director of EduTech.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Administrator of On-Line Instruction are:
- Provide overall leadership and daily management for all online instructional efforts.
- Promote and market online learning regionally and statewide.
- Coordinate with districts and BOCES to ensure all student course approval forms and registration is properly executed, billing is handled by our Business Office and student disciplinary issues are addressed with the user organization.
- Establish and maintain communication with participating school districts, BOCES, and state and local agencies.
- Facilitate long range planning in all areas of responsibility.
- Ensure adequate staff development activities.
- Adhere to all BOCES Policies and Administrative Regulations and recommend revisions when appropriate.
- Serve as a participant and/or liaison to local and state groups involved in all forms of online and virtual learning.
- Ensure effective evaluation of staff in conformance with the evaluation system, contract provisions and laws.
- Ensure proper coordination of recruitment.
- Identify and recommend appointment of staff.
- Collaborate with EduTech technical staff to secure appropriate data management system support.
- Coordinate training, as required, for online instructors.
- Supervise and evaluate all online instructors and support staff personnel.
- Provide recommendations and research analysis of Virtual High Schools
- Stay current with state requirements related to credit recovery and credit accrual.
- Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of EduTech as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: 11/1/2007
Revised: 05/06/2024
Advisor of Online Instruction
The Advisor of Online Instruction shall be responsible to the Administrator of Online Instruction.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Current NYSED teaching certification with preference for school counselor certification and/or Administrative certification
- Documented five (5) years teaching experience with preference for additional experience within the AccelerateU or other online K-12 education program
- Experience with communicating effectively and motivating student in grades 6-12
- Experience coordinating with district counseling, PPS, and other offices
- Knowledge of SED regulations and requirements
- Evidence of proficiency with computer technology, including Microsoft Teams
- Evidence of responsiveness to students and all other stakeholders
- Candidates should possess a broad set of effective teaching and learning skills and strategies to engage learners of all levels, including but not limited to:
- Knowledge of the NYS Learning Standards and Assessments
- Knowledge of curriculum content and accepted methods of instruction
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Promoting equity and culturally responsive practices to create inclusive environments
- Knowledge of how online learning works, and how it differs from traditional learning
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Advisor of Online Instruction are:
A. Orient and support students in asynchronous online courses
B. Monitor progress of students in asynchronous online courses
C. Provide technical support of students, counselors, and guardians
D. Enroll, complete, and withdraw students in our system
E. Orient and support counselors who support online student
F. Answer daily email from students, guardians, and counselors
G. Summarize and document IEP and 504 documents for our teachers
H. Monitor compliance with IEP and 504 modifications
I. Conference with online teachers regarding issues with students as necessary
J. Perform other duties as may be assigned by the Administrator of Online Instruction as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position
Issued: February 14, 2024
Assistant Executive Coordinator of Section V Athletics
The Assistant Executive Coordinator of Section V Athletics shall be responsible to the Executive Coordinator of Section V Athletics.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- New York State Teaching Certificate; SBD and/or SDL Certificate
- Master’s degree required; Preference in Physical Education or Athletic Administration
- Preferred Experience: 5 years as Athletic Director, Varsity Coaching, and/or League, Section, State Sport coordinator
- Understanding of NYSED Commissioner’s Regulations and NYSPHSAA Bylaws and Eligibility Standards
- Ability to lead professional development
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Assistant Executive Coordinator of Section V Athletics are:
A. Provide Program Leadership including but not limited to
a. Administer the development and maintenance of a positive interscholastic athletic program to meet the needs of student athletes and member schools
b. Establish norms and expectations in Sectional tournaments
c. Carry out the policies of the Athletic Council
d. Attend and participate in all meetings of the Executive Committee, the Athletic Council and their committees
e. Oversees sport coordinators and assists with planning, implementation of Section V events
f. In collaboration with the Executive Coordinator, acts on own discretion if emergency action is necessary in any matter not covered by existing policy and reports such action to the Executive Committee as soon as practicable
g. Attend meetings of the NYSPHSAA, NYSAAA, USBC (officials) and other key organizations as directed by the Executive Coordinator
h. Serve as point of contact for Section V Athletic Administrators to ensure correct implementation of NYSPHSAA policies and procedures in member schools and Section V sport handbooks
i. Stay current in knowledge and best practices in all aspects of athletic leadership including but not limited to law, finance, insurance
B. Fulfill personnel related needs including but not limited to
a. Secure and nominate for employment the best-qualified and most competent personnel
b. Supervise and evaluate Section V sport coordinators.
c. Support the Officials' organizations in the recruitment and on-going training of officials to assure quality officiating
d. Maintains directly or through delegation such personnel records, accounting records, business records, and other records that are required by law and policy
C. Coordinate in conjunction with Section V staff and sport coordinators
a. Coordinate and implement all Section V and NYSPHSAA programs, events, and contests
b. Coordinate and implement all Section V student-athlete programming such as Section V senior scholarship program, Section V Student-Athlete Leadership Training program, Section V Student Athlete Advisory Committee
c. Coordinate the purchasing, inventory and distribution of awards for all sports
D. Provide professional learning opportunities for Section V sport coordinators and committee; assuring the development, support, and performance of sport coordinators to increase retention
E. Utilize technology to further department goals- moved from Qualifications to a responsibility
F. Assist and support the sport coordinators with the development of sport-specific handbooks
G. File or cause to be filed, all reports required by Section V, NYSPHSAA, or other relevant association or agency
H. Represent Section V in its dealings with school systems, institutions, agencies, and community organizations
I. Assure that sport-specific policies and procedures are effectively communicated to assure the smooth conduct of the business of the Section
J. Attend Section V Championship Contests and participate in awards ceremonies
K. Oversee, assist and study those activities where income is falling short of expectations of the Athletic Council and Executive Committee
L. Provide direct student-athlete programming on leadership, social/emotional learning, and sportsmanship to Section V student-athletes
M. Assist Section V Athletic Administrators in providing student-athlete programming on leadership, social/emotional learning and sportsmanship at the school level
N. Provide improved venue selection process and criteria for Section V events, therefore reducing need of Section V Athletic Administrators from rescheduling contests
O. Allow Executive Coordinator and Coordinator of Communications & Marketing for Section V Athletics to focus on their duties in onboarding and training new Section V Athletic Administrators
P. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Coordinator of Section V Athletics as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: April 19, 2023
Assistant Principal
The Assistant Principal shall be responsible to the Principal.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- A valid teaching or related services certification issued by the New York State Education Department and administrative certification as school building leader (SBL).
- Required minimum of 5-7 years of experience in a school environment as a professional educator
- Strong preference for experience in a leadership role, including but not limited to supervisory and observation/evaluative duties, and organizing and executing short and long-term projects in building/state initiatives
- Strong foundations in pedagogy, instructional strategies and leadership, knowledge of child development and experience with trauma informed practices
- Demonstrated knowledge of interdepartmental collaboration and working knowledge of outside agencies and connections are essential
- Established philosophy of working with parents as partners
- Knowledge of the NYS Learning Standards and Assessments including SEL Standards
- Knowledge of curriculum content and accepted methods of instruction
- Ability to work collaboratively as a member of a team
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Commitment to promoting equity, practicing cultural responsiveness, and creating inclusive environments
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed. The current responsibilities of the Assistant Principal are:
- In conjunction with the Principal, provide leadership and direction for aspects of student scheduling and instructional programming on a daily basis.
- Assist the Principal in the preparation of budgets and proposals for funding.
- Prepare, maintain and submit reports, publications and handbooks as requested by the Principal.
- Provide leadership, support, direction and instruction to new teachers and staff.
- Develop and facilitate professional development opportunities to enable staff to grow in their skills.
- Assist with supervising, providing for performance improvement, and evaluating personnel.
- Assist in recruiting, interviewing, selecting and assigning staff.
- Promote a collaborative relationship and maintain effective communications with and among staff, students, families, interagencies and local school districts.
- Responsible for tracking, support and improvement of student achievement in selected courses, and coordinating efforts to improve instructional environment with Principal, Teachers, and Support Staff.
- Coordinate student centered extra-curricular programs.
- Work with School Counselors, Work Based Learning Coordinators, Business Community Liasons, Instructional Pathways Coordinators and other stakeholders to assure compliance for IEP/504 directives as well as CDOS/CTE internship requirements, if applicable.
- Promote a safe and secure environment by:
- Assuming responsibility for pupil discipline based on the Code of Conduct
- Being the direct supervisor of staff and be responsible for the day-to-day administration of assigned programs.
- Maintaining emergency and crisis plans that align with host district plans, where appropriate.
- Coordinate all matters relating to student transportation including but not limited to:
- Communications with school district transportation directors
- Securing of transportation for field trips and faculty conferences
- Management of the school student driving program, passes, and parking, if applicable
- Analyze operational processes and assist in continuous evaluation and enhancement of existing programs in relation to student and district needs and make recommendations to the Principal for changes and improvements.
- Performing other such duties as may be assigned by the Principal as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: March 11, 2024
Assistant Superintendent for Administration
The Assistant Superintendent for Administration reports regularly and frequently to the Deputy District Superintendent. The work is performed under the general supervision of the Deputy District Superintendent, allowing wide latitude for the exercise of independent judgment in carrying out the responsibilities of the position.
The Assistant Superintendent for Administration provides leadership oversight for all business and financial affairs of the W-FL BOCES, oversees the supervision of all Facilities related matters and is a primary liaison with the Board of Education. In addition, this position oversees the Central Business Office Service and Cooperative Bidding Service.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Undergraduate degree in Accounting or Business Administration and a master’s degree in education is a minimum requirement.
- Must certificated by the NYS Education Department as School District Leader or School Business Official.
- Five years’ experience in Educational Administration as a BOCES Business Official, or School Business Official or Superintendent or equivalent experience in School or BOCES business administration.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Assistant Superintendent for Administration are:
A. Administers all aspects of the financial and facility operations of the W-FL BOCES.
B. Develops budget guidelines, coordinates preparation of the budget, and provides overall leadership to W-FL BOCES leaders in financial and budgetary matters.
C. Arranges for and supervises preparation, publication, and distribution of budgets as approved by the District Superintendent, Deputy District Superintendent and Board.
D. Coordinates the presentation of, justification for, and preparation of additional analyses required to understand budget proposals for action by the Board.
E. Assists in the execution of the enacted budget, including the recommendation of administrative controls where required.
F. Provides leadership in developing improvements in the financial management of the W-FL BOCES, including budget methods, format, and presentation.
G. Establishes and supervises a program of accounting adequate to record in detail all money and credit transactions.
H. Supervises all accounting operations.
I. Acts as payroll certification officer for the W-FL BOCES.
J. Supervises the collection, safekeeping, and distribution of all funds.
K. Oversees the BOCES Facilities, investment and insurance programs of the W-FL BOCES.
L. Acts as advisor to the Deputy District Superintendent and District Superintendent on all questions relating to the business and financial affairs of the W-FL BOCES.
M. Assists in recruiting, hiring, training, supervising, and evaluating clerical, financial, and staff for areas under supervision.
N. Works closely and cooperatively with federal, state, and independent auditors.
O. Provides and maintains the fixed assets inventory.
P. Oversees all W-FL BOCES purchasing and bidding.
Q. Prepares drafts of needed policies and rules for the Board's review and action.
R. Prepares state reports and claims as required, and as required by deadlines.
S. Remains abreast of developments and innovations in the field by reading current literature, attending professional and association meetings and conferences, and discussing developments and problems of mutual interest with others in the field.
T. Assists in the preparation of the Board meeting agenda.
U. Attends Board meetings and prepares such reports for the Board as the District Superintendent may assign.
V. Assists in preparing materials for negotiations, keeping records concerning negotiations, and assisting in the administration of the negotiated contracts.
W. Oversees all activities associated with the Director of Facilities and Central Business Office Service and associated personnel.
X. Prepares and monitors the administrative and capital budgets and serves as authorizing agent for the expenditure of appropriated funds.
Y. Oversees all capital projects and serves as liaison with the State Education Department, architects and contractors.
Z. Serves as the leader as assigned to committees of the Board and is a liaison to Deputy District Superintendent and District Superintendent for other Board Committees.
AA. Responsible for all reporting deadlines and reporting requirements required by federal, state and internally established administrative guidelines for areas under supervision.
BB. Responsible for the establishment of systems, processes and protocols related to the effective management for the duties and functions described herein.
CC. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the District Superintendent as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: June 3, 1996
Revised: December 4, 2024
Assistant Superintendent for Innovation and Accountability
The Assistant Superintendent for Innovation and Accountability shall be responsible to the District Superintendent.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Required: NYS Administrative Certification
- Required: At least 7 years of administrative experience, preference of principal or central office experience
- Understanding of NYSED accountability system
- Experience with data analysis
- Experience with grant writing preferred
- Experience with strategic planning preferred
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Assistant Superintendent for Innovation and Accountability are:
- Providing leadership, direction, and general supervision of Staff Development.
- Providing leadership to Regional Instructional Council (RIC).
- Providing leadership, direction, and general supervision of Managed Services.
- Ensuring test security including developing protocols and supervising processes.
- Supervising the development, review, and implementation of Performance Accountability initiatives.
- Supervising the development, review, and implementation of data analysis and associated processes.
- Supervising the development, review, and implementation of grants.
- Supervising, organizing, and providing Strategic Planning training.
- Supervising, organizing, and providing APPR training.
- Facilitating on-going communication between and among BOCES departments.
- Providing training on numerous topics.
- Facilitating groups as requested.
- Remaining current on research pertaining to the areas of responsibility listed above.
- Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the District Superintendent as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position
Issued: August 8, 2019
Revised: September 9, 2019
Behavioral Specialist Coordinator
The Behavioral Specialist Coordinator shall be responsible to the supervising building principal.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- NYS Certification in Special Education or Pupil Personnel Services area (school counselor, social worker or school psychologist).
- Preference for school psychologist certification, Applied Behavior Certification, Board Certified Behavior Analysis Certification
- Documented experience working with students with disabilities.
- Thorough knowledge of the NYSEL Standards and Behavioral Intervention Strategies.
- An established leader and strong communicator, documented experience in consulting with educational teams, training, and experience in crisis intervention, developing FBA/BIPs, and implementing systems for progress monitoring.
- A broad skill set of effective teaching and learning to engage learners of all levels, including but not limited to:
- Knowledge of the NYS Learning Standards and Assessments
- Knowledge of curriculum content and accepted methods of instruction
- Knowledge of Multi-Tiered Supports
- Knowledge of PBIS
- Ability to work collaboratively as a member of a team
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Behavioral Specialist Coordinator are:
A. Applying Therapeutic Crisis Intervention Techniques (TCIS) or the components of other structured behavioral approaches in order to keep children safe, up to and including the use of physical interventions for use with students with disabilities
a. High level of knowledge of research based behavioral interventions
B. Assisting staff in creating behavior intervention plans (BIPs) and data collection tools to be utilized after a functional behavior assessment (FBA) is completed.
C. Assisting staff in completing FBAs (defining the behavior, identifying relationships to the environment, hypothesizing the function of the behavior, selecting data collection criteria, and using data to support or negate the hypothesis)
D. Providing direct support to students who are in or on the verge of being in crisis- including 1:1 support, creating and implementing Tier 1, 2, or 3 behavior interventions, and monitor the level of support needed for students and colleagues
E. Assisting in program reviews for students, including transition planning between educational programs and within the current program
F. Scheduling and participating in student meetings with W-FL BOCES staff, component district staff and family members as needed for student success
G. Participating in CSE meetings as appropriate, to review programs for students
H. Conducting professional development for staff on instructional strategies to support students with behavioral concerns
I. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the building principal as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: September 10, 2019
Revised: March 7, 2024
Business and Community Liaison
The Business and Community Liaison shall be responsible to the Principal.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Minimum: Current NYS teacher certification
- Preferred Certification: Business and Marketing or Career and Technical Education or Work Based Learning
- Prior experience with employment placement and training responsibilities working with persons with disabilities desired.
- Experience related to Business and Marketing required.
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Business and Community Liaison are:
A. Conduct on-going job search activities, maintain and make available work-based learning opportunities to the students.
B. Develop and conduct scheduled visitations of all co-op work experience placements on a regular basis.
C. Work collaboratively with school counselors to develop career exploration, career planning, career preparation and career enhancement activities that have been identified in the student’s individualized educational plans.
D. Work collaboratively with the school counselor to assist the graduates in securing employment or enrollment into post-secondary education related to their career interests.
E. Assist in the development of and maintain records such as: a monthly report, federal and state requirements, evaluations, and training outlines.
F. Work collaboratively with teachers and counselors to schedule and implement job search seminars covering job seeking skills, completing job applications, developing resumes and cover letters, and obtaining interviewing skills.
G. Conduct annual follow-up placement studies.
H. Conduct a follow-up of employers for their evaluation of the effectiveness of the School-To-Work initiative.
I. Facilitate round table discussions between faculty and business representatives regarding existing school district and regional school-to-work initiatives as well as the development of new innovative activities (i.e. identification of new work-based and school-based activities).
J. Work collaboratively with other Business and Community Liaisons in the region to coordinate activities and placements.
K. Utilize and cooperate with community agencies involved in placement activities.
L. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Principal as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: June 6, 1999
Revised: November 30, 2023
Certified (C)
Certified Positions are listed in alphabetical order.
- Centralized Communications Manager
- Clinical Supervisor
- Clinical PN Program Teacher
- Computer Science Teacher
- Conference Coordinator
- Coordinator of Case Management and Student Placement
- Coordinator of Communications & Marketing for Section V Athletics
- Coordinator of Community School Services (Shared)
- Coordinator of Data Governance
- Coordinator of Data Integration
- Coordinator of Instructional Data
- Coordinator of the Leadership Institute
- Coordinator of Membership Services
- Coordinator of Online Instruction
- Coordinator of Pre-Employment Services
- Coordinator of Regional Math Initiatives
- Coordinator of Regional Programs
- Coordinator of Special Education Data
- Coordinator of Student Placement
- Coordinator of Technology
- Coordinator of Translation Services
Centralized Communications Manager
The Centralized Communications Manager shall be responsible to the Director of Communications.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Three (3) years of school public relations experience or similar communication planning experience
- Three (3) years of project or team management experience
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed, and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Centralized Communication Manager are:
A. Overseeing and supporting the success of regional communication initiatives and the Centralized Communication team.
B. Assists with day-to-day operations of the centralized communications team, along with regional communication initiatives and goals
C. Oversee special communications requests and regional goals and initiatives
D. Manage the marketing of BOCES centralized communication function to potential district clients
E. Focus on the growth and development of strong working relationships with districts, departments and the Centralized Communication team
F. Support the growth and development of the Centralized Communication team and Public Information Coordinators, ensuring that all communication efforts are aligned with communication plans and executed efficiently
G. Assists with preparing and monitoring communications budget, purchase orders and expenses
H. Assists with advising school districts on Crisis Communication and Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG) responses, including advising district leadership on the dissemination of critical information
I. Engage with various stakeholders, including district leadership, community groups, and the general public, to build and maintain positive relationships and ensure transparent communication
J. Leadership is exercised over the centralized communication team regional communication initiatives
K. Due to the nature of this position, flexibility in hours is required. Some weekend and after-hour work may be required.
L. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of Communications as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position
Issued: June 13, 2024
Clinical Supervisor
The Clinical Supervisor shall be responsible to the Manager of Family Counseling Services.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of Clinical Supervisor are:
- Provide individual or group supervision through observation and case reviews.
- Facilitate regular meetings (on site and/or phone conference) with counselors from participating school districts for continuing education and/or case conferences.
- Be available for phone consultation on an as needed basis.
- Communicate regularly with the Manager of Family Counseling Services.
- Provide training and support on Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and Feedback Informed Treatment.
- Work collaboratively with the program evaluator to share ideas, suggestions and recommendations to ensure integrity and quality of programming for our families and youth.
- Performing such other duties as may be assigned as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued June 4, 2018
The Family Support Center Counselor shall be responsible to the Manager of Family Counseling Services. The position of Family Support Center Counselor is an hourly position which provides co-facilitated Solution Focused Brief Therapy to families.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of Family Support Center Counselor are:
Program Delivery
Counselors will provide Solution-Based Brief therapy to youth and families in a school-based setting after school hours. Hours to be determined by Manager of Family Counseling Services, counselors and District Superintendent or designee.
Counselors will follow the Solution Focused Therapy and Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) models, which utilize co-facilitation by two counselors for each session.
Counselors will assist families in making connections/referrals with community-based agencies as deemed necessary through the therapeutic process.
Counselors will maintain strict confidentiality in their work with all individuals receiving services through the Community School Services.
Counselors will participate in co-facilitated sessions with identified families for an average of seven sessions, or based on the needs of the family being served.
Counselors will utilize the Session Rating Scale (SRS) and Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) method for setting goals and evaluating progress with families. In addition, they will ensure that final parent and youth questionnaires are completed prior to discharge.
Counselors will assist families to meet their identified needs by building on their strengths.
Counselors will assist families in making connections/referrals with community-based agencies as deemed necessary through the therapeutic process.
Counselors will maintain strict confidentiality in their work with all individuals receiving services through the Community School Services.
Counselor Responsibilities
Counselors along with the Manager of Family Counseling Services will ensure that participating families receive smooth, efficient, and timely access to services that are delivered in a family and youth centered and culturally and linguistically competent manner.
Counselors will work with the Manager of Family Counseling Services to ensure that families complete all components of the CSS program evaluation in order to meet long-term evaluation requirements.
Counselors will participate in district level meetings with key stakeholders to share insights, trends and accomplishments to establish a level of communication that will maintain community as well as district level commitment.
Counselors agree to complete all required documentation for client records, and submit monthly timesheets to the Manager of Family Counseling Services for reimbursement of services in a timely manner.
Counselors will participate in training and develop skills in Solution Focused Therapy and complete the Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) online modules.
Issued June 4, 2018
Revised October 26, 2021
Clinical PN Program Teacher
The Clinical PN Program Teacher shall be responsible to the Coordinator of Health Careers and governed by the clinical facilities policies and procedures.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Active and current NYS Registered Nursing License
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing or in process of completing degree
- Minimum of 2 years nursing experience. 1 year of caring for the elderly and/or chronically ill preferred
- Comprehensive knowledge of professional nursing techniques
- Obtain NYS Adult Education certification within 6 months of start date
- Leadership and organizational skills
- Ability to maintain a classroom
- Basic Life Support Certification
- Must be willing and able to travel (within assigned BOCES geographical areas) for instruction to various clinical sites
- Prior to beginning of employment, must have physical exam and required NYS Dept. of Health Immunizations
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Clinical PN Program Teacher are:
A. Developing, directing and supervising all student activities in the classroom and clinical settings to promote quality career education in preparation for nursing licensure
B. Serving as a professional role model, ensure patient rights, confidentiality, and safety at the hands of the student
C. Promoting student participation and provide equal opportunities to meet program objectives
D. Providing students with proper orientation to facility policies and procedures
E. Fairly evaluating, documenting and reporting student progress/conduct maintaining student confidentiality at all times
F. Promoting and maintaining positive relations with the community, staff and students
G. Serve as a professional role model and student advocate.
H. Required to participate in all work including, but not limited to:
a. Contributing to the revision and implementation of clinical curriculum
b. Maintaining student records and attendance
c. Preparing for and facilitating clinical conferences (pre and post)
d. Preparing for and attending faculty meetings
e. Enforcing and abiding by all school policies
f. Attending school functions and ceremonies
I. Observing standard precautions and accepting immediate, confidential blood-borne pathogen post-exposure evaluation and treatment in the event of an incident
J. Being aware that as an employee, may receive the Hepatitis B vaccination free of charge, provided by W-FL BOCES
K. Responsible for personal professional development and growth by updating and maintaining current nursing knowledge in nursing practice
L. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Coordinator of Health Careers as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: September 25, 2019
Revised: April 29, 2024
The Clinical Teacher (Hourly) shall be responsible to the Building Principal.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Active and current NYS Registered Nursing License
- Current Health Professional CPR Certification
- Experience with long term and geriatric care preferred
- AED and First Aid Certified
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Clinical Teacher (Hourly) are:
A. Comprehensive knowledge of professional nursing techniques and relation to medical surgical practices
B. Ability to supervise nursing measures on CNA care plan
C. Willingness and desire to work with high school students
D. Knowledge of long term and geriatric care
E. Ability to supervise students in an actual clinical setting
F. Ability to function independently with students
G. Knowledge of CNA practical tasks
H. Professional communication and coordination with Health Professionals staff
I. Demonstrate emotional stability, empathy, and respect for clients in the community and student population
J. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Building Principal as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: February 20, 2020
Revised: March 14, 2024
Computer Science Teacher
The Computer Science Teacher shall be responsible to the Building Principal.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- High level of knowledge of research-based instructional strategies and NYS standards
- Ability to assess students using multiple modalities of assessment and analyze data to inform instruction
- Ability to establish and maintain a professional rapport with other teachers and staff in classroom
- Ability to manage and direct adults in the classroom
- Appropriate NYSED Certification
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Computer Science Teacher are:
A. Prepare lessons that align to the NYS computer science concepts
B. Effectively plan, teach, and assess lessons designed to meet the needs of individual students and the NYS learning standards
C. Differentiate instruction to meet the individual needs of each student, as outlined in their IEPs
D. Create an organized classroom with clear expectations and procedures
E. Analyze various points of data and modify instructional goals that promote the highest level of student learning
F. Participate in student meetings with BOCES staff, component district staff and family members
G. Communicate regularly with family members, keeping them informed of their child’s progress
H. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Building Principal as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: October 13, 2020
Last Reviewed March 5, 2024
Conference Coordinator
The Conference Coordinator shall be responsible to the Director of Staff Development. Under the supervision of the Director of Staff Development, the Conference Coordinator coordinates and schedules the use and services of the conference center facility by various groups and community organizations; assures compliance with applicable laws, codes, policies and guidelines; serves as a resource to administrators and the public concerning the use of facilities.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
Graduation from high school, supplemented by college-level course work in business, hospitality, marketing, or public relations, or a related field and three (3) years of experience coordinating and planning meetings, conferences, special events and related services for an educational services organization or non-profit agency, involving frequent public contact.
- Part-time service will be given prorated credit toward experience requirements.
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
- The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed, and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Conference Coordinator are:
A. Coordinates and schedules the use and services of the conference center facility by various groups and community organizations; assures compliance with applicable laws, codes, policies, guidelines and regulations
B. Serves as a resource to all concerning the use of facilities; responds to inquiries and provides detailed information for use of the facilities
C. Establishes and maintains the master calendar of conference center use; prepares reports related to facilities use
D. Oversees and updates the on-line conference room space reservation system; inputs and updates room calendar information on an assigned software program
E. Receives and reviews conference center reservation requests; processes meeting space applications according to established procedures; notifies applicants of approval or denial in a timely manner
F. Answers telephone calls and assists customers with requests; receives and transmits messages; answers questions and provides general information and assistance to callers and walk-in visitors regarding conference center space and facility use in a professional manner
G. Determines furniture arrangement; contacts other departments and service providers to obtain room set-up, audio, video, sound, and lighting equipment, coordinate food and beverage services, and/or security; assures equipment and services are provided as requested and resolve related problems
H. Enforces health and safety codes related to the conference center facility and services
I. Confers with current and potential facility clients to clarify conference requests, provides suggestions regarding services for audio, visual, sound and lighting equipment; explains services available and their costs, and interprets related W-FL BOCES policies and procedures
J. Prepares invoices for conference center clients; assures payments for use of facilities are received in a timely manner; follows-up with organizations to obtain payments; receives and accounts for facility payments; issues receipts as needed; maintains related records and prepares related reports
K. Inventories and orders equipment, materials, and supplies as needed and within established budgetary guidelines
L. Determines staffing and security needs for various facility-based meetings and events; adjusts work schedule to best meet the needs of the event requests; when necessary, estimates and adjusts related costs; verifies time sheets submitted by employees
M. Maintains a variety of files and records and prepared statistical and routine reports related to conference center facility operations and equipment
N. Performs a variety of clerical duties related to assigned activities programming of digital signage; types, files and duplicates a variety of forms, reports and correspondence, established and maintains files for facility transactions
O. Communicates with various stakeholders to exchange information, resolve issues and coordinate activities
P. Operates a variety of office and audio-visual equipment including a printer, copier, microphone, video projector, computer and assigned software including maintenance of such equipment and/or promptly requesting maintenance assistance
Q. Maintains current knowledge and implementation of modern office practices, procedures, and equipment
R. Trains and provides work direction to assigned staff
S. Attends and participates in a variety of meetings and professional learning as related to assigned activities duties
T. Demonstrates interpersonal and customer-oriented skills including but not limited to tact, patience, and courtesy
U. Implements appropriate public relations methods and techniques, including maintaining the Conference Center website page
V. Serves as the Staff Development contract coordinator
a. Review Statement of Work and contracts by consultants or consulting firms for W-FL BOCES Staff Development and component districts with regards to content, due dates, and deliverables
b. Establishes clear communication and expectations with W-FL BOCES and component district requesting the contract
c. Create PO’s for approved contracts
d. Maintain communication with the school district(s) to ensure contract services are delivered before submitting invoices for payment
e. Submit Staff Development billing for processing and monitor billing reports for accuracy
W. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of Staff Development as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position
Issued: 05/18/2022
The Coordinator Clinical Support shall be responsible to the Director of P-16 Instruction.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- NYS Teacher Certification Students with Disabilities: SWD 7-12, SWD 1-6, Special Education K-12 or School Counselor, School Psychologist or School Social Worker
Responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all inclusive; they are guidelines. Changes will be made as needed. The current responsibilities of the Coordinator Clinical Support are:
A. Overall Function
1. The broad overall function of the Coordinator Clinical Support is to:
a. Coordinate all activities related to Clinical Support Services (CSS);
b. Work directly with the Director of P-16 Instruction on special projects related to the clinical services provided in BOCES special education programs.
c. Seek input from district representatives to enhance or supplement program options and consultant offerings.
B. Referral Activities
1. The Coordinator is to make contact with all participant districts' Committee on Special Education Chairpersons to ensure that they understand the services available to them, and the procedure for acquiring the services.
2. Upon receipt of a referral from the Committee on Special Education, the Coordinator shall, where appropriate:
a. Meet with district staff (psychologist, teacher, principal, etc.) and parents in order to obtain and understand their concerns.
b. Provide their professional impression, explain how the CSS could best be utilized, and lay any other groundwork that is needed to facilitate and expedite the referral.
c. Review essential student data including medical and psychological reports, school data, etc.
d. Assist the districts in formulating specific referral questions, and make recommendations for the appropriate services needed, their proper sequencing, and the site where services should be furnished.
C. Assessment Activities
1. The Coordinator will secure the appropriate service, schedule the appointment, and contact the involved parties regarding appointment times.
2. The Coordinator will send all appropriate data to the specialist(s).
3. The Coordinator will facilitate communication between the schools and the specialist(s) involved to keep the schools informed as the referral progresses, and make sure all details are attended to.
4. The Coordinator will assist the specialist, when appropriate, in conducting the evaluation.
D. Consultation and Documentation
1. The Coordinator will arrange a diagnostic staffing with district personnel and evaluator to share findings and programming, instructional, and placement recommendations, when appropriate.
2. The Coordinator will see that follow-up reports and written documentation related to consults is distributed to parents, district and/or BOCES personnel, as needed.
E. Service to the Committee on Special Education
1. Upon request, the Coordinator will provide direct service to the district's Committee on Special Education relative to diagnostic recommendations and their implementation in the child's individual education plan.
2. The Coordinator will become familiar with area mental health, educational, and other similar agencies; special education programs; and residential centers and current research regarding exceptional children.
3. The Coordinator will provide, when requested, assistance in identification and programming for students with traumatic brain injury.
4. The Coordinator will maintain skills and training to provide input for assessment via the autism behavior scale.
F. Follow-Up Activities
1. Upon receipt of the bills from the involved specialists, the Coordinator will work with clerical staff to process the claims for payment.
G. Clinical Services - BOCES Special Programs
1. The Coordinator will provide clinical support and program development assistance, in identified areas, to improve delivery of classroom and related services activities.
2. Through research and networking the Coordinator will stay apprised of opportunities available through community agencies and educational institutions and share relevant information with districts/BOCES personnel.
H. The Coordinator Clinical Support will coordinate the Trauma, Informed, Grief (TIG) Process for the BOCES schools and support component districts. These duties will include:
1. Be the point person for the TIG Consortium.
2. Coordinate supports during TIG events notifying staff of the incident and pulling together the debrief meeting and organizing supports.
3. Conducting regular training for TIG trained teams at each of the BOCES’ schools.
4. Supporting the Director of Communication in TIG incidents that occur within the component district pulling together resources and staffing supports if necessary.
5. Providing support and coordination if necessary at night or during weekends.
I. Communicate any necessary supports related to TIG events with the Director of P-16 Instruction.
J. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of P-16 Instruction as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: June 3, 1999
Revised: September 21, 2023
The Coordinator E-Rate shall be responsible to the Manager of Operations/Business Development.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Three years experience in bookkeeping, accounting and/or other financial duties. Associate degree preferred.
- Documented experience in attention to detail and accuracy.
- Organizational ability and management for meeting key deadlines.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator E-Rate are:
- All facets of management and implementation of the Schools and Library E-Rate program for assigned districts and BOCES.
- Manage all facets of the E-Rate filing, reimbursement process for all assigned districts and BOCES.
- Coordinate E-Rate processing: making sure that all forms for the application and reimbursement process are submitted on schedule. At any given time, the coordinator is managing at least 2 school years. When necessary, submitting the following forms:
- Form 470 (initial application requesting services - may initiate a bidding process) - for the next school year.
- Form 471 (when vendors are established and estimating how much funding to request and from which vendors) - for the next school year.
- Form 472 (reimbursement) - for July-Dec expenditures - for funding already established in the current school year - start in Feb. Then for Jan-June expenditures sometime in late June early July.
- Form 486 - After funding has been approved within 120 days of approval - for the next school year.
- Form 479 - and letter of agency from districts - (usually the summer before beginning of the next school year). These show CIPA compliance as well as granting EduTech permission to do their E-Rate filing for them.
- Communicate and coordinate with all telecommunications vendors as required.
- Communicate and coordinate with district Business Officials, Technology Coordinators, Building Project Consultants and other individuals necessary to assist in the various aspects of the E-Rate program.
- Communicate and coordinate with Schools and Libraries Commission Officials as required.
- Communicate and coordinate with New York State E-Rate Central staff.
- Central point of contact and oversight for auditors requests for further information - can be for both next school year requests as well as current school year requests.
- Keeping track of all funds received by school year, including Phone Co-Ser and LAKENet funds.
- Generate management statistics /reports, report to management, as well as school districts the status of all applications.
- Create and maintain a database to automate the record keeping of E-Rate information.
- Supervise and train assigned personnel who assist in the E-Rate process.
- Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Manager of Operations/Business Development as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: February 7, 2011
Revised: September 26, 2023
The Coordinator of the Employee Assistance Program works under the general supervision of the Director of Human Resources. This program provides services to the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES component school districts employees and their family members, who are dealing with job-affecting problems. Responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all inclusive; they are guidelines. Changes will be made as needed.
The Coordinator of the Employee Assistance Program is responsible for providing a confidential assessment, counseling, and referral service. Specifically, the Coordinator of the Employee Assistance Program is responsible for the following:
- Conduct a confidential intake assessment of an employee and/or family member seeking assistance.
- Based on the assessment, provide short term counseling support to address personal, relationship, or workplace concerns and difficulties.
- Provide referral services for issues that cannot be resolved within a short (3 visits) amount of time.
- As requested by supported component district administration, provide EAP literature and subject matter presentations to staff and family members.
- Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of Human Resources as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: January 23, 2019
The Public Information Coordinator is responsible for establishing and maintaining a two-way communication process between internal and external publics and for assuring the quality of visual and auditory information disseminated by the organization, thus promoting a positive and consistent organizational image. This involves a variety of tasks that require well-developed skills in the area of interpersonal communications, audience analysis, creative and technical writing, communication design and media options, practices and procedures. The Public Information Coordinator defines communication needs and develops and/or directs the development of these communications appropriately for each given audience. The Public Information Coordinator shall be responsible to the District Superintendent. The following list of tasks/responsibilities is not all inclusive. It offers a guideline to help identify the major elements of this position. The District Superintendent will review specific assignments and make changes as necessary.
1. Establish and maintain internal and external communication links and with the cooperation of each department, manage the flow of information for the purpose of building trust and sending clear, consistent, timely and positive organizational messages.
2. Develop and maintain a public relations program and strategy.
3. Develop and maintain positive media relations.
4. Standardize and encourage the use of the corporate logo and identification on publications, signs, meeting materials, etc.
5. Write news releases, news letters, articles, announcements, and informational and educational brochures and pamphlets describing and promoting BOCES programs and services.
6. Arrange and present BOCES informational presentations to community groups such as Rotary, AAUW, Lions, etc.
7. Assist in the design, preparation, color, copy writing, printing and distribution of informational brochures, marketing materials, letterhead, programs, posters, advertisements, and pamphlets for various BOCES departments and act as the final copy editor for all printed matter.
8. Prepare the Annual Meeting booklet.
9. Assist in the production of video materials, scriptwriting for special presentations and commercials.
10. Photograph events of importance with photo quality suitable for publication and/or use in narrated slide programs.
11. Review all printed informational vehicles for the Technical and Career centers including adult educational materials, for consistency and appropriateness utilizing criteria such as gender equity, reading level, corporate ID placement, grammar and punctuation in addition to those related to format and design.
12. Assist in determining departmental marketing and advertising needs.
13. Assist with and advise in the development of relationships with businesses other educational institutions and the community at large.
14. Advise the District Superintendent on the probable public relations consequences relating to shifts in existing programs and policies.
15. Assist with other activities as requested.
Issued: 6/3/99
Revised: 12/7/2010
The Regional Information Project Coordinator shall act as liaison between the Regional Information Center and assigned districts for planning for, installing and utilizing all regional information center services and shall facilitate access for the districts to specialists from the Regional Information Center when additional expertise is needed for planning and decision making. Responsibilities listed on this job description cannot be considered to be all inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major element of the job. Specific responsibilities will be reviewed as needed by the Director of EduTech. Changes will be made as needed. The current responsibilities of the Regional Information Center Project Coordinator are:
- Assist the assigned districts in the development of comprehensive plans for the installation and utilization of computer technology and ensure the availability of a current district plan for all computer equipment, services and training for all districts is accomplished in a timely manner.
- Assist districts in determining the appropriate technology and services required to address the districts’ needs as laid out in the plan from among all available sources including those provided by the Information Center.
- Advise the districts of existing standards for all computer applications, hardware and software, to ensure knowledgeable district decisions in the selection process.
- Oversee the ordering of equipment as requested by the district to ensure completeness, compatibility, proper pricing, appropriate financing and aidability.
- Review regularly service desk records for assigned districts to discern commonality of problems and suggest a plan of action for deficiencies, either to the Information Center or the district(s) as appropriate.
- Ensure training is made available as needed to provide a high level of expertise at application start up, transition, or as a remedial effort where records so indicate.
- Interface directly with all functional work groups of the Regional Information Center to ensure that the school districts’ needs in all areas are being satisfied.
- Keep management informed at all times of any adverse conditions with a school district which may impact the Regional Information Center’s ability to provide quality services.
Issued: 6/3/99
Revised: 12/7/2010
The Coordinator SE-Support Services shall be responsible to the Director, Alternative and Special Education. The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all inclusive. They are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the position. Current responsibilities tend to change according to District needs and requests.Current responsibilities and/or services provided include:
- Providing up-to-date, research driven professional development to school district staff, students, and/or parents. Offerings include a variety of topics that will ensure improvement in understanding, instruction, and support of students with disabilities with an emphasis on Least Restrictive Environment placement.
- Providing classroom observations followed by consultation and/or written feedback to support and assist districts with teaching techniques, behavioral support strategies, and material adaptations/modifications based on individual student needs.
- Providing assistance to Districts with team development by facilitating team meetings and encouraging consistent and positive communication among team members.
- Providing parent support and education involving disability awareness/education, the IEP process, positive team membership and communication, and facilitation of good working relationships with district staff and community agencies.
- Providing coaching, mentoring, and modeling to teachers and support staff with instructional techniques and strategies based on individual student needs.
- Providing assistance with student transitioning between grade levels, school buildings, and program changes.
- Providing assistance to administration and other school staff in program development.
- Independently reviewing, researching, and maintaining current and innovative knowledge, strategies, and resources for improved education and support of student with disabilities. Providing and disseminating information, resources, and/or materials to districts as needed.
- Maintaining program documentation for billing purposes, preparing consultation reports for districts, preparing materials for district sharing and staff development, scheduling daily appointments, managing and maintaining program budget, and other program maintenance responsibilities as needed.
- Flexibility with changing requests and obligations that include skills in the areas of: time management, organization, positive communication and strong interpersonal skills.
Issued: 10/13/11
Coordinator of Case Management and Student Placement
The Coordinator of Case Management and Student Placement shall be responsible to the Coordinator of Health Careers.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- BA/BS in psychology/mental health
- MS in Human Services/Counseling/Social Work preferred
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Case Management and Student Placement are:
A. Provide weekly verbal and/or written communication to the Coordinator of Health Careers on program updates and other related information regarding the responsibilities of the role
B. Case Management: Recruitment and Enrollment
a. Recruiting students for the Practical Nursing Program
b. Participating in and seeking out marketing and outreach opportunities
c. Following up on all referrals and inquiries by phone, mail and email
d. Providing career counseling, program information and financial aid resource referrals
e. Facilitating site visits
f. Serving as liaison between W-FL BOCES, sponsoring agency counselors, students and instructors to assess students acceptability for program
C. Case Management: Student Enrollment in Practical Nursing Program
a. Providing program and entrance exam information to interested candidates
b. Maintaining attendance records of sponsored students
c. Proctoring entrance exams and processing results
d. Conducting LPN information sessions
e. Reviewing and processing LPN applications through the determined interview process including but not limited to reviewing and rating required admission paperwork and completing “Acceptance Ranking” rubric form for each candidate
f. Meeting regularly with Admissions Committee to determine “Accepted” students
g. Organizing and participating in new student orientations
h. Collecting and managing all compliance documents
D. Case Management: Practical Nursing Student Retention
a. Monitoring students’ attendance and academic progress
b. Recording weekly attendance in computer based learning system
c. Providing support related to various student concerns
d. Participating in weekly Standards Committee meetings to discuss program and student issues
e. Initiating phone and direct contact with teachers including but not limited to student progress and concerns
f. Initiating phone and direct contact with agency counselors including but not limited to: student attendance, academic progress and any concerns/issues
g. Facilitating completion of Clinical and Program Evaluation Forms
h. Participating in staff meetings
i. Participating in Advisory Committee meetings
j. Providing students with needed documentations for Public Assistance, Child Care, Unemployment, etc.
k. Facilitating and sharing information related to Job Seeking Assistance workshops; Job Searching, Resume Writing, Interviewing, Job Keeping/Advancement Skills
l. Proctoring exams
m. Collecting data and assisting with all required reports
n. Assisting program non-completers with the re-enrollment process as applicable
o. Providing students with counseling and advocacy during Code of Conduct infractions
p. Planning and participating in events including but not limited to: Career Day, Job Fair, and Graduation ceremony
E. Student Placement
a. Planning, monitoring, and record keeping the clinical sites which includes setting up the rotation sites for students, on-boarding students for clinical sites which includes: health care preparation and “In-place” programming
b. Planning and collaborating with the Coordinator of Health Careers on Advisory and Faculty meetings
c. Supporting the Coordinator of Health Careers in various required reports
F. Student Follow-Up
a. Including but not limited to contacting all graduates to obtain licensing and job placement data
G. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Coordinator for Health Careers as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: January 13, 2020
Revised: April 29, 2024
Coordinator of Communications & Marketing for Section V Athletics
The Coordinator of Communications & Marketing for Section V Athletics shall be responsible to the Executive Coordinator of Section V Athletics.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Strong knowledge of high school sports, athletics, programs, and systems
- Knowledge of media relations and communications
- Excellent communication skills including written, verbal, electronic
- Strong interpersonal skills
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Communications & Marketing for Section V Athletics are:
A. Coordinate Section V event media relations and credentialing including but not limited to
a. Create and distribute media such as press releases, newsletters, articles, announcements, informational brochures and pamphlets
b. Manage all related social media, including highlighting and promoting student athletes
c. Supervise all Section V webpage(s)
d. Develop and oversee Section V publications
e. Assist in the production of video materials, scriptwriting for presentations/commercials
f. Photograph events with photo quality suitable for publication and/or use in narrated slide programs
g. Develop and maintain positive media relations
B. Create and implement Section V marketing and branding plan(s)
C. Plan, organize, implement tasks effectively within deadlines and timelines
D. Build and maintain positive relationships with all levels of Section V participants
E. Stay current on best industry practices in marketing and branding then implementing in Section V
F. Assist with and advise in the development of relationships with businesses, other educational institutions, and the communities at large
G. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Coordinator of Section V Athletics as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: April 19, 2023
Coordinator of Community School Services (Shared)
The Coordinator of Community School Services shall be responsible to the Director of Shared Services.
Minimum qualifications are listed on the job posting and will include applicable certification(s).
This position will be provided day to day operational direction by the Director of Shared Services. Duties will be specific to the tiered level of services purchased by the districts and may include part or whole of the following list of current responsibilities.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Community School Services are:
A. Directs projects and grants.
B. Coordinates resources.
C. Provides oversight and ensures grant outcomes.
D. May supervise grant funded staff and other staff as assigned.
E. Assists with coordination of hiring of grant funded staff.
F. Ensures the successful completion and filing of all grant required reports.
G. Facilitates open communication and provide supports necessary for students at risk academically, socially and emotionally, so they can overcome barriers to become successful in the school academic environment.
H. Builds supports for early childhood systems.
I. Develops behavioral health supports for schools.
J. Creates opportunities for enrichment and social emotional learning after school.
K. Addresses issues like chronic attendance/ tardy issues of why/ how to prevent/ improve population outcomes for specific concerns using data, systems & practices.
L. Facilitates access to transportation resources for students/ families to meetings/ appointments and have the ability and willingness to transport students/families to meetings/appointments.
M. Advocates for students w/ outside agencies, school personnel, and associated school programs.
N. Recruits and coordinates the activities of individuals and organizations willing to offer programs and services at the school to meet the need of student, families, and community members.
O. Identifies and recruits people and organizations willing to offer programs and services for students and families at the school or to assist with operations.
P. Facilitates cross-referral of students and families between service providers.
Q. Carries out needed research and study to gain full working knowledge of developments in MTSS, trauma, early childhood, after school, behavioral health and social issues like equity and juvenile justice.
R. Researches and identifies appropriate curriculum based measurement tools to provide frequent monitoring of students’ progress to enhance the academic components of an MTSS program.
S. Guides the process for purchase of additional intervention materials.
T. Identifies evidence‐based instructional programs which may be adopted by district to improve instructional methods in classrooms where needed.
U. Encourages teachers and instructional staff to develop research‐based instructional practices that support the development of children’s language, literacy, and mathematical background knowledge and concept development.
V. Collects and analyzes student data (including pre/post, interim, 3-8 and NWEA assessment results).
W. Oversees data collection and progress monitoring for all projects.
X. Develops and oversees implementation plans.
Y. Writes grants that align with district strategic interests.
Z. Manages grants in a coordinated fashion that aligns with strategic district goals.
AA. Oversees program quality using metrics provided by funders or create metrics that can be used to monitor progress.
BB. Ensures that all funds are spent appropriately, on time and in a fashion that leads to the accomplishment of grant objectives.
CC. Maintains familiarity with the needs of the community, schools, students and families.
DD. Develops collaborative networks to facilitate the achievement of grant objectives.
EE. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the BOCES Director of Shared Services as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued April 24, 2018
Revised May 16, 2018
Coordinator of Data Governance
The Coordinator of Data Governance shall be responsible to the Manager of Data Services.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Ability to identify technical requirements as they relate to cybersecurity
- In-depth understanding of computer systems
- Have familiarity with cybersecurity frameworks such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework
- All degrees within education and/or technology fields considered
- In-depth knowledge of cybersecurity
- Understand the principals of data governance
- Possess an understanding of the educational environment
- Experience and knowledge in data software applications preferred
- Ability to conduct professional development for teachers and administrators
- Ability to work collaboratively with colleagues
- Must be able to travel to 47 School Districts and 2 BOCES in the EduTech region
- Excellent written and communication skills
- Self-motivated and the capacity to accomplish tasks independently
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Data Governance are:
A. Facilitating the risk assessment of the current information security status of systems based on current regulations, policies and best practices (including but not limited to):
a. Understanding and monitoring audit logs and technical reports
b. Reviewing current practices for efficacy and security
c. Communicating pertinent laws and regulations
d. Communicating privacy complaints
e. Communicating potential agency risks
f. Establishing and maintaining an information technology (IT) inventory
i. Data
ii. Software
iii. Hardware
B. Assisting administration, staff and the Board of Education with the implementation and coordination of policies and procedures to ensure compliance with current state regulations, federal regulations, privacy laws including but not limited to Education Law Section 2d.
C. Assisting with investigations and responses to breaches or incidents, as required.
D. Managing the agencies compliance program.
E. Evaluating new technologies and supporting the negotiation of privacy and security terms and conditions into contracts with third-party contractors.
F. Facilitating the implementation of a professional development program:
a. Creating and maintaining documentation
b. Providing guidance and training
c. Presenting security requirements and updates and informing all stakeholders about how schools use student data and the measures taken to protect student privacy
d. Maintaining a data security knowledge base
G. Utilizing RIC Data Privacy and Security Service resources to support BOCES compliance and confront increasing threats to data and security.
H. Implementing the National Institute for Standards (NSIT) and Technology Cybersecurity Framework to improve cybersecurity risk management in critical infrastructure.
I. Managing data security and privacy training, education, and awareness for staff and students.
J. Developing and maintaining the educational agencies Data Security and Privacy Action Plan.
K. Providing security assessments of IT systems.
L. Serving as the point of contact for data security and privacy for the education agency, as needed.
M. Preparing data for leadership teams to assist with the assessment of security threats and the implementation of data governance practices.
N. Coordinating the implementation and documentation of system controls.
O. Addressing security concerns by evaluating existing environments, identifying the current status and recommending solutions based on current regulations and best practices.
P. Working closely with IT staff to carry out information security tasks and projects.
Q. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Manager of Data Services as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: March 12, 2020
Revised: September 25, 2023
Coordinator of Data Integration
The Coordinator of Data Integration shall be responsible to the Manager of Data Services.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- All degrees within education and/or technology fields considered
- Possess an understanding of the educational environment
- Experience and knowledge in data software applications preferred
- Ability to conduct professional development for teachers and administrators
- Ability to work collaboratively with colleagues
- Must be able to travel to 47 school districts and 2 BOCES in the EduTech region
- Excellent written and communication skills
- Self-motivated capacity to accomplish tasks independently
- Ability to identify technical requirements as they relate to an in-depth understanding of data systems
- Additional minimal qualifications as listed on the job posting
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed, and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Data Integration are:
A. Facilitating system analysis and project management work related to integration of data across computer systems
B. Analyzing and troubleshooting data systems and processes related to user needs
C. Designing new systems and/or revising systems to meet federal, state, local data requirements
D. Providing reporting and report training as required
E. Participating in Statewide meetings for implementation of NYSED initiatives on Assessments and state data collection
F. Acting as the central point for knowledge, information for the State Data Collection process, requirements
G. Acting as the Manager of Data Services’ designee in overseeing all tasks required to populate the statewide Student Data Warehouse. Communicate changes to all EduTech and district staff impacted
H. Representing the Regional Information Center at statewide and regional meetings
I. Facilitating data administrator meetings multiple times a year to communicate changes in data reporting, processing to our districts
J. Staying aware and up to date of all regulation changes and communicating such to districts through meetings and trainings
K. Providing for the timely update of systems and associated documentation
L. Responsible for the analysis, testing and implementation of maintenance upgrades, or parameter updates, as required
M. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Manager of Data Services as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: September 20, 2021
Revised: September 25, 2023
The Coordinator of Data Services shall be responsible to the Director of EduTech.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- NYSED certification with experience in K-12, school student systems, and NYS data collection process
- Leadership experience preferred
- Strong and effective verbal and written communication skills
- Ability to supervise and evaluate staff
- Strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills
- Ability to work independently, as well as well as collaboratively
- Must be able to travel to 47 school districts and 2 BOCES in the EduTech region
- Additional minimal qualifications as listed on the job posting
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed, and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Data Services are:
A. Supervising distributed, shared data staff supporting the State Data Collection, data driven instruction, and related tasks in school districts.
B. Acting as district/EduTech liaison for shared staff placement.
C. Maintaining all personnel-required documentation.
D. Participating in interviewing and hiring practices as required.
E. Fostering appropriate communications between members of the shared data staff and with all other EduTech, BOCES and district operating units to ensure a coordinated approach to providing high quality of services.
F. Representing the Regional Information Center at statewide and regional meetings.
G. Facilitating regional meetings multiple times a year to communicate changes in data reporting, processing to our districts.
H. Providing direction to staff assigned to Data Driven Instruction, training.
I. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of EduTech as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: January 15, 2015
Revised: September 29, 2023
The Coordinator of Health Careers shall be responsible to the Principal of Special Programs.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Possess a BS in Nursing
- 5-7 years of documented experience as a Registered Nurse and 2 years of direct care of the elderly and chronically ill.
- Preference will be given to candidates who have instructional and supervisory experience
- Possess, or be qualified to obtain, appropriate New York State Education Department Certification in Practice Nursing
- Possess a broad skill set of effective teaching and learning to engage learners of all levels, including but not limited to:
- Knowledge of curriculum content and accepted methods of instruction
- Ability to work collaboratively as a member of a team
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Commitment to promoting equity, practicing cultural responsiveness, and creating inclusive environments
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Health Careers are:
A. Development revision and recommendations for changes to the various curricula in the health program offerings to meet State Education Department requirements and changing health care community needs.
B. Acting as a liaison between community agencies, case managers, and advisory committees.
C. Annually, reviewing affiliation agreements for clinical experiences or internships and submit changes to the Principal of Special Programs.
D. Keeping appropriate records and submitting necessary reports to the State Education Department and other program related agencies.
E. Assisting with annual budget preparation.
F. Approve preparing class and clinical site schedules.
G. Planning program ceremonies with the assistance of staff and students.
H. Keeping abreast of trends in the health care field by attending meetings, workshops and conferences.
I. Assisting with planning, setting up and attending regularly scheduled staff and quarterly advisory committee meetings and professional development.
J. Keeping Principal of Special Programs informed of students’ progress, outcomes of field experiences, staff and advisory recommendation, and any other special consideration involving student, staff, or curricula.
K. Recruitment, selection and orientation of new staff.
L. Assisting in the supervision and evaluation of staff to provide program improvement and to meet contractual obligations.
M. With the assistance of the staff, recommending procedures for retention of students in the health department programs.
N. Reviewing students’ performance and keeping the case managers informed in a timely manner.
O. Assisting in marketing the Health Department programs and recruitment of students.
P. Attend the quarterly RASON meetings
Q. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Principal of Special Programs or designee as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued April 3, 2019
Revised March 5, 2024
Coordinator of Instructional Data
The Coordinator of Instructional Data shall be responsible to the Manager of Data Services.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Ability to analyze and interpret student and district data required
- All degrees within education and/or technology fields considered
- Experience teaching P-16 preferred
- Experience and knowledge in data software applications preferred
- Knowledge of New York State’s curriculum
- Ability to conduct professional development for teachers and administrators
- Ability to disaggregate, interpret, and analyze assessment data
- Must be able to travel to 47 school districts and 2 BOCES in the EduTech region
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Instructional Data are:
- Providing support to teachers in their classroom through coaching, modeling, and mentoring.
- Creating positive relationships with teachers and administrators.
- Coordinating and providing on-going staff development opportunities at the district and school levels.
- Meeting with teachers during grade level planning to assist with curriculum alignment, instructional strategies, data analysis, and assessment.
- Facilitating data meetings with teachers as they analyze and make data driven decisions to impact student achievement.
- Staying abreast of research based instructional strategies by attending professional development sessions and reading professional educational research.
- Working positively toward meeting identified district and building improvement goals.
- Assisting with the creation of district benchmark assessments and data analysis.
- Preparing correspondence, reports, forms, evaluations, statements, etc. using prescribed formats.
- Preparing data for building based leadership teams or principals with assistance in determining instructional goals and professional development activities.
- Evaluating results of using data for instructional decision making, involving both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, considerations of research design, and control of confounding variables
- Training teachers and principals on the uses of student data for instructional decision making and tools available on an ongoing basis.
- Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Manager of Data Services as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: September 10, 2019
Revised: September 25, 2023
The Coordinator of Instructional Technology is under the general supervision of the Manager Project Coordination but reports directly to each component District Superintendent or their designee and responds to their tasks and direction.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Instructional Technology are:
A. All technology planning for the district.
B. Responsibility for creation, justification and management of technology budget for the district.
C. Research current and developing technology capabilities in regards to their ability to enhance instruction.
D. Serve as district point of contact for BOCES provided hardware and software support.
E. Make technology staffing recommendations to the component District Superintendent.
F. Provide supervision of district based technology staff.
G. Provide and/or arrange for technology training for staff.
H. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the component District Superintendent as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: 12/1/2012
Revised: February 7, 2024
Coordinator of the Leadership Institute
The Coordinator of the Leadership Institute shall be responsible to the District Superintendent.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of the Leadership Institute are:
A. Initiate/Coordinate Nominations to the Leadership
a. Create and distribute nomination packets;
b. Arrange for Prequel to Administration registration process at one of the partner colleges.
c. Arrange for the People Styles workshop
B. Coordinate Nomination Process and Recognition Dinner
a. Monitor nominations to the Leadership Institute and initiate action, as needed.
b. Communicate with teachers who are seeking nomination to the Institute.
c. Arrange for the January recognition dinner
d. Order books for Prequel to Administration graduate course.
C. Arrange for Prequel to Administration course
a. Answer questions from prospective nominees.
b. Supervise Recognition Dinner and Facilitate Leadership Institute Fellows Tasks
c. Coordinate and supervise the recognition dinner event.
d. Attend at least the first and last meetings of the Prequel to Administration course.
e. Facilitate tuition stipend for fellows who complete the course.
f. Facilitate the annual scholarship process.
D. Arrange and Lead Recognition Reception Event and End-Of-The Year Tasks
a. Arrange and lead recognition reception event
b. Prepare summary of evaluations (Prequel to Administration course).
E. On-going tasks
a. Prepare agendas, handouts and conduct Leadership Institute Board meetings.
b. Prepare Leadership Institute Board meeting minutes
c. Communicate with Leadership Institute Board members
d. Prepare and monitor yearly budget reports
e. Contact Leadership Institute fellows, and update status of fellows, document, as needed.
f. Answer questions from Leadership Institute fellows.
g. Maintain a working relationship with clerical support
F. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the District Superintendent as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: September 25, 2019
Coordinator of Membership Services
The Coordinator of Membership Services shall be responsible to the Executive Director of Four County School Boards Association.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- High School Diploma or GED, an Associate’s Degree/Business School training and/or several years prior successful experience in a secretarial position; such alternatives as the Association Executive Committee may find appropriate and acceptable.
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
Terms of Employment:
- Hired by the Executive Director and continued in employment as long as the affiliation remains satisfactory. In the event of resignation, reasonable notice of two weeks is expected.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Membership Services are:
A. Providing support in all areas of Membership Services and assist the Executive Director in the operations, marketing, programming, and fiscal operation of the Association
B. Coordinating and providing services to the Association membership
C. Coordinating meetings and events of the Association
D. Maintaining the list serve, webpage, newsletters, and creating the Facts and Figures Book
E. Managing the financial affairs of the Association to include accounts payable and receivable, bank accounts, data entry, Quickbooks
F. Managing the Association office and keeping the Executive Director apprised of office activities and issues
G. Serving as the Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director
H. Establishing and maintaining partnerships and sponsorships with groups that support the vision and mission of the Association
I. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Director of Four County School Boards Association as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Adopted: March 31, 2021
Four County School Boards Association Approved: September 1995
Four County School Boards Association Amended: January 2006
Four County School Boards Association Revised: January 17, 2019
Four County School Boards Association Revised: February 24, 2020
The Coordinator of Multimedia Development shall be responsible to the Director of EduTech.
The Coordinator of Multimedia Development serves at the strategic and operational levels to design, develop, implement and deploy multimedia solutions. Flexibility, strong communication skills and the ability to coordinate institutional resources to assist district and internal departmental initiatives are intrinsic to the position.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed, and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Multimedia are:
A. Internal User/Customer Responsibilities
a. Maintain technology resources for media production and workflow.
b. Assist and advise RIC WAN/LAN staff on matters of multimedia delivery and distribution.
c. Contribute to the planning, production, editing, replication and distribution of multimedia content for the needs of the organization.
d. Coordinate the development and use of Distance Learning technology, networking and scheduling.
e. Support for departments utilizing technology for the production and consumption of multimedia.
B. External User/Customer Responsibilities
a. Contribute to solutions and services for component district needs in the areas of multimedia networking and Distance Learning delivery.
b. Act as an advisor the multimedia projects.
c. Serve as resource and solution provider for issues related to multimedia technology platforms.
C. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of EduTech as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: January, 30, 2012
Revised: September 29, 2023
Coordinator of Online Instruction
The Coordinator of Online Instruction shall be responsible to the Administrator of Online Instruction. This is a coordinator position that works exclusively with the AccelerateU online learning program.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- New York State Teaching or Counseling certification (permanent or professional)
- 3-5 years of full time relevant experience
- Technical expertise with various, diverse online applications used in the management of AccelerateU
- NYSED fingerprint clearance
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Online Instruction are:
A. Processing monthly payroll for part-time online teachers
B. Generating monthly billing to various BOCES and districts
C. Completing weekly progress checks of online students in all courses
D. Enrolling, withdrawing, and completing students in our systems on a year-round basis
E. Generating reports: vendor reports, end-date reports, progress reports, inactive student reports, and others
F. Orienting and supporting new online students in various districts
G. Orienting and supporting advisors and counselors who support online students
H. Answering daily email from students, teachers, advisors, parents, and internal staff
I. Systems testing and quality control, involving our Student Information System, Learning Management System, and online content vendors
J. Alerting districts, students, and parents of upcoming deadlines and events
K. Conferring with online teachers to inform them of issues related to specific students
L. Maintaining the AccelerateU portal on the W-FL BOCES website.
M. Participating in district meetings to present AccelerateU services
N. Reviewing Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 Plans and alerting teachers to test modifications
O. Keeping current with online education within New York state and across the country
P. Participating in all grant activities associated with AccelerateU
Q. Keeping current with NYSED Standards updates to ensure alignment with AccelerateU courses
R. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Administrator of Online Instruction as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: April 2, 2019
Revised September 26, 2023
Coordinator of Pre-Employment Services
The Coordinator of Pre-Employment Services shall be responsible to the Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Programs P-16.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- NYS Certification in 7-12 Students with Disabilities or 7-12 Content Specific Students with Disabilities or School Counselor Certification.
- Experience working with students who are achieving the CDOS Credential.
- Work Based Learning Certification Preferred.
- Knowledge of ACCES-VR.
- Strong communication skills and ability to build and maintain relationships with community partners.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Pre-Employment Services are:
- Creating an individualized transition plan for students linked to students’ interest and future career goals.
- Coordinating scheduling and implementation of identified services with community partners, school districts personnel, students, and families.
- Assisting with service delivery, as needed. This may include but is not limited to teaching, one-on-one counseling, job coaching, and/or establishing work-based learning experiences for students.
- Ensuring quality of service delivery through ongoing communication with the Work-Based Learning Coordinator, ACCES-VR staff, District Staff, job coaches, and participants.
- Completing the required annual training requirements for the position mandated by ACCES-VR.
- Acquiring and maintaining the appropriate documentation for service delivery according to the Pre-ETS contract.
- Collecting, organizing, and submitting monthly progress/billing reports to ACCES-VR according to the Pre-ETS contract.
- Collaborating with community partners and school districts to identify students to receive appropriate services through the Pre-ETS contract.
- Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Programs P-16 as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: October 21, 2019
Revised November 25, 2019
Coordinator of Regional Math Initiatives
The Coordinator of Regional Math Initiatives shall be responsible to the Director of Staff Development.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- NYS Teacher Certification
- NYS SBL/SDL Administrative certificate (preferred)
- Preference given to candidates who demonstrate coaching/teacher leader experience
- Preference given to candidates who have led instructional initiatives and demonstrated examples of personalizing instruction to meet the needs of all learners
- At least 5 years classroom experience teaching mathematics
- Willing to attend overnight statewide and national conferences
- Travel throughout the 25 components districts within W-FL BOCES
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Regional Math Initiatives are:
A. Assists and guides the 25 components districts within W-FL BOCES in prek-12 mathematics initiatives
B. Strong understanding of the NYS Math Learning Standards
C. Coordinates and provides professional learning opportunities grounded in strong mathematical practices
D. Coordinates and provides math curriculum support
E. Assists component districts with data analysis
F. Assists component districts with local assessment creation and analysis
G. Analyzes NYS testing results (grades 3-8 and Regents)
H. Provides math coaching support (content and instructional) to teachers
I. Supports W-FL BOCES Instructional Math Coach(es)
J. Supports coordination of regional scoring for grades 3-8 and Regents state assessments
K. Creates and maintains relationships with local math organizations
L. Stays current with state and regional math initiatives and reports back to component districts
M. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of Staff Development as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: May 14, 2019
Revised: October 6, 2023
Coordinator of Regional Programs
The Coordinator of Regional Programs shall be responsible to the Director of Staff Development.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Hold a NYSED certification or be willing to pursue certification
- Strong communication, leadership and organizational skills
- Deep understanding and appreciation of arts in education and enrichment programs
- Ability to foster connections
- Plan and carry out large-scale events/conferences
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Regional Programs are:
- Arts in Education Coordination
- Provide districts with an array of options for integrating the arts into education, including music, drama, dance, writing, and the visual arts
- Organize and lead an advisory council to improve communication and gain insight on district needs, as well as promote model programs
- Represent Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES in regional and state networks
- Contract with consultants to carry out the work in districts
- Develop a means for publishing and highlighting both the programs offered and the accomplishments of students
- Coordinate professional development opportunities, including scheduling, securing consultants, evaluating the impact, and payment
- Maintain website to include pertinent information for customers about the program and offerings
- Enrichment Coordination
- Provide leadership, direction, coordination, and administration for cooperative enrichment development among component districts
- Provide Project Adept coordination including presenter selection, program description, presenter and student workshop scheduling, workshop implementation, evaluation, and payment
- Maintain website to include pertinent information for customers about the program and offerings
- Regional Spelling Bee Coordination
- Coordinate the Wayne-Finger Lakes annual Regional Spelling Bee
- Arrange location and technical support, order food and supplies, and secure human resources
- Communicate with participating district Spelling Bee Coordinators and assist in local Bees as needed
- Coordinate with Scripps National Spelling Bee to ensure all guidelines and timelines are followed
- Staff Development for Non-Instructional Staff Coordination
- Provide an array of professional development options for non-teaching staff to participate in to strengthen their craft (staff to include, but not limited to transportation, cafeteria, paraeducators, administrative assistants)
- Maintain a partnership with The Upstate Institute for School Boards and Staff Development Board of Directors
i. Coordinate annual conferences based on the Institute’s mission
ii. Recruit member districts
iii. Attend Board meetings and report out on Conferences
iv. Conduct needs assessments and lead planning committees for each conference to gain insight and ideas to what member districts are looking for
v. Serve as editor in chief for all Upstate Institute’s publications and website
vi. Propose program budgets, manage income and expenses, and prepare budgetary status reports
- Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of Staff Development as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position
Issued: October 27, 2021
The Coordinator of Security is responsible to the Assistant Superintendent for Administration.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Degree in Police Science or Criminal Justice, or equivalent
- Experience in a police agency involving work in investigations, or as a police officer, military police, armored vehicle guard, or similar post involving responsibility for the enforcement of peace and order
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Security are:
A) Direct and Coordinate all School Security Programs and Initiatives
1. Manage and control all school security programs including: risk management inspections, insurance audit reports, safety meetings, annual training and awards, emergency planning and drills, National Incident Management System (NIMS) certification, Federal Education Department Crime Reports, photo identification badges, door locks (electric and mechanical), surveillance cameras.
2. Formulate review and offer amendments to policies, subject to Board approval, related to school security and risk management programs and initiatives.
3. Generate and implement emergency plans as required, i.e. lockdown, shelter in place, and evacuations.
4. Perform safety, security and risk management improvements.
5. Study Federal, State and local security and safety regulations applicable to a school/BOCES facility and confer with supervisory and administrative personnel to develop and coordinate procedures for compliance.
6. Confer and coordinate with fire, health, drug councils, law enforcement and other local agencies on safety and security.
7. Educate workers to possible security problems, as requested.
8. Act as liaison between BOCES facilities and law enforcement agencies regarding theft and other violations of the law, at the request of a supervisor or other administrator.
9. Conduct preliminary investigations to assess the need for law enforcement involvement.
10. Develop policies pertaining to visitor safety and security.
11. Evaluate current safety and security procedures and policies in coordination with applicable transportation department staff regarding school bus departure, loading students, and bus safety.
12. Recommend appropriate action for administrators to take when dealing with student and employee criminal conduct related to security.
13. Review and assess district records, law enforcement records, and past actions taken by parents, students and staff to determine the potential for threat to students and employees.
14. Review security data for doors and camera video.
15. Generate confidential security reports for District Superintendent and Board of Education or its designees.
16. Work with police agencies on response to, and investigation of, crimes committed at the school, i.e. vandalism, theft, assault, etc. at the request of a supervisor or other administrator.
B) Manage and Ensure Legal Compliance with Federal, State, County, and Local Regulations and Statutes
1. Establish and maintain open communications with the State Education Department and local school districts.
2. Confer with various district administrators on policies governing the use of school facilities, alteration and construction within the buildings and overall facility operations.
C) Other roles of the position include responsibility for the following:
1. Serve as Chief Emergency Officer
2. Liaison for School Resource Officer Program
3. Responsible for BOCES-wide emergency and security planning, management and training.
4. Oversee BOCES surveillance and access control systems.
5. Supervise and conduct security investigations.
6. Supervise and evaluate security and crisis intervention staff.
D) Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Assistant Superintendent for Administration as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: April 23, 2019
Revised April 29, 2019
The Coordinator of Shared Tech Services shall report to the Manager, Technical Support Team.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- 5 years of experience in staff management in desktop and network installation and support
- Experience in Help Desk management is preferred.
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
Responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific responsibilities will be reviewed as needed by the Manager, Technical Support Team and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Shared Tech Services:
A. Supervision and evaluation of distributed, shared technical staff supporting desktops and local networks in the school districts.
B. Acting as District/EduTech liaison for shared staff placement.
C. Supervising EduTech Call Center operations.
D. Working with Manager, Technical Support Team in implementing support industry standards and best practices.
E. Working closely with the Manager, Technical Support Team in coordinating vendor relationships to ensure constant focus on our customer’s needs and requirements.
F. Fostering appropriate communications between members of the assigned unit with all other operating units to ensure a coordinated approach to providing high quality of services.
G. Participating in interviewing and hiring practices, as required.
H. Maintaining all personnel-required documentation.
I. Maintaining a customer focus at all times. Ensure that the resolution of information or problems is accomplished with a focus on customer satisfaction.
J. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Manager, Technical Support Team as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: September 16, 2019
Revised: September 26, 2023
Coordinator of Special Education Data
The Coordinator of Special Education Data shall be responsible to the Manager of Student Systems.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Ability to analyze and interpret student, district, special education and New York State data required
- All degrees within education and/or technology fields considered
- Experience in all aspects of Special Education preferred, including Medicaid and STACS
- Experience and knowledge of special education software applications preferred
- Ability to organize, facilitate and deliver presentations to large and small groups
- Ability to conduct professional development trainings for Special Education staff and administrators
- Ability to work collaboratively with colleagues
- Must be able travel to all 47 School Districts, 2 BOCES and seven counties in the EduTech region
- Strong verbal and written communication skills
- Strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills
- Ability to work independently
- Must be able to communicate effectively
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed, and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Special Education Data are:
A. Must possess the ability to learn, stay current, and use data software applications effectively and efficiently as well as train others on data software applications.
B. Provide support to CSE personnel through phone and in-person.
C. Create positive relationships with CSE personnel and administrators.
D. Coordinate and provide on-going staff development opportunities at the district for CSE staff and business administrators.
E. Meet with CSE staff to assist with all areas of special education on a regular basis in line with district specific needs.
F. Stay up to date on all special education, Medicaid and STAC topics.
G. Prepare correspondence, reports, forms, evaluations, statements, etc. using prescribed formats.
H. Record and deliver information, explain procedures, follow oral and written instructions.
I. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Manager of Student Systems as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: March 2, 2020
Revised: September 25, 2023
Coordinator of Student Placement
The Coordinator of Student Placement shall be responsible to the Assigned Supervisor.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- NYS Certification as a School Counselor, School Psychologist, School Social Worker, Special Education and/or School Building Leader.
- Five (5) to seven (7) years experience as a classroom teacher or related service supporting marginalized students.
- Experience working in BOCES or working as a partner with a BOCES.
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Student Placement are:
A. In conjunction with the Assigned Supervisor, provide direction for the instructional programs by:
a. Assisting in continuous evaluation and enhancement of existing programs in relation to student and district needs
b. Corresponding with district on student progress and areas of concern
c. Overseeing and managing the student referral process between component school districts and school staff including disseminating information and communicating individual student needs and when necessary, communicating wait list information
d. Coordinating with appropriate district level and/or W-FL BOCES Personnel to establish consistent practices among the component districts and facilitate communication on SED initiatives and intake practices as appropriate among the component districts student referrals and facilitate communication between sites and component districts
e. Developing and facilitating professional development opportunities to enable staff to grow in their skills
f. Connect students to employers by facilitating interviews, matching students to internship sites, and assisting with internship and job shadowing experiences for students
g. Advising students in their preparation to seek employment or post-secondary education opportunities
B. Work with Counseling staff and Instructional Pathway Coordinators to assure compliance with IEP/504 directives as well as CDOS/CET internship requirements
C. Manage student academic records, district referrals, and communicate with district on specific student needs including direct case management and program management
D. Support and improve student academic outcomes
E. Promote a collaborative relationship and maintain effective communications with and among staff, pupils, parents, interagencies, and local school districts
F. Conduct classroom observations of referred students to assist in placement decisions, as needed
G. Compile and disaggregate various forms of data
H. Promote a safe and secure environment (based on program needs) by:
a. Assuming final responsibility for pupil discipline based on the Code of Conduct
b. Follow emergency and crisis plans
c. Organize and facilitate the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES Threat Assessment Committee
d. Develop, implement and follow student emergency and crisis plans
I. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Assigned Supervisor or their Designee as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position
Issued: October 6, 2023
Revised: Mary 30, 2024
Coordinator of Technology
The Coordinator of Technology shall be responsible to the Manager Project Coordination and reports directly to each component District Superintendent or their designee, responding to their tasks and direction.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- SBL/SDL certification preferred but not required
- Ability to demonstrate leadership
- Basic technical knowledge of networks, technology
- Basic understanding of Education Law 2d
- Basic understanding of IT departments and how they work with instruction
- Ability to work among cross functional departments within a district and BOCES
- Strong interpersonal skills
- Ability to effectively communicate both verbally and written
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Technology are:
A. Administrative and leadership support for mixed computing platforms
B. Providing networking, end-user guidance in an educational setting
C. Technology strategy and support for the district including but not limited to Technology Plans
D. Responsibility for creation, justification, and management of technology budget for the district
E. Research current and developing technology regarding their ability to enhance instruction
F. Serve as district point of contact for BOCES
G. Make technology staffing and purchasing recommendations to the component district superintendent or designee
H. Provide supervision of district-based technology staff
I. Provide and/or arrange for technology support structures for staff
J. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Manager Project Coordination; District Superintendent/designee as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: February 14, 2023
The Coordinator of Technology Integration will be provided day to day operational direction by the Chief School Official, or designee, of the assigned district. Duties will be specific to the assigned District and may include part or whole of the following list of current responsibilities. These responsibilities are meant to be specifically assigned by the assigned district’s Chief School Official, or designee, with support and consultation as needed by the BOCES Director of EduTech.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Teacher certification from the New York State Education Department with at least three years of full-time classroom teaching experience
- Background in curriculum development
- Proven instructional technology background
- Preference will be given to those candidates with experience designing and delivering professional development and with instructional coaching
- Must be able to travel to 47 school districts and 2 BOCES in the EduTech region
- Additional minimal qualifications as listed on the job posting
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Technology Integration are:
A. Serving as the primary resource for technology planning for the district.
B. Assisting teachers to integrate technology into the curriculum.
C. Providing professional development and workshops for faculty and staff on the usage of existing as well as new and emerging instructional technology.
D. Participating on the rollout and implementation of new technology in the district.
E. Implementing the goals and plan regarding the roles and responsibilities of shared staff as directed by EduTech.
F. Implementing the resources, training and support from EduTech regarding personalized learning, the rollout of personalized learning, and any other technology integration initiative.
G. Providing input to administration for the creation, justification and management of the technology budget and/or projects.
H. Conducting research on current and developing technology capabilities in regards to their ability to enhance instruction within the district- software and hardware.
I. Serving as district point of contact for BOCES’ provided hardware and software support.
J. Making technology staffing recommendations to the component district superintendent.
K. Assisting in technology training for component district staff.
L. Performing such other duties as assigned by component district superintendent.
M. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of EduTech as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: April 2, 2019
Revised: September 28, 2023
Coordinator of Translation Services
The Coordinator of Translation Services shall be responsible to the Administrator of Special Education Supports and Services.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Bilingual literacy in Spanish and English Appropriate NYSED Certification
- Experience working in a school setting
- Diversity training and experience working with people from multiple cultures
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Coordinator of Translation Services are:
A. Translate written work, verbal language, and media text into home language of families to ensure meaning and context are maintained
B. Attend various meetings to assist in translation for families
C. Communicate important information from the school with families regarding academics, social emotional learning, family needs, and school updates
D. Maintain an electronic folder of important district and school letters, announcements, and other publications for families
E. Work with ESL teachers to assist in establishing lessons that connect cultures
F. Meet with staff to discuss different cultures and responsiveness to cultures
G. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Administrator of Special Education Supports and Services as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: October 13, 2020
The Committee on Special Education (CSE) Chairperson is supervised by and reports directly to the Director of K-12 Instruction or designee.
This position may provide supervision and evaluation of staff.
Functions and Responsibilities:
Responsibilities list in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The CSE Chairperson is a specially trained administrator who is responsible for the following, including, but not limited to:
Meeting with the Superintendent of Schools, or his/her designee, on a regular basis to discuss issues, policies, and procedures relating to areas of responsibility.
- Developing application forms, budget amendments, program information reports, annual evaluation reports, and any other necessary data for state and federally funded programs related to special education.
- Monitoring state and federally funded special education programs in order to ensure compliance concerning financial integrity, continuing eligibility, and adherence to regulations.
- Working in collaboration, as needed, with the Section 504 compliance officer for the District as appointed by the Board of Education.
- Collecting the necessary information for ERSSA (Educational Related Support Services) and related state aid categories such as speech improvement aid.
- Performing any other related duties as assigned by the Superintendent of Schools, or his/her designee.
- Maintaining all special education records and prepare all special education reports required by the State Education Department including, but not limited to:
- A register of students identified or suspected of having a disability;
- Annual state education reports such as the PD-1, CSPD Plan, etc;
- STAC forms relating to reimbursement of high cost students;
- Updated written policies as required by Part 200.2;
- Chairing and developing agenda items for meetings with teachers serving in district special education programs in order to foster communication and coordination between levels and at transition points.
- May conduct a formal classroom observation of each probationary special education teacher in the District, in cooperation with the respective building principal. Additionally, the CSE Chairperson may assist building principals with formal evaluations of tenured special education teachers upon request.
- Providing leadership by making recommendations to the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Student Learning improving special education instructional programs and new and innovative instructional programs.
- Serving as the Chairperson of the Committee on Special Education (CSE) and the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) as appointed annually by the Board of Education and in that capacity supervising and coordinating all activities of the Committee on Special Education and the Committee on Preschool Special Education to include but not limited to the following activities:
- Assist committees in their ability to come to consensus;
- Work to ensure that the parent’s voice is heard;
- Understanding the programs and services available to students with disabilities;
- Recommend Committee on Special Education and Committee on Preschool Special Education membership to the Board of Education in conformity with regulations and cooperatively with the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, or designee;
- Prepare an annual calendar of Committee on Special Education meetings and schedule Committee on Preschool Education meetings as needed;
- Conduct meetings of the CSE and CPSE or arrange for an appropriate designee to conduct such meetings;
- Recommend, prepare for, and participate in impartial hearings as appropriate;
- Maintain positive parent contacts including the assurance that the student continues to have access to participation in programs offered by the district;
- Ensure that the Committee on Special Education and the Committee on Preschool Special Education forms and correspondence comply with procedural due process;
- Ensure that all procedures for referral, evaluation, program development, placement and review are in compliance with State and Federal regulations, and that new referrals, re-evaluations and triennials are completed within required timelines;
- Remain current with and have a working knowledge of the Part 200 Management System;
- Ensure the development of Individual Educational Programs (IEPs) in conformity with regulations;
- Coordinate all paperwork and transportation requirements relating to the placement of students with disabilities into the proper educational setting in or out of the district;
- May arrange for the training for CSE and CPSE members on an annual basis.
Performs related duties and assignments as required or assigned.
The Committee on Special Education (CSE) Chairperson will possess the following minimum qualities, qualifications, skills, and/or abilities:
- Certification in Special Education or equivalent therapeutic certification, with a minimum of 3 years of experience in classroom or therapeutic settings.
- Certification in NYS Administration, preferred.
- Physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
- Evidence of an open, collaborative style that fosters a sense of teamwork and common purpose.
- Proven people skills and is an effective communicator with a sense of humor. The teacher will be positive, approachable, and respectful of others.
- Willingness to become an active, engaged and visible member of the learning community.
- A clear communicator in both oral and written language.
- Work collaboratively with other staff members, administrators, students, and parents.
- Use problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
- Listens first.
Issued: 10/24/17
Certified (D-M)
Certified Positions are listed in alphabetical order.
- Director of BOCES Professional Learning
- Director of Career and Technical Education and Workforce
- Director of Culture, Equity, and Belonging
- Director of School Library System
- Medical Coding and Billing Instructor
Director of BOCES Professional Learning
The Director of BOCES Professional Learning shall be responsible to the Assistant Superintendent for Staff and Curriculum Development.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- SBL or SDL certificate
- Minimum of 3-5 years creating, delivering, and leading professional development opportunities
- Experience teaching and leading initiatives that support special education
- Understanding and proven implementation of research-based instructional strategies
- Strong organization and communication (oral and written) skills
- Ability to work well with and empower others
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Director of BOCES Professional Learning are:
- Assists BOCES and school personnel in planning professional learning and curriculum that links and aligns school improvement plan/professional learning plan, student performance data, and performance appraisal data of teachers with the expectations of the organization and the initiatives set forth by the NYS Department of Education.
- Visits classrooms
- Conducts and summarizes needs assessments and satisfaction surveys to determine in-service needs for all BOCES employees
- Co-facilitates the P-16 Professional Learning Plan committee and writing of Plan with the Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning
- Provides and coordinates training on numerous topics to help strengthen the work of all education professionals
- Facilitates groups and meetings as requested
- Coordinates with the Director of Staff Development to maximize resources and staffing
- Communicates with leaders across the organization to collect areas of growth and provide updates on professional learning opportunities
- Assists the Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning and the Assistant Superintendent of Staff and Curriculum Development in implementation of state and organizational initiatives
- Provides direct supervision and evaluation of the Professional Development Registrar
- Assists the Director of Staff Development with evaluation of the Staff Development Team
- Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Assistant Superintendent for Staff and Curriculum Development or Deputy District Superintendent as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: June 28, 2024
Director of Career and Technical Education and Workforce
The Director of Career and Technical Education and Workforce shall be responsible to the Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- New York State SDL administrative certification.
- Demonstrated successful experience working with CTE programs.
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the job's major elements. Specific assignments will be reviewed, and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Director of Career and Technical Education and Workforce are:
A. Provide direct leadership to all Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, PTECH programs and various adult and continuing education programs.
B. Work closely with the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, Component District Administrators and Program level administrators to provide administrative oversight and leadership of the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES Career and Technical Education programs.
C. Monitor the intake process for all CTE and Workforce related programs.
D. Serve as administrator for the annual technical endorsement assessment process and will oversee the CTE Program Approval and Re-Approval process and any requests to utilize the Equipment reserves.
E. Facilitate CTE program development and maintaining program rigor and quality.
F. Oversee the Perkins Grant process and assist the BOCES Grant Writer with required applications.
G. Conduct staff observations under the approved APPR process.
H. Supervise all CTE and PTECH Principals.
I. Oversee Adult and Continuing Education programs. (including but not limited to: LPN and Transportation Compliance).
J. Chair and facilitate the CTE Advisory Committee.
K. Supervise School to Work Coordinators, Coordinators of Pre-Employment Services and Work-Based Learning Coordinators.
L. Maintain and prepare all required approvals and application to the Department of Labor for Apprenticeships.
M. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning is deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: June 5, 2024
Director of Culture, Equity, and Belonging
The Director of Culture, Equity, and Belonging shall be responsible to the Assistant Superintendent for Staff & Curriculum Development.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- SDL Certification.
- Minimum 5 years of teaching experience.
- Demonstrated history of engagement, commitment, and leadership regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion principles, practices, and initiatives.
- Proven success implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion practices and programs with diverse populations.
- Ability and emotional intelligence to work collaboratively with all departments and school-based personnel on every level, demonstrating a deep understanding of school culture and effective strategies to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Ability to build curiosity and community around diversity, equity, and inclusion issues.
- Clear and effective written, verbal, and public speaking communication skills across settings and audiences.
- Expertise in identifying, collecting, and analyzing data necessary to assess institutional climate and then working with stakeholders to develop plans of action.
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Director of Culture, Equity, and Belonging are:
A. Lead regular Wayne-Finger Lakes Regional Equity Meetings
a. Craft agendas
b. Organize meeting dates, location and invitations
c. Follow-up with participants with action items and resources
B. Collaborate with the W-FL BOCES Staff Development Team to provide regional workshops focused on diversity, equity, inclusivity and the Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework
a. When necessary, coordinate to bring in outside consultants to lead workshops
C. Vet and coordinate guest speakers and services for districts to support both adult and student learning on diversity, equity, inclusivity and the Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework
a. Process contracts, create and monitor purchase orders, collect and submit invoices using organizational procedures
D. Lead equity-focused curriculum and program audits
E. In conjunction with the Assistant Superintendent for Staff & Curriculum Development, coordinate the Elevating Student Voices program, which includes the regional Youth Summit
F. Connect with Community Agencies to strengthen relationships with schools and area experts
G. Consult directly with school DEI/CRSE leadership teams to provide ideas, guidance and continued access to NYSED materials and best practices
H. Serve as a liaison for the region to NYSED DEI events
I. Develop concrete, measurable, observable success indicators and tools to assist with the measurement of both regional and district-level DEI/CRSE work. Outcome measurement should occur as part of, or as a follow-up to, strategic or program planning.
J. Remain current with state and national research and guidance for DEI/CRSE and regularly communicate this to the region through the services and resources provided
K. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Assistant Superintendent for Staff & Curriculum Development as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position
Issued: October 7, 2024
The Director of EduTech Services shall be responsible to the District Superintendent.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
Current NYS Administrative Certification or be eligible to meet Ontario Civil Service Requirements (Minimum Civil Service requirements: BS in Computer Science, Data Processing, Business Administration or related field and 4 years of operational management experience; 2 year in supervisory/managerial capacity).
- Ability to be a culture builder
- Strong Communication skills
- Ability for forward thinking
- Strong management and organizational skills
- Personnel experience
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Director of EduTech Services are:
A. Planning, directing, and coordinating instructional technology throughout EduTech and BOCES districts by the use of a variety of computer platforms, software applications, wide and local area networks and telecommunications to remote sites
B. Evaluating, supervising, and recommending needs of department for staffing, contractual purchase, and overseeing departmental managers, program coordinators, in carrying out the mission of the organization
C. Leading and directing inquiries to determine the needs of the organization and component districts in the information technology area
D. Leading and directing evaluation of various information technology systems
E. Establishing priorities for deployment of human resources and equipment
F. Planning capital expenditures in response to participating school district needs
G. Overseeing development of policies and regulations for computer purchases, use, and applications
H. Developing and administering a departmental budget
I. Planning, directing, and overseeing training of departmental staff and users in appropriate skills
J. Advising administration and governing boards on changes in technology
K. Planning and designing computer technology systems to meet the organizational and user needs
L. Analyzing strategic problems and leading the organization to appropriate solutions
M. Navigating and leading the organization within an environment of constant change
N. Overseeing, monitoring, supervising Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES Regional Information Centers.
O. Collaborating with BOCES Regional Information Centers across New York State.
P. Possible travel to all component districts and BOCES in EduTech region.
Q. Facilitating on-going communication between and among BOCES departments.
R. Remaining current on research pertaining to the areas of responsibility listed above.
S. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the District Superintendent as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: 1/28/99
Revised: September 16, 2019
The Director of Human Resources shall be responsible to the District Superintendent. The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed. The current responsibilities of the Director of Human Resources are:
- Provide leadership, direction and general supervision for human resources administration and all aspects of the Assistant Director of Human Resources responsibilities, including but not limited to the employment process for all certified and non-certified staff members, personnel board agenda item development, the hiring process, creation of employee forms and documents, employee-related issues; etc.
- Responsible for policy development, revision and submission to the Board Policy Committee and the District Superintendent for board consideration.
- Responsible for ensuring compliance with State and Federal laws and regulations, State Education Department guidance, required certification, civil service procedures and BOCES policies, contracts, and regulations, etc.
- Provide the District Superintendent and component districts with assistance in education law, regulations, human resources administration and other areas as prescribed.
- Coordinate and oversee the provisions of employee benefits, maintain relationships with outside organization providing benefit services.
- Serve as the BOCES lead representative in negotiations and all labor relations issues with all employee groups.
- Oversee the development and revision of BOCES job descriptions.
- Oversee the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance and process.
- Serve as BOCES Title IX Coordinator.
- Serve as BOCES Hearing Officer for grievances pertaining to Title IX or Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Americans with Disabilities Act and serve as the lead investigator in other employee complaints.
- Be responsible for the oversight of all employee discipline matters.
- Developing, maintaining and disseminating research, publications and other resources for BOCES leadership, Chief School Officers and/or other regional groups on topics impacting public education or other relevant issues.
- Provide leadership, direction, and support for the BOCES Programs, including but not limited to:
- Staff Recognition program
- BOCES Educators’ Association Self-Directed Evaluation Process;
- BOCES Employee Efficiency Suggestion Program; and
- Any committee, program or task force established pursuant to terms of the collective bargaining agreements, policy, or at the direction of the Board of Education or District Superintendent.
- Provide leadership, direction and support for the BOCES Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) and any State Education Department (SED) required initiatives.
- Assist the District Superintendent in Superintendent Searches for component districts.
- Be actively involved in professional organizations related to personnel administration, collective bargaining, and quality improvement or advancing of BOCES programs.
- Attends all Board of Education meetings, prepare monthly reports for the Board of Education, as needed.
- Carry out other assignments as designated by District Superintendent.
Issued:November 8, 2013
Revised November 17, 2015
The Director of P-16 Instruction shall be responsible to the Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Programs P-16. Responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify major and general elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed as needed by the Assistant Superintendent. Changes will be made as needed. The specific and general responsibilities of the Director of P-16 Instruction include:
A. Be the Assistant Superintendent’s chief assistant in regard to special, alternative and career/technical education. Keep the Assistant Superintendent fully informed concerning all phases of P-16 Instruction.
B. Be the direct supervisor to the special, alternative and career/technical education principals, special staff as designated by the District Superintendent, and clerical personnel assigned to the director’s office.
C. Be responsible for organizing and maintaining the special, alternative and career/ technical education instructional programs in conjunction with the site principals.
a. Coordinate the instructional programs:
- Between all centers
- Between the districts involved in BOCES operated special education programs housed in local school districts
- In all P-16 programs operated by BOCES
b. Ensure that all principals review all courses and programs annually to ensure uniform programs and opportunities for all pupils unless differences can be justified and are aligned with NYS Standards.
c. Comply with evaluation due dates and procedures as set by the District Superintendent
D. Be responsible for assisting the Assistant Superintendent and the District Superintendent as:
- Liaison with State Education Department for P-16 instructional programs
- Liaison with component district chief school officers and committee on special education chairpersons to assist in compliance with federal, state, Regents, and Commissioner’s laws, rules and regulations on the handicapped
- Serve as liaison with the Technical & Career Education Advisory Council
E. Be responsible for general P-16 Instruction to:
- Provide leadership for all programs and services and supervise staff as assigned
- Promote and market quality programs
- Develop and manage all budgets
- Establish and maintain communication with participating school districts and local agencies
- Facilitate long range planning
- Ensure adequate staff development activities
- Adhere to all W-FL BOCES Policies and Administrative Regulations and recommend revisions when appropriate
- Ensure effective evaluation of staff in conformance with the evaluation system, contract provisions and laws
- Ensure proper coordination of recruitment
- Identify and recommend appointment of staff
- Direct the development of job placement activities with the Business/Community Liaison and the job placement team
- Recommend to the Assistant Superintendent annual goals and objectives
- Coordinate use of facilities
- Evaluate and improve existing programs
- Develop and implement new programs
- Operate programs in compliance with State Education Department regulations and agreements with other agencies
- Ensure the filing of reports and data as required
- Ensure effective integration of special populations (adults, handicapped, non-traditional, at-risk youth) into programs wherever possible
- Provide assessment, case management and placement to all students enrolled in BOCES programs
- Be responsible for assisting in public relations for P-16 instructional programs
- Be responsible for other duties as assigned by the Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Programs P-16
Issued 2/11/2014
Revised June 22, 2022
Director of School Library System
The Director of School Library System shall be responsible to the Assistant Superintendent for Staff and Curriculum Development.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- NYS certification as a School Library Media Specialist.
- At least 3 years of experience in a school library setting.
- Valid school administrator and supervisor (S.A.S.) certificate, a valid school building leader (S.B.L.) certificate or a valid school district leader (S.D.L.) certificate.
- Experience leading initiatives that enhance student learning.
- Clear and effective written, verbal, and public speaking communication skills across settings and audiences.
- Ability and emotional intelligence to work collaboratively with all departments and school-based personnel.
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Director of School Library System are:
A. Lead the School Library System, aligning policies with state regulations and best practices.
B. Foster strategic partnerships with stakeholders, including but not limited to the component district libraries, public libraries, and state agencies.
C. Coordinate professional development for librarians and educators across component districts to enhance the effectiveness of a school library.
D. Oversee budgets, ensuring fiscal responsibility to maximize resource efficiency and support district operations.
a. Prepare an annual budget application, on forms prescribed by the commissioner, to be approved by the school library system council and governing board, and such budget shall be filed with the department no later than the given deadline each year for approval and release of State aid in the next school year.
b. Work with the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES Business Office on budget development and oversight for each CoSer within the School Library System.
E. Serve as a catalyst for collaboration, facilitating communication with the SLS Council and district stakeholders to enhance system effectiveness.
a. Participate in SLS Council meetings.
b. Develop, with the Council, the plan of service to be submitted to the Commissioner.
F. Manage collection development and data reporting processes, promoting a culture of innovation, inclusivity, and continuous improvement.
G. Work closely with the Assistant Superintendent for Staff and Curriculum Development and the BOCES Staff Development Department to ensure alignment and consistent messaging.
H. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Assistant Superintendent for Staff and Curriculum Development as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: January 28, 1999
Revised: December 2, 2024
The Director of Staff Development shall be responsible to the Assistant Superintendent for Staff and Curriculum Development.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- SBL or SDL certificate
- Minimum of 3-5 years creating, delivering, and leading professional development opportunities
- Experience leading professional learning that supports NYSED and Board of Regents initiatives
- Experience leading curriculum initiatives
- Experience in budget management
- Strong organization and communication (oral and written) skills
- Ability to work well with and empower others
- Supervision experience preferred
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
Responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Director of Staff Development are:
A. Providing leadership in the areas of staff development, instruction, assessment and instructional technology
B. Coordinating the research, design and development of workshops related to the NY State Standards, instructional technology, instruction, assessment, communication skills, facilitation, et. al.
C. Managing the school improvement COSER and budget
D. Supporting the work of the Assistant Superintendent for Staff and Curriculum Development in Assisting districts in maximizing resources by coordinating multi‑district activities in the areas of curriculum, instruction, staff development, standards and assessments, school improvement and technology
E. Providing direct supervision, evaluation and support to staff development personnel, instructional coaches, and office support staff
F. Representing BOCES and local districts on statewide committees when needed
G. Working with the Assistant Superintendent for Staff and Curriculum Development in facilitating on-going communication between and among component districts and BOCES on issues related to SED, the standards, curriculum, instruction, assessment, school improvement, staff development and technology
H. Providing and coordinating training on numerous topics to help strengthen the work of education professionals
I. Facilitating groups as requested
J. Coordinates with the Director of BOCES Professional Learning to maximize resources and staffing
K. Supervision of Staff Development Administrator for Instructional Technology
L. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the the Assistant Superintendent for Staff and Curriculum Development or Deputy District Superintendent as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued April 2, 2019
Revised June 28, 2024
The Executive Coordinator of Section V Athletics is supervised by and reports directly to the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES Assistant Superintendent for Administration.
Goals of the Position:
To provide consistent and visionary leadership in carrying out the mission and administering the policies, rules, and expectations of Section V, the New York State Public High School Athletic Association. The Executive Director will serve as ambassador and liaison with school district administrators, while providing support to athletic directors, leagues, coaches, officials, and the public in all matters related to Section V Athletics.
Functions and Responsibilities:
The responsibilities listed in the job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Executive Coordinator of Section V Athletic are:
Program Leadership:
- Administers the development and maintenance of a positive interscholastic athletic program to meet the needs of student athletes and member schools and carry out the policies of the Athletic Council.
- Attends and participates in all meeting of the Executive Board, the Athletic Council and their committees, except when the Director's own employment or salary is under consideration.
- Serves as ex officio member of all Section V committees and chairs the Sectional/Intersectional Committee.
- Advises the Executive Board and Athletic Council on the need for new or revised policies and assures that all policies of Section V are implemented.
- Prepares and submits to the Executive Board recommendations relative to all matters requiring action, placing before the Executive Board such necessary and helpful facts, information, and reports as are needed to ensure that informed decisions are made.
- Acts on own discretion if emergency action is necessary in any matter not covered by existing policy and reports such action to the Executive Board as soon as practicable.
- Reports to the Executive Board such matters as are deemed material to the understanding and proper management of Section V, or as the Executive Board may request.
- Supervises the implementation of all ruled, regulations, and policies of the New York State Public High School Athletic Association, SED and Section V.
- Attends meetings of the NYSPHSAA, NYSAAA, USBC (officials) and other key organizations regularly.
- Make all administrative decisions within Section V necessary to insure the proper functioning of all Section activities.
- Continually updates knowledge in all aspects of athletic leadership including but not limited to Law, finance, insurance, etc.
- Secures and nominates for employment the best-qualified and most competent personnel.
- Supervise BOCES office and Public Relations staff.
- Maintain/negotiate/interpret contracts with officials organizations and assure all regulations and record keeping requirements are addressed.
- Support the Officials' organizations in the recruitment and on-going training of officials to assure quality officiating.
Coordination- In conjunction with Sports Chairs and other Section V staff:
- Coordinates and implements all programs for the scheduling of all Section V events and Contests
- Coordinates and supervises the assignment, rating and payment of all officials.
- BOCES budget for section V.
- Maintains directly or through delegation such personnel records, accounting records, business records, and other records that are required by law and policy.
- Files or causes to be filed, all reports required by Section V, NYSPHSAA, or other relevant association or agency.
- Represents Section V in its dealings with school systems, institutions, agencies, and community organizations.
- Establishes and maintains a program of public relations to keep all member school districts and the public informed as to the activities, needs and successes of Section V.
- Provides oversight of sportsmanship initiatives and review/follow-up of hotline reports
- Assures that policies and procedures are effectively communicated to assure the smooth conduct of the business of the Section.
- Attend Section V Championship Contests and participate in the distribution of awards.
- Perform such other tasks as may from time to time be assigned by the Assistant Superintendent.
- Oversee assist and study those activities where income is falling short of expectations of the Athletic Council and Executive Committee.
- Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES Assistant Superintendent for Administration as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued/Approved by Executive Committee/Athletic Council of Section V: 04/20/2016
The Executive Director of Four County School Boards Association shall be responsible to the Four County School Boards Association Officers, Board of Directors and the District Superintendent.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Prior successful experience in educational leadership;
- A bachelor’s degree appropriate to this position; such alternatives as the Associations Board of Directors may find appropriate and acceptable.
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
Terms of Employment:
- Appointed by the Board of Directors for a period of up to three years, according to the terms of the annually negotiated memorandum of agreement.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Executive Director of Four County School Boards Association are:
A. Acting as the Chief Executive Officer of the Four County School Boards Association by providing leadership and general supervision for all operations and activities of in accordance with Association policy and by-laws
B. Working to fulfill the Mission, Goals and Vision of the Association
C. Overseeing the general administration, operations, and long-range planning of the Association
D. Supervising and evaluating the Association office and staff
E. Making recommendations to the Association’s membership and committees pertaining to policy, personnel, finance, legislation, publications, member programs and services and providing information as needed to ensure informed decision making
F. Supporting the officers and committees of the Association in the performance of their duties
G. Providing boards and board members guidance and support on board questions and problems
H. Planning and providing Professional Development to member boards
I. Planning for meetings, projects, and activities of the Association in collaboration with the Coordinator of Membership Services
J. Preparing an annual budget and regular financial reports in collaboration with the Coordinator of Membership Services and providing leadership to ensure fiscal integrity
K. Working to build strong relationships with the New York State School Boards Association, local school boards associations, local education organizations, and legislative and regulatory groups and representatives
L. Articulating Association positions and activities to NYSSBA and represents the Association at various state and national functions
M. Working with the Legislative Committee to develop a calendar of legislative events and Legislative position papers
N. Providing assistance and background information to assist members in effective lobbying activities
O. Developing and maintaining collaborative and cooperative relationship with superintendents, county association leaders, and others
P. Participating in professional self-improvement activities
Q. Be evaluated annually by the Four County School Boards Board of Directors in accordance with Association policy
R. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the District Superintendent or Four County School Boards Board of Directors as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Adopted: March 31, 2021
Four County School Boards Association Adopted: January 17, 2019
Four County School Boards Association Revised: February 24, 2020
The Financial Aid Coordinator shall be responsible to the Coordinator of Health Careers.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Must have or be eligible for NYS certification – Assessment and Advisement Instructor, adult extension
- Excellent organizational skills and ability to work on several tasks at a time
- Proficient in MS Office products and ability to learn other software programs
- Detail orientated, accurate with ability to prioritize information in a timely manner
- Strong communication skills; written, oral, active listening and interpersonal skills
- Work effectively in team situations
- Demonstrated computational ability
- Ability to respond effectively in a variety of situations
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting
The current responsibilities of the Financial Aid Coordinator are:
A. Administration
- Direct the daily office management and operations of the financial aid office to the Practical Nursing Program.
- Develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure compliance with federal and state regulations regarding student eligibility, academic progress, student refunds and disbursement of funds.
- Oversee the preparation and maintenance of all student records, including designing, producing and distributing financial aid office forms and applications.
- Attend meetings including but not limited to Standards Committee, Staff meetings, Coordinators meetings and Advisory Board.
- Analyze proposed legislation/regulations as to the effects on institutional compliance.
- Responsible for Practical Nursing Department budget.
- Responsible for updating and maintaining Practical Nursing website.
- Generate vendor purchase orders.
- Request payment of all department vendor invoices by submitting required documents to the Business Office.
B. Counseling
- Provide adequate financial aid counseling to all enrolled and prospective students and their families.
- Conduct personal interviews with students and their families to assist in the accurate completion of the required financial aid forms.
- Complete/Verify the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to ensure accuracy and compliance with US Department of Education.
- Provide estimates of Federal Pell Grants and develop a plan for payment of tuition and related costs prior to the student beginning classes.
- Connect students with potentials sources of grant or Workforce funding.
- Develop payment plan for “cash” students or students with a remaining balance after Title IV Financial Aid.
- Provide counseling to students as regards to borrowing as a last resort and discourage over borrowing.
- Direct student loan borrowers to completion of their Entrance Counseling and Master Promissory Note online.
- Maintain student financial aid folder with required documentation for compliance and audit purposes.
- Present a financial aid overview at New Student Orientation information sessions.
- Present direct loan repayment and future financial obligations at Career Day.
- Provide students with counseling and direction throughout the financial aid process.
C. Pell Processing
- Electronically receive (through EDConnect) Institutional Student Information Records (ISIR).
- Complete student verification requirements and document any Department of Education requests for additional information.
- Designated reporter to gather statistical data for National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS).
- Originate awards through EDExpress and process “Origination Acknowledgement”.
- Disburse awards received from the Department of Education and process “Disbursement Acknowledgement”.
- Prepare “Payment Voucher” identifying students and the amount of their awards.
D. Verification
- Verify student records within the guidelines of the US Department of Education to ensure the accuracy of the data used to calculate the student's Expected Family Contribution (EFC).
- Collect documentation as necessary for verification and/or the completion of the financial aid process. Follow up any Department of Education requests for additional information.
E. Loan Processing
- Annually prepare student budgets documenting Cost of Attendance for students living with parents or living off campus for each Title IV program to include tuition & fees, books, supplies, transportation, personal and living expenses.
- Complete needs test and certify the student’s eligibility for Federal Direct subsidized and unsubsidized loans.
- Originate and disburse Federal Direct Loans on EDExpress.
- Disburse awards received from the Department of Education and process “Disbursement Acknowledgement”.
- Prepare “Payment Voucher” identifying students and the amount of their awards.
F. Maintain Ledgers
- Individual Student ledgers are initiated upon the student’s enrollment. Semester tuition and fees (including deposits paid) are posted.
- Upon receipt of contacts, agency sponsorship is noted and scheduled awards and posted to student’s individual ledgers.
- Federal Pell Grants are estimated and posted to student’s individual ledgers upon receipt of ISIR.
- d Vouchers are prepared and signed by students to confirm receipt of books, uniforms, supplies and additional charges and posted to student’s individual ledgers.
- Cash payments are receipted and posted to student’s individual ledgers.
- Once all charges and payments are posted to student’s individual ledgers, a request for payment of any remaining balance is forwarded to the student or sponsoring agency (if applicable) for payment.
- Refer all non-paid student invoices to outside collection agency
G. Participate in all default management initiatives, including entrance and exit counseling, assisting with monthly Cohort Action Reports (CAR) and tracking delinquent students.
H. Work with program administration to monitor “Satisfactory Academic Progress”.
I. In cases of student withdrawal or termination of enrollment, calculate tuition refunds and “Return of Title IV Funds” including notification of student and Department of Education.
J. Attend appropriate workshops and trainings to remain current with trends and regulations with regards to Federal financial aid and the US Department of education.
K. Make and maintain connections with community-based partners who can provide funding/financial support to students.
L. Assist with the compilation and submission of the annual IPEDS data.
I. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Coordinator of Health Careers as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: April 2, 2019
Revised: March 18, 2024
The Financial & Operation System Specialist shall be responsible to the Manager Administrative Systems.
The Financial & Operations System Specialist acts as the liaison between school district end users and EduTech. Activities include functional external and internal communications, training and working relationships with EduTech and district personnel involved with school business and operations management.
Minimum qualifications are listed on the job posting and will include applicable certification(s) and/or meeting civil service requirements.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Financial & Operation System Specialist are:
A. District Relationships:
a. Providing phone or on-site support for school business management software;
b. Answers district questions and resolves issues via phone for district staff;
c. Provides in-person or remote trainings for school district staff;
d. Develops and conducts training sessions for various software functions and business processes for school district staff;
e. Prepares and revises documentation for users and user support personnel;
f. Assist in coordinating efforts, at the Regional Information Center and districts to correct and resolve problems;
B. Internal Edutech Relationships:
a. Coordinate with EduTech personnel on enhancements to specific applications;
b. Performs software installation and updates;
c. Assist in development, testing and implementation of new applications;
d. Serve as a member of Regional Information Center Committees as appropriate;
e. Communicate with appropriate county, regional, state and federal agencies on matters concerning school district business management and operations;
f. Documents call resolutions for applications or procedural problems;
g. Collaborates as part of a cross-functional team to resolve highly complex issues requiring strong technical and problem solving skills;
h. Escalates issues to vendor for resolution as appropriate;
C. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Manager Administrative Systems as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued October 31, 2018
Revised September 21, 2023
The Financial & Operation System Specialist II shall be responsible to the Manager Administrative Systems.
The Financial & Operations System Specialist II acts as the liaison between school district end users and EduTech. Activities include functional external and internal communications, training and working relationships with EduTech and district personnel involved with school business and operations management. The Financial & Operations System Specialist II also functions as the de facto team lead for the School Business Management application support team.
Minimum qualifications are listed on the job posting and will include applicable certification(s) and/or meeting civil service requirements.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Financial & Operation System Specialist II are:
A. Performs the responsibilities of Financial & Operation System Specialist plus:
B. Internal Edutech Relationships:
a. School Business Management/Operations application team lead;
b. Establishes and maintains best practices including, but not limited to school district business management software support (Accounting, accounts payable, accounts receivable, requisitions, payroll, HR, time & attendance, etc.).
c. Coordinates in-service training to applications support team for business management applications and processes;
d. Coach members of the administrative applications support team in problem solving and resolution;
e. Facilitates and coordinates extended program additions to school business management and operations applications;
f. Provide project leadership as determined by Manager Administrative Systems
g. In the absence of the Manager Administrative Systems, act as a point of escalation for any issues requiring immediate attention;
h. Coordinates and executes conversions, program updates, or transitions;
i. Participation in interviewing and hiring practices as required;
C. District Relationships:
a. Facilitates and organizes appropriate software user group meetings multiple times per year;
D. External Relationships:
a. Represents the Regional Information Center at state wide and regional meetings;
E. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Manager Administrative Systems as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued October 31, 2018
Revised: September 21, 2023
The Grants Service Coordinator shall be responsible to the Assistant Superintendent for Innovation and Accountability.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- 3-5 years of grant writing and grant management experience
- Experience working with New York State grants and federally funded grants
- Previous supervisory experience including managing multiple teams
- Appropriate NYSED certification
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of Grants Service Coordinator are:
A. Provide leadership management throughout all pre-award and post-award grant processes
B. Communicate with BOCES and districts in order to understand the needs and priorities and match grant opportunities with those needs and priorities
C. Maintain up-to-date regional data and facilitate sharing of such data with grant writers including but not limited to socio-economic, academic, enrollment, poverty, other related data relevant to grants
D. Participate in grant related meetings such as the W-FL BOCES Grant Coordination Meeting and regular meetings with financial coordinators in districts
E. Maintain regional grant information in a systematic, shared manner
F. Establish and carry out a master management process and tracking system for project development, implementation, submissions, award rate, total competitive grant award dollars
G. Complete and submit all grant documentation in a timely manner.
H. Complete and submit all administrative and financial responsibilities, meeting associated deadlines
I. Coordinate liaison activities with federal, state, and local legislative bodies, colleges and universities, organizations and coalitions
J. Steward relationships with component school districts related to grant opportunities and needs
K. Provide a resource library of grant information and materials to be accessed by grant writers
L. Maintain copies of official reports, budget amendments, audit and financial reports and other related documentation
Responsibilities often related to Pre-Award duties:
A. Seek out notices of requests for proposals from funding agencies
B. Develop high quality, persuasive proposals for grants with program and/or district staff input
C. Network and approach agencies to seek out specific proposal solicitations or sources in general
D. Conduct review of proposal solicitation using criteria aligned with individual district and regional goals
E. Provide grant search information to districts including but not limited to analysis, early forecast, advisement, recommendations regarding eligible and/or applicable grants
F. Develop new state, federal, or private competitive grant applications for BOCES
G. Process other on-going grant initiatives to keep the District Superintendent and the Board of Education informed
Responsibilities often related to Grant Writing Process duties:
A. Provide leadership, direction, oversight and be responsible for grant writing
B. Provide support to grant coordinators focused on long term independent management of the grants
C. Lead grant project development including but not limited to confirming eligibility and requirements, meeting with district staff, creating a project management plan, ensuring project alignment incorporating supporting evidence/research, providing suggestions for improvement
D. Coordinate grant services with districts by providing grant summaries/briefs, proactively planning the development of applications, ensuring cross contracts are in place when applicable
E. Manage and oversee individual grant writers including but not limited to contracting, assigning duties, overseeing grant development and writing, evaluating and discontinuing services when applicable
F. Provide editing, proofreading and associated feedback to grant writer documents
G. Coordinate scholarships as needed
a. Work with the scholarship manager to meet specific scholarship needs
b. Collect and review applications
c. Recruit and ensure qualified application reviewers
d. Provide results letters and other documentation requested by the scholarship manager
Responsibilities often related to Post-Award duties:
A. Support school district grant manager in facilitating goals of each individual grant
B. Monitor and coordinate the administration of post-award grants to ensure that budgeting and administrative policies, procedures and agency requirements are followed including but not limited to: completing budget change requests, completing personnel appointment forms, contacting payroll, creating Federal PO’s, initiating digital file(s), setting up an email inbox for grants
C. Manage administrative problems and or budget changes occurring during the awarded granting period
D. Prepare documents for approval by Business Office prior to submitting such to District Superintendent
Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Assistant Superintendent for Innovation and Accountability as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: 7/3/2001
Revised: 10/13/2022
The Instructional Pathways Coordinator shall be responsible to the Principal at the assigned program.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Master's degree in Special Education; three (3-5) years of progressively responsible work experience in related field; or any equivalent combination of training and experience.
- Knowledge and understanding of NYSED Pathway Options for all students.
- Demonstrated knowledge and experience in working with students with disabilities.
- Demonstrated advanced knowledge and experience with school information systems, computer software, applications and data collection & report design.
- Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with administration, faculty, students and staff, representatives from outside agencies and industry partners, and the general public.
- Ability to communicate effectively through both oral and written means.
- Ability to effectively train staff in test accommodations and instructional strategies.
- Ability to work effectively with individuals from diverse educational and socio-economic backgrounds.
- Ability to work independently on multiple projects, meets all deadlines, and coordinates activities to achieve specific funding and institutional goals and objectives.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Instructional Pathways Coordinator are:
A. Assist students identify appropriate academics, graduation and career pathway opportunities
a. Advise students and families on pathway options
B. Work with component districts and other partners on graduation and career pathway opportunities for students
a. Communicate to component districts on students CDOS credits
b. Collaborates with professionals at component districts, local colleges, and industry partners.
C. Advise teachers on testing accommodations and instructional strategies for students with disabilities
a. Consult with and advise faculty on pedagogical issues and skills unique to non-traditional and alternative delivery of instruction
b. Collaborate with faculty on student career plans and pathway options for graduation
c. Assist in the test schedule, implementation model for assessment delivery and coordination of assessments
d. Provide training for faculty on test accommodations for students with disabilities.
e. Assist counselors in tracking CDOS hours and maintaining communication on credits with component district contact
f. Participate as a member on the Instructional Support Team.
D. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Principal as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: September 11, 2019
Last Reviewed March 5, 2024
The Logistics and Warehouse Manager reports directly to the Director of EduTech Services and shall be responsible for implementing and managing all warehouse operations and the WFL BOCES Courier Service.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Logistics and Warehouse Manager are:
A. Developing and managing all warehouse functions, including, but not limited to:
a. Procurement
b. Receiving
c. Asset inventory
d. Logistics
e. Electronics Recycling
B. Managing a team of Buyers for purchasing EduTech hardware, software and services
C. Managing Stock Clerks for receiving all EduTech and WFL BOCES purchasing items
a. Maintaining records and database for all goods and services received
D. Managing asset tagging and inventory for EduTech hardware, software and licenses
E. Overseeing daily logistics planning for equipment delivery and end of life hardware recovery throughout the GV and WFL BOCES regions
F. Conducting surplus bids for used electronics meeting highest standards to secure data and protect environment while maximizing monetary value
G. Managing and operating courier service throughout the WFL BOCES region.
a. Maintaining a district wide local mail delivery system
b. Maintaining daily CBO mail system
c. Logistics planning for Science Department kit delivery and returns
d. Logistics planning for WFL BOCES printing office product delivery
e. Logistics planning for all WFL BOCES departments and district package delivery
H. Managing and evaluating the EduTech Department team(s) as assigned:
a. Establishing and implementing strategy and policies for the team
b. Coordinating the day to day operation of the team
c. Overseeing training plans
d. Determining staffing needs and overall responsibility for personnel decisions
e. Developing team budget and control expenses
f. Assisting in the management of EduTech Department teams, as needed.
I. Developing operating policies, guidelines, and procedures for warehouse
J. Managing general operations and supplies at our EduTech LeRoy office building
K. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of EduTech Services as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued July 19, 2022
Last reviewed:September 28, 2023
The Manager Administrative Systems shall be responsible to the Director of EduTech Services.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Manager Administrative Services are:
A. Responsible for developing long range plans for all Administrative Systems supported by EduTech. Administrative systems described herein include but are not limited to E-rate, Cafeteria Systems, financial systems, parent notification systems
B. Directing the design, development, implementation and support of all Administrative Systems
C. Directing the troubleshooting and resolution of all Administrative Systems in EduTech districts
D. Directing the analysis, testing and implementation of maintenance upgrades, or parameter updates, as required
E. Overseeing specific tasks required to populate the Statewide Administrative Data Warehouse including communicating changes to all district staff impacted
F. Participating in Statewide meetings for implementation of NYSED initiatives on financial systems, parent notification systems, cafeteria systems and services
G. Staying aware and up to date of all regulation changes and communicating such to districts through meetings and trainings
H. Participating in the research, analysis and recommendation of new administrative products
I. Providing for the timely update of systems and associated documentation
J. Functioning as a key participant in the strategy and planning process by collaborating with senior technical and administrative staff to understand technology needs and recommend proven technology solutions to achieve BOCES and district goals and objectives
K. Responsible for all staff management issues – i.e. hiring, personnel issues, performance appraisals and staff development plans for all personnel within the Administrative Applications Department
L. Providing technical consultative services, as needed by other members of the Regional Information Center
M. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of EduTech Services as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: February 6, 2023
The Manager of Data Services shall be responsible to the Director of EduTech.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Supervise such departments as Data Warehouse, Data Drive Instruction and Data Privacy and Security, Coordinator for Instructional Data
- Possess and understanding of the educational environment
- Have familiarity with cybersecurity frameworks such as NIST
- Have familiarity with Education Law 2D
- Ability to analyze and interpret student and district data required
- All degrees within education and/or technology fields considered
- Experience and knowledge in data software applications preferred
- Ability to conduct professional development for teachers and administrators
- Ability to disaggregate, interpret, and analyze assessment data
- Ability to work collaboratively with colleagues
- Possible travel to all component districts and BOCES in EduTech
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Manager of Data Services are:
- Providing program direction that works toward EduTech’s vision and objectives.
- Supervising the development, review and implementation of program wide goals
- Providing leadership, direction, and general supervision of staff.
- Keeping up to date with current New York State mandates, and initiatives to drive the department to support 47 school districts.
- Providing direction in conjunction with the Manager of Student Systems for staff.
- Providing support to EduData Staff through coaching, modeling, and mentoring
- Creating positive relationships with staff, districts and administrators.
- Facilitating data meetings with staff as they analyze and make data driven decisions to impact student achievement.
- Staying abreast of research by attending professional development sessions and reading professional educational research.
- Working positively toward meeting identified district and building improvement goals.
- Assisting with the creation of district benchmark assessments and data analysis.
- Preparing correspondence, reports, forms, evaluations, statements, etc. using prescribed formats.
- Applying principles of logical or scientific thinking to define problems, collect data, establish facts, and draw valid conclusions; to interpret an extensive variety of technical instructions in mathematical or diagrammatic form.
- Recording and delivering information, to explain procedures, to follow oral and written instructions.
- Providing support for staff who prepare data for building based leadership teams or principals with assistance in determining instructional goals and professional development activities
- Supporting staff who will be able to evaluate results of using data for instructional decision making, involving both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, considerations of research design, and control of confounding variables
- Managing and supervising a team as directed by supervisor
- Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of EduTech as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued October 21, 2019
Revised September 22, 2023
The Manager of Family Services shall be responsible to the Director of Shared Services.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of Manager of Family Counseling Services are:
To implement and maintain operational practices to assure successful functioning of The Family Support Centers based in Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES School Districts. This may include:
Coordinate referrals, contact families and complete intakes
- Schedule and confirm appointments
- Maintain contact with all counseling teams
- Collect, manage and report data
- Inventory and manage supplies for all centers
- Provide training and support with MyOutcomes
- Set up and coordinate training opportunities
- Connect families to appropriate and requested resources
- Participate in Counselor meetings
- Community outreach and awareness
- Ensure the progress and completion of the evaluation process
- Ensures confidentiality and privacy is maintained with respect to all communication and records, unless exempted by law
- Demonstrate familiarity with and understanding of many of the challenges facing youth and families and is committed to strengthening the connection between youth/families and schools
- Demonstrate the skills necessary for and an appreciation of cultural and linguistic diversity
- Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of Shared Services as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Due to the nature of this position, flexibility in hours is required. Some weekend and after-hour work may be required.
Issued June 4, 2018
The Manager Project Coordination shall be responsible to the Director of EduTech Services and shall be responsible for assisting all members of the Project Coordination team as they coordinate projects, purchases, and relationships between the component districts and EduTech. In addition, the Manager Project Coordination is responsible for organizing and coordinating processes and procedures for the department regarding workflow and procurement.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Five years’ experience in a distributed technology environment; this includes experience in project implementation
- Excellent interpersonal skills; the ability to communicate and collaborate in a team setting
- Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree preferred
- Experience in information technology supervision preferred
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Manager Project Coordination are:
A. Supervise the Project Coordination team as they coordinate district projects and purchases
B. Supervise and manage the E-Rate Coordination staff
C. Supervise and manage the shared Technology Coordinator staff
D. Supervise Purchasing Assistants over all renewals in a timely manner to ensure no lapse in vendor coverage for software and hardware maintenance renewals for component districts / BOCES for contracts managed by EduTech
E. Assist the Project Coordination team as it regards to marketing strategy to provide information on EduTech services and value added offerings to districts
F. Assist the Project Coordination team as they help districts in technology planning and implementation of purchases of new hardware and software
G. Assist in the coordination and dissemination of information to districts in various formats (Web content, printed material, etc.)
H. Working within EduTech teams, organize the software and hardware purchasing process and planning for services managed by EduTech on behalf of districts
I. Keep the Director of EduTech Services informed at all times of any adverse conditions with a school district which may impact the Regional Information Center’s ability to provide quality services
J. Assist in the launch of new services as it regards communications and rollout
K. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director EduTech Services as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: October 11, 2023
The Manager, Technical Support Team shall report to the Director of EduTech.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Ten years of relevant technical experience, including 5 years management experience
- Strong and effective verbal and written communication skills
- Ability to supervise and evaluate staff
- Strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills
- Ability to work independently, as well as well as collaboratively
- Must be able to travel to 47 school districts and 2 BOCES in the EduTech region
- Additional minimal qualifications as listed on the job posting
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed, and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Manager, Technical Support Team are:
A. Supervising and evaluating the computer technical staff, ensuring teamwork for other computer center activities, proper internal staff training and customer orientation.
B. Managing the portions of the RCC budget related to district hardware and software purchasing.
C. Insuring the proper systems management and controls are in place to provide regional hardware and software standards and accountability.
D. Working closely with the Director of EduTech in coordinating vendor relationships to ensure constant focus on our customers, needs and requirements.
E. Providing leadership to technology research and development activities in the region.
F. Fostering appropriate communications between members of the assigned unit with all other operating units to insure a coordinated approach to providing high quality of services.
G. Coordinating and supervising the setting of priorities for technical service activities connected with the installation and maintenance of hardware, software, wide area networks, local area networks and telecommunications networks and systems.
H. Participating in interviewing and hiring practices as required.
I. Maintaining all personnel-required documentation.
J. Developing policies and procedures related to district purchases, installation and problem solution.
K. Maintaining a customer focus at all times. Ensure that the resolution of information or problems is accomplished with a focus on customer satisfaction.
L. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of EduTech as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: June 3, 1996
Revised: September 29, 2023
Medical Coding and Billing Instructor
The Medical Coding and Billing Instructor shall be responsible to the Assistant Superintendent of P16 Instruction.
The Medical Coding and Billing Instructor will train school age and adult students for employment by developing skills in medical coding and hospital and doctor’s office billing.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Certified Professional Coder (CPC) required with a minimum of 36 months experience as a Medical Coder and Biller.
- A background as a Registered Nurse, Social Worker or Related Service Provider and knowledge of medical terminology and human anatomy and an understanding of the laws and regulations associated with medical records.
- An ability to instruct both school age and adult students in medical coding and billing.
- Must have extensive knowledge of ICD-10 and CPT-4 codes and be familiar with commercial insurance, HMOs, Medicaid and Medicare.
- Profound ability to manage basic accounting functions.
- Practical experience as an adult instructor, educator, presenter
- Results driven, tenacious, highly skilled, talented medical billing and coding specialist with a track records of generation accurate and properly coded medical bills.
- Proficient in using coded data to submit insurance claims, handling unpaid account collections and answering patient’s billing queries effectively.
- Well-versed in coding clinical diagnosis, preparing and abstracting medical data for insurance claims and handling client queries and complaints regarding the same.
- Proven ability to maintain patient confidentiality and excellent knowledge of legality and ethics of the medical field.
- Demonstrated ability to manage time effectively
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Medical Coding and Billing Instructor are:
- Ability to teach to students accurate and timely completion of patient record coding.
- Ability to performs coding activities to assure accurate completion of coding for all patient records; including reviewing for each charge submission for accuracy, adding appropriate modifiers, scrub claims, technology scrub, prepare for insurance, and close the clean batches.
- Ability to teach students how to analyzes medical records for completeness of documentation with direct communication to providers for clarifications on any incomplete or conflicting documentation.
- Ability to show students how to keep current on all coding related regulations, standards, guidelines, industry trends and Medicare announcements.
- Serves as a coding expert and resource for all students.
- Assists in providing coding compliance activities for students by conducting random audits on medical charts.
- Educates student on how to work with physicians, clinicians, and other healthcare staff on changes to coding standards and regulations and instructs students in proper documentation practices.
- Interacts and follows up with students on all communications related to coding, e.g. changes to policies, changes to codes.
- Ability to teach students how to investigates and problem solves all contractual obligation (CO) denials received from the billing staff on charges they have reviewed and coded. Informs billing staff of the corrective actions needed to reprocess the denied claims. Including working with students to teach them how to directly work with physicians to correct documentation deficiencies.
- Investigates all patient requests relating to billing and coding of patient visit and subsequent bill received.
- Works with nursing and laboratory personnel to resolve and have the ability to conduct educational needs analysis and to teach effectively to a wide range of comprehension levels.
B. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Assistant Superintendent of P16 Instruction as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- NYS Teaching Certification and/or NYS Administrative Certificate (SDL/SBL)
- Minimum of three-five years of teaching experience
- Knowledge of research related to Response to Intervention & Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports
- Understanding of scientifically based reading research, reading development, and developmentally appropriate instruction.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
This position will implement and maintain Multi-Tiered Systems of Support framework at grades pk-12 to improve educational outcomes for all students.
The current responsibilities are:
A. Provide coaching and building level professional development to support teachers in assigned districts
B. Work directly with district and building level administration to best support the needs of the district
C. Research and identify appropriate curriculum based measurement tools to provide frequent monitoring of students’ progress or employ tools the district already has in place.
D. Research and identify evidence‐based instructional programs which may be adopted by district to improve instructional methods in classrooms where needed.
E. Monitor instruction to ensure the use of sound teaching practices consisting of evidence‐based instructional practices which are implemented with fidelity.
F. Promote the use of researched‐based interventions in all classrooms.
G. Collect and analyze student data to help teachers plan whole and small group instruction.
H. Oversee data collection and progress monitoring at every tier.
I. Support teachers in documenting student progress.
J. Partner with the 21st CCLC program director
K. Responsible for School Climate Transformation Grant obligations
L. Performs other tasks as requested by the Director of Staff Development as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued November 13, 2018
Revised: April 25, 2019
Certified (N-Z)
Certified Positions are listed in alphabetical order.
- Practical Nursing Teacher
- PRINCIPAL: PTECH (Pathways to Technology)
- Principal-Virtual Learning
- Principal of Special Programs
- School Counselor
- School Psychologist
- School Social Worker (10M)
- Senior Public Information Coordinator
- Student Services Specialist
- Teaching Assistant
- Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG) Coordinator
Practical Nursing Teacher
The Practical Nursing Teacher shall be responsible to the Coordinator of Health Careers.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Active and current NYS Registered Nursing License
- Master’s Degree in Nursing or Bachelor Degree in nursing and be enrolled in and actively pursuing a master’s degree in nursing
- Minimum of 2 years nursing experience. 1 year of caring for the elderly and/or chronically ill preferred
- Comprehensive knowledge of professional nursing
- Obtain NYS Adult Education certification within 6 months of start date
- Leadership and organizational skills
- Ability to maintain a classroom
- Basic Life Support Certification
- Must be willing and able to travel (within assigned BOCES geographical areas) for instruction to various clinical sites
- Prior to beginning of employment, must have physical exam and required NYS Dept. of Health Immunizations
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of Practical Nursing Teacher are:
A. Developing, directing and supervising all student activities in the classroom and clinical settings to promote quality career education in preparation for nursing licensure
B. Providing all necessary theory and lab instruction ensuring readiness for clinical application
C. Promoting student participation and provide equal opportunities to meet program objectives
D. Fairly evaluating, documenting and reporting student progress/conduct maintaining student confidentiality at all times
E. Promoting and maintaining positive relations with administration, faculty, staff and students.
F. Serving as a professional role model and student advocate
G. Required to participate in all work including, but not limited to:
a. Contributing to the revision and implementation of curriculum
b. Maintaining student records and attendance
c. Preparing for and attending faculty meetings
d. Enforcing and abiding by all school policies
e. Attending school functions and ceremonies
H. Responsible for personal professional development and growth by updating and maintaining current nursing knowledge in nursing practice
I. Observing standard precautions and accepting immediate, confidential blood-borne pathogen post-exposure evaluation and treatment in the event of an incident
J. Being aware that as an employee, may receive the Hepatitis B vaccination free of charge, provided by W-FL BOCES
K. Developing skills assignments and checklists to follow curriculum learning objectives
L. Conducting lab/classroom inventory of supplies needed throughout the school year
M. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Coordinator of Health Careers as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: September 25, 2019
Revised: October 4, 2024
PRINCIPAL: PTECH (Pathways to Technology)
The Principal of the PTech High shall be responsible to the Director of K-12 Instruction. Responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all inclusive; they are guidelines to identify the major elements of the position. Specific responsibilities will be reviewed as needed by the Director. The major current responsibilities of the Principal are:
- Be the direct supervisor of all staff assigned to the building.
Provide leadership and direction for the program by:
1. Continuous evaluation and enhancement of existing program in relation to student and district needs.
2. Work collaboratively with Finger Lakes Community College to maximize student opportunities to receive an A.A.S degree.
- Follow and support all BOCES Policies and Administrative Regulations.
- Be responsible for the PTech instructional program in his/her building:
1. Monitor and evaluate instructional practices to support student achievement.
2. Ensure proper development and implementation of new programs.
3. Submit of reports and other data as required or requested.
4 .Recommend Policies and Administrative Regulations pertaining to PTech Program.
5. Promote a safe and secure environment by:
1. Assuming final responsibility for pupil discipline based on the Code of Conduct
2. Being the direct supervisor of staff and be responsible for the day-to-day operations.
3. Maintaining emergency and crisis plans to support students and staff.
- Be responsible for staff development:
1. Coordinate and assist in staff development activities including the effective teacher training program.
2. Develop orientation programs for new staff.
3. Ensure the recruitment and employment of staff.
4 .Interview all prospective staff members.
5 .Make employment recommendations.
6 .Ensure proper evaluation of all staff assigned to the building.
- Be responsible for the building budget as follows:
1. Assist the Director in the development of PTech budget.
2. Coordination of the PTech Grant Funding
3. Administer those budget areas assigned by the Director.
- Be responsible for committee work as follows:
1. Facilitate curriculum development committees.
2. Establish a Principal's Advisory Council as provided for in the negotiated agreement with the Teachers' Association.
3. Ensure that consultant/mentoring partnerships are established and active for all students.
- Assist with Operation and Maintenance as follows:
1. Work directly with facilities personnel to oversee the Operation and Maintenance of the PTech facilities.
2. Assist the Assistant Superintendent for Administration in the development of the Operation and Maintenance budget requests.
- Provide liaison with area high school principals and guidance counselors regarding the PTech Program
- Have both marketing and public relations plans to ensure adequate applicants for the program
- Be responsible for other duties as assigned by the Director.
Issued: February 25, 2015
The Special Education Principal shall be responsible to the Director of Alternative and Special Education. Responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific responsibilities will be reviewed as needed and changes will be made as needed. The major responsibilities of the Special Education Principal are:
- Provide leadership and direction for the special education instructional programs by:
a. Continuous evaluation and enhancement of existing programs in relation to student and district needs.
b. Facilitating the development and implementation of new programs and when appropriate, the transition of students back to their home school district.
c. Overseeing and managing budgets and human resources in support of identified instructional goals with an understanding of fiscal responsibilities.
d. Developing and facilitating professional development opportunities to enable staff to grow in their skills.
e. Supervising, providing for performance improvement, and evaluating personnel.
f. Recruiting, establishing an interview process, selecting and assigning staff.
- Promote a collaborative relationship and maintain effective communications with and among staff, pupils, parents, interagencies and local school districts.
- Promote a safe and secure environment by:
a. Assuming final responsibility for pupil discipline based on the Code of Conduct
b. Being the direct supervisor of staff and be responsible for the day-to-day administration of assigned programs.
c. Maintaining emergency and crisis plans that align with host district plans, where appropriate.
- Manage other duties as assigned.
Issued: 6/3/99
Revised 12/7/2010
The Principal of Technical and Career Education shall be responsible to the Director of Technical, Career and Continuing Education. Responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all inclusive; they are guidelines to identify the major elements of the position. Specific responsibilities will be reviewed as needed by the Director. The major current responsibilities of the Principal of Technical and Career Education are:
A. Be the direct supervisor of all staff assigned to the building.
B. Follow and support all BOCES Policies and Administrative Regulations.
C. Be responsible for the Technical and Career Education instructional program in his/her building:
1. Ensure proper evaluation and improvement of existing programs.
2. Ensure proper development and implementation of new programs.
3. Submit of reports and other data as required or requested.
4. Recommend Policies and Administrative Regulations pertaining to Technical and Career Education.
5. Ensure effective integration and the proper allocation of space to accommodate both secondary and adult programs wherever possible.
D. Be responsible for staff development:
1. Coordinate and assist in staff development activities including the effective teacher training program.
2. Develop orientation programs for new staff.
3. Ensure the recruitment and employment of staff.
4. Interview all prospective staff members.
5. Make employment recommendations.
6. Ensure proper evaluation of all staff assigned to the building.
E. Be responsible for the building budget as follows:
1. Assist the Director in the development of the Technical and Career education budget.
2. Follow the Budget Planning Handbook sections as they pertain to the building budget.
3. Administer those budget areas assigned by the Director.
F. Be responsible for committee work as follows:
1. Facilitate curriculum development committees.
2. Establish a Principal's Advisory Council as provided for in the negotiated agreement with the Teachers' Association.
3. Serve as resource person and advisor for the Technical and Career Education Advisory Council.
4. Ensure that consultant committees are established and active in each subject area.
G. Recommend and assist with categorical aid proposals and encourage and assist in the development of programs and services to the adult population.
H. Assist with Operation and Maintenance as follows:
1. Work directly with the Head Custodian to oversee the Operation and Maintenance of the Technical and Career Education center facilities.
2. Assist the Assistant Superintendent for Administration in the development of the Operation and Maintenance budget requests.
I. Develop effective communications with and among staff, pupils and parents including ensuring the proper coordination between secondary and adult programs.
J. Assume final responsibility for pupil and building discipline.
K .Be responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Technical and
L. Be responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Technical and Career Training Program.
M .Provide liaison with area high school principals.
N. Be "pro-active" in public relations including providing press releases on school activities to the news media and the BOCES Coordinator of Public Information.
O .Be responsible for other duties as assigned by the Director.
Issued: 6/3/99
Principal-Virtual Learning
The Principal-Virtual Learning shall be responsible to the Administrator of Online Instruction.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Certification as SBL administrator.
- Working knowledge of the New York State Learning Standards, graduation requirements, and emerging state assessments.
- Knowledge of the principles and practices involved in implementing virtual/online learning.
- Program evaluation skills emphasize collecting, analyzing, and reporting virtual learning information.
- Ability to produce and deliver presentations to teachers, administrators, and policy-level school leaders.
- Computer and technology skills.
- Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing.
- Ability to work on multiple priorities and as a project team member.
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Principal-Virtual Learning are:
- Provide coordination for online, virtual, and distance learning services to participating school districts.
- Research, select, and coordinate the implementation of needed virtual learning software with the Administrator of Online Instruction (i.e., curriculum, student management system).
- Meet with school administrators to explain virtual learning services' objectives, operational practices, and requirements and help districts identify student educational opportunities.
- Provide leadership for planning, coordinating, and implementing virtual instruction, including the coordination and supervision of online teachers.
- Remain current on NYS laws, regulations, and online, virtual, and distance learning standards.
- Arrange training on the use of virtual/online learning tools and technologies.
- Assist local school districts in the alignment of the virtual learning curriculum.
- Coordinate the efforts of the service with the Regional Information Center and other BOCES service divisions.
- Supervising AccelerateU Teachers
- Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Administrator of Online Instruction as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: May 6, 2024
Revised: November 8, 2024
Principal of Special Programs
The Principal of Special Programs is responsible to the Director of K-12 Instruction or his/her designee.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Prior experience in supervising staff
- Knowledge of teacher evaluation systems
- Experience in coordination between multiple parties or systems
- Strong communication and writing skills
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Principal of Special Programs are:
A. Providing supervision of, and support to, the Incarcerated Education Program resulting in quality service to our component districts by serving the compulsory aged youth and adults in the county jails with NYS High School Equivalence classes or continuing their home-school programs.
B. Coordinate and supervise community based Adult Literacy services including but not limited to: Adult Basic Education (ABE) classes and Adult Secondary Education (ASE) classes and distance learning programs such as Giving Ready Adults a Study Program (GRASP) and the National External Diploma Program (NEDP).
C. Work in planning, implementing and evaluating the many programs and services the Incarcerated Education and Adult Literacy programs offer. This would include but not limited to:
a. Research and design training programs
b. Consult with districts and jail chiefs to diagnose needs, appropriately plan for services to ensure quality and satisfaction
c. Manage and match resources to meet customer needs
d. Make logistical arrangements, arrange for professional development for staff
e. Represent WFL BOCES on the Regional Adult Education Network team
f. Coordinate all aspects of the data required by the National Reporting System
g. Collaborate with partner agencies delivering services to clients
D. Coordination, planning, supervision and leadership guidance for component districts for Regional Summer School Program.
E. Coordination, planning, supervision and leadership guidance for component districts for Driver’s Education.
F. Provide supervisory support to the W-FL BOCES Council on Occupational Education Accredited Health Careers Programs including but not limited to:
a. Practical Nursing
b. Certified Nursing Assistant
c. Other programs TBD that require approval by the NYS Department of Health or NYSED
G. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of K-12 Instruction or his/her designee as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued December 5, 2018
The Professional Development Registrar shall be responsible to the Director of Staff Development.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of Professional Development Registrar are:
A. Provide day to day oversight of professional learning registration and tracking systems (My Learning Plan, Web Reg, others as assigned) working with both internal WFL BOCES employees and participants from our 25 component districts.
a. Manage professional learning registration and tracking for WFL BOCES
b. Manage internal accounts (including assigning of rights to individuals)
c. Manage reporting/organizational structure for approval of professional learning activities requests
d. Enter professional learning activities for WFL BOCES/EduTech using a consistent system and streamlined process
e. Monitor registration and attendance for professional learning activities to ensure accurate record keeping
f. Run billing and attendance reports for WFL BOCES and EduTech departments
g. Process user history requests
h. Trouble shoot issues for both internal and district users
B. Provide training and support to WFL BOCES employees and EduTech districts in large/small group settings.
C. Coordinate with WFL departments to provide ongoing support for tracking professional learning and maintaining user accounts.
D. Communicate professional learning registration and tracking systems updates to stakeholders.
E. Remain up-to-date with NYS Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) tracking requirements.
F. Attend training sessions about the professional learning registration and tracking systems.
G. Plan and implementation and rollout for systems for WFL BOCES and EduTech districts.
H. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of Staff Development as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: March 12, 2018
The School Business Official shall be responsible to BOCES Assistant Superintendent of Administration.
This position will be provided day to day operational direction by the Chief School Official, or designee, of the assigned district. Duties will be specific to the assigned District and may include part or whole of the following list of current responsibilities. These responsibilities are meant to be specifically assigned by the assigned district’s Chief School Official, or designee, with support and consultation as needed by the BOCES Assistant Superintendent for Administration.
Minimum Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- School District Business Leader (SDBL) certification or
- School Business Administrator (SBA) certification.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the School Business Official are:
A. Responsible for budget development and monitoring
B. Responsible for purchasing and monitoring
C. Responsible for district accounting functions
D. Responsible for processing/administration of district payroll and benefits
E. File local, state and federal financial reports
F. Participate in collective bargaining negotiations
G. Responsible for banking, cash management and managing district credit
H. Supervise business office and other assigned staff
I. Ensure the preparation of and maintenance of a central equipment inventory, as required by law
J. Responsible for tax rate calculations and collection
K. Responsible for the coordination of audits
L. Keep abreast of the latest developments in the administration and finance functions of the state education system
M. Represent district at various meetings and seminars including healthcare and worker’s compensation consortiums, purchasing, school business officials and risk management
N. Attend district Audit Committee meetings as necessary
O. Attend district Board of Education meetings as necessary
P. At the discretion of the District, may perform Human Resource Manager Duties including but not limited to:
a. Attend job fairs to recruit candidates. Oversee and take a leadership role in the hiring processes in districts
b. Counsel employees in the areas of certification, retirement, health benefits, insurance and other areas as needed
c. Maintain regular communication with the State Education Department and the applicable County Civil Service Commissions(s), and assume responsibility for all personnel matters related to the implementation of all Civil Service Regulations, Commissioner’s Regulations, and Education Law
d. Oversee the preparation of personnel recommendations for submission by the Superintendent to the Board
e. Oversee the preparation and maintenance of statistical information on all personnel and submit necessary Federal and State statistical reports
f. Develop, recommend, and implement policies and administrative regulations for the effective operation of the district and Human Resource function
g. Advise administrators about the recruitment of new staff, oversee the posting of all vacant positions, and coordinate the posting of component district positions as needed
h. Ensure that a periodic review and revision of existing position descriptions is carried out with appropriate administrators
i. Assist with labor relations and collective bargaining, including contract interpretation, providing advice and direction to the Chief School Officer or designee
j. Supervise the administration of employee benefits/open enrollment programs, FMLA protocols, and certifications
k. Attend district and building level planning meetings
l. Attend district and building level budget meetings
Q. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Assistant Superintendent of Administration as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: March 1, 2018
Revised May 6, 2019
School Counselor
The School Counselor shall be responsible to the Building Principal.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Appropriate NYSED Certification
- Successful completion of all elements of Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) training.
- Demonstrates familiarity with and understanding of many of the challenges facing youth and families and is committed to strengthening the connection between youth/families and schools.
- Demonstrates the skills necessary for and an appreciation of cultural and linguistic diversity as represented in the school community.
- Ensures that confidentiality and privacy is maintained with respect to all communications and records, unless exempted by law.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the School Counselor are:
A. Ability to collaborate and consult with educational team members, parents, and component districts to create a safe and supportive learning environment
B. Collaborate with educational team members, parents, and staff to identify environmental factors that may be impacting learning
C. Work with team members and building personnel to provide targeted interventions to teach social, emotional or behavioral regulation
D. Provide group and/or individual counseling using evidence-based interventions to address the diverse needs of students
E. Gather data, through observations, records review, phone conversations with professionals outside of the school setting, to identify level of functioning for students, strengths and needs to achieving social emotional balance.
F. Communicate with community-based providers to continue support for students at home
G. Maintain knowledge of skills related to trauma, illness and grief, and provide crisis intervention for students and/or staff members as needed
H. Creating Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans.
I. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Building Principal as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: September 30, 2020
Last Reviewed March 5, 2024
The School Library System Coordinator shall be responsible to the School Library System Director.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Appropriate NYSED Certification
- A Master’s Degree, preferentially obtained from an ALA accredited library school
- Three years of post-MLS professional library experience is preferred
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the School Library System Coordinator are:
A. Working closely with the School Library System Director, school districts and multiple W-FL BOCES/Edutech departments to provide support & assistance to member school libraries & school library staff
B. Developing and implementing system services and technology support to meet the needs of member school libraries and districts
C. Supporting the School Library System and component districts by offering advisement in areas related to school libraries, such as but not limited to best instructional practices, copyright, programming, and collection development
D. Strengthening the School Library System by assisting in the creation of marketing, promotional and advocacy materials through various avenues including social media.
E. Supporting the School Library System with e-content collection development and assisting by collecting usage data for these platforms
F. Working with the School Library System team to troubleshoot library support requests and questions
G. Meeting virtually or in-person with districts to interpret needs, providing timely and accurate assistance
H. Working with the School Library System Director, system staff, and component districts to identify training and educational needs of member libraries, developing and implementing trainings through numerous formats including system meetings, workshops, on-location at member libraries
I. Speaking, writing and training effectively to a broad range of audiences
J. Exhibiting resourceful, enthusiastic, flexible, diplomatic and cooperative qualities in both a team environment and independently
K. Maintaining current and relevant knowledge of technology, learning management systems, and student data privacy regulations
L. Demonstrating flexibility and innovation to provide high-quality service in an ever-changing school library environment
M. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the School Library System Director as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: 7/30/2014
Revised: October 27, 2021
School Psychologist
The School Psychologist shall be responsible to the Building Principal.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Appropriate NYSED Certification
- Successful completion of Therapeutic Crisis Intervention and Supports (TCIS) training
- May assist with one and two person lifts and/or physical interventions
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the School Psychologist are:
A. Demonstrate, promote, and practice cultural sensitivity toward students and staff through respect and understanding
B. Promote equity, practice cultural responsiveness, create inclusive environments
C. Ability to collaborate and consult with educational team members, parents, and component districts to create a safe and supportive learning environment
D. Work with team members and building personnel to provide targeted interventions to teach social, emotional or behavioral regulation
E. Collaborate with educational team members, parents, and staff to identify environmental factors that may be impacting learning
F. Communicate with community-based providers to continue support for students at home
G. Provide group and/or individual counseling using evidence-based interventions to address the diverse needs of students
H. Evaluate students to determine current functioning, strengths and needs using that data to create a supportive environment at school and strengthen the home school connection, using current, valid and reliable assessment tools
I. Gather data, through observations, records review, phone conversations with professionals outside of the school setting, to identify level of functioning for students, strengths and needs to achieving social emotional balance
J. Conduct initial evaluations, re-evaluations, and Functional Behavioral Assessments
K. Develop, implement, and monitor behavior intervention plans and crisis management plans
L. Demonstrate excellent written and oral communication skills
M. Maintain knowledge of skills related to trauma, informed practices and provide crisis intervention for students and/or staff members as needed
N. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Building Principal as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: October 5, 2020
Revised March 11, 2024
School Social Worker (10M)
The School Social Worker shall be responsible to the Building Principal.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Appropriate NYSED Certification
- Willingness to successfully complete all elements of Therapeutic Crisis Intervention and Supports (TCIS) training
- May assist with one and two person lifts and/or physical interventions
- Possess a broad skill set to engage learners of all levels including, but not limited to:
- Knowledge of skills related to trauma, illness, grief, crisis intervention, identifying level of functioning for students.
- Ability to work collaboratively as a member of a team.
- Excellent written and oral communication skills.
- Promoting equity and culturally responsive practices to create inclusive environments.
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the School Social Worker are:
A. Ability to collaborate and consult with educational team members, parents, and component districts to create a safe and supportive learning environment
B. Collaborate with educational team members, parents, and staff to identify environmental factors that may be impacting learning
C. Work with team members and building personnel to provide targeted interventions to teach social, emotional or behavioral regulation
D. Provide group and/or individual counseling using evidence-based interventions to address the diverse needs of students
E. Gather data, through observations, records review, phone conversations with professionals outside of the school setting, to identify level of functioning for students, strengths and needs to achieving social emotional balance.
F. Communicate with community-based providers to continue support for students at home
G. Maintain knowledge of skills related to trauma, illness and grief, and provide crisis intervention for students and/or staff members as needed
H. Creating Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans
I. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Building Principal as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position
Issued: September 30, 2020
Revised March 11, 2024
The School to Work Coordinator shall report directly to and be under the supervision of the assigned BOCES or component district supervisors. Specific responsibilities will be reviewed regularly by the respective supervisor(s) and changes will be made as needed. The current major responsibilities of the School to Work Coordinator are:
- Conduct on-going job search activities, maintain and make available work-based learning opportunities to the students. This includes but is not limited to; job shadowing, internships, short term work based placements.
- Develop and conduct scheduled visitations of all co-op work experience placements on a regular basis.
- Work collaboratively with school counselors to develop career exploration, career planning, career preparation and career enhancement activities.
- As requested and appropriate, work collaboratively with the school counselor to assist the graduates in securing employment or enrollment into post-secondary education related to their career interests.
- Assist in the development of and maintain records such as: a monthly report, federal and state requirements, evaluations, and training outlines.
- Work collaboratively with teachers and counselors to schedule and implement job search seminars covering job seeking skills, completing job applications, developing resumes and cover letters, and obtaining interviewing skills.
- As requested, conduct follow-up placement studies.
- As requested, conduct a follow-up of employers for their evaluation of the effectiveness of the School-To-Work initiative.
- Facilitate round table discussions between faculty and business representatives regarding existing school district and regional school-to-work initiatives as well as the development of new innovative activities (i.e. identification of new work-based and school-based activities).
- Work collaboratively with other school based school to work coordinators in the region to coordinate activities and placements.
- Utilize and cooperate with community agencies involved in placement activities.
- Be responsible for other duties as may be assigned by the supervisor.
Senior Public Information Coordinator
The Senior Public Information Coordinator shall be responsible to the Centralized Communication Manager and Director of Communications.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Three (3) years of school public relations experience or similar communication planning experience
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Senior Public Information Coordinator are managing and overseeing multiple communication initiatives' strategies, goals and public relations efforts. These duties involve developing annual communications plans for the BOCES, school districts and departments.
A. Oversee and manage multiple communications goals and projects, including the responsibility of project management of special projects, events and initiatives
B. Assists various departments and district in coordinating communications with stakeholders and districts
C. Focus on the growth and development of strong working relationships with districts, departments and the Centralized Communication team
D. Assists with implementation of communication goals by identifying target audiences and selecting appropriate channels and tactics
E. Assists with the preparation of digital content, press materials, documents, and communication materials as aligned with the communication plan
F. Assists with advising school districts on Crisis Communication and Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG) responses
G. Track and analyze communication efforts to assess the effectiveness of communication strategies
H. Engage with various stakeholders, including district leadership, community groups, and the general public, to build and maintain positive relationships and ensure transparent communication
I. Leadership is exercised over communication plans, goals and projects
J. Due to the nature of this position, flexibility in hours is required. Some weekend and after-hour work may be required
K. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Centralized Communication Manager or Director of Communications as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position
Issued: June 13, 2024
The Shared Data Coordinator shall be responsible to the Manager of Data Services but reports directly to the designated point of contact in each component district that they support. The Shared Data Coordinator will work with multiple districts in the EduTech region acting as the central point of contact for data collection activities in the school district.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- All degrees within education and/or technology fields considered
- Possess an understanding of the educational environment
- Experience and knowledge in data software applications preferred
- Ability to conduct professional development for teachers and administrators
- Ability to work collaboratively with colleagues
- Must be able to travel to 47 school districts and 2 BOCES in the EduTech region
- Excellent written and communication skills
- Self-motivated capacity to accomplish tasks independently
- Ability to identify technical requirements as they relate to an in-depth understanding of data systems
- Additional minimal qualifications as listed on the job posting
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed, and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Shared Data Coordinator are:
- Work collaboratively with district support staff, administrators and district superintendent to disseminate information and reporting requirements.
- Coordinate data collection and error resolution activities; coordinate activities and communication needed to ensure required data entry is completed accurately.
- Understand and communicate data timelines regarding loading source data, making corrections to data, and verification of data.
- Coordinate activities required to complete data certification at a district level.
- Develop a means of ongoing communication between and within departments in the district, both during the data collection and loading process, and the data verification process.
- Coordinate assessment dispersion, collection, and delivery to EduTech.
- Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Manager of Data Services as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: 1/30/12
Revised: September 25, 2023
The Special Education Teacher shall be responsible to the Principal.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Must hold NYS Certification in Students with Disabilities (SWD)
- Must hold dual NYS Certification the subject area: Special Education
- Understanding of students with moderate to severe disabilities
- Successful completion of Therapeutic Crisis Intervention and Supports (TCIS) training
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Special Education Teacher are:
A. Demonstrate, promote, and practice cultural sensitivity towards students and staff through respect and understanding
B. Promote equity, practice cultural responsiveness, create inclusive environments
C. Create a safe, orderly classroom atmosphere that is conducive to learning and respectful of all abilities
D. Provide specialized instruction to a diverse population of students with emotional and learning disabilities who may have developmental, behavioral, emotional, physical, learning or communication needs
E. Design lesson plans that align with NYS Learning standards and correlate with IEP goals
F. Implement assessments that use multiple modalities to monitor student achievement
G. Fully participate in all aspects of the IEP draft writing process
H. Fully participate in all CSE meetings as necessary
I. Progress monitor IEP goals and work with students toward strengthening academic, social management, and physical skills
J. Collaborate with colleagues to ensure a highly robust educational journey for all students
K. Effectively communicate with families and component districts regarding the educational program and progress of their child
L. Demonstrate excellent written and oral communication skills
M. Facilitate/direct the activities of Aides and Teaching Assistants
N. Participate in all evaluations as necessary
O. Assist in collecting and monitoring data for Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans
P. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Principal as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: October 13, 2022
Revised March 11, 2024
The Staff Development Administrator shall be responsible to the Director of Staff Development.
Minimum qualifications are listed on the job posting and will include applicable certification(s) and/or meeting civil service requirements.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Staff Development Administrator are:
A. Coordinate regional and in-district instructional technology professional development sessions
B. Support the coordination of regional and in-district professional development sessions
C. Plan and deliver professional development sessions to educators around current “trends” and educational needs. Currently this could include:
a. leveraging technology in the classroom
b. using foundational, adaptive, and highly customizable content and tools
c. product specific training (i.e.: Google, Microsoft 360, Schoology…)
d. co-plan with other staff to integrate current technology into content areas
D. Research, report out and implement instructional technology trends and best practices
E. Support teachers and leaders with student-centered instruction
F. Coordinate with local and national consultants
G. Participate in regional, state and national level instructional technology and distance learning groups
H. Supervise staff (which could include coordinator titles and would be identified by the Director of Staff Development)
I. Collaborate with other departments within W-FL BOCES and EduTech
J. Work with all 47 school districts (within EduTech)
K. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of Staff Development as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: March 1, 2018
The Staff Development Trainer shall be responsible to the Director of Staff Development.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Current NYSED Certification
- At least 5 years classroom teaching experience
- Willing to attend overnight statewide and national conferences
- Travel throughout the component districts within Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES
- Administrative certification preferred, but not required
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Staff Development Trainer are:
- Assisting and guiding the component districts within Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES on curriculum, instruction and assessment tailored to individual students’ strengths and needs
- Demonstrating a strong understanding of the NYS Learning Standards
- Coordinating and providing regional professional development opportunities
- Implementing experience in curriculum theory and design
- Facilitating various groups
- Assisting districts with local assessment creation, implementation, and data analysis
- Analyzing NYS testing results (grades 3-8 and Regents) and providing support to districts on how to understand and use the results
- Supporting coordination of regional scoring for grades 3-8 and Regents state assessments
- Providing instructional coaching support to teachers
- Supporting Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES Shared Instructional Coaches
- Staying current with state and regional initiatives and report back to component districts
- Researching and presenting on various pedagogical philosophies
- Attending regional and statewide professional development opportunities to strengthen work
- Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of Staff Development as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position
Issued: 4/24/19
Revised: September 19, 2019
Student Services Specialist
The Student Services Specialist shall be responsible to the Manager of Data Services.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- All degrees within education and/or technology fields considered
- Possess an understanding of the educational environment
- Ability to conduct professional development for teachers and administrators
- Ability to work collaboratively with colleagues
- Excellent written and communication skills
- Self-motivated capacity to accomplish tasks independently
- Ability to identify technical requirements as they relate to an in-depth understanding of data systems
- Must be able to travel to 47 school districts and 2 BOCES in the EduTech region
- Experience and knowledge in data software applications preferred
- Knowledge of SchoolTool, education setting and professional development/workshop experience preferred.
- Additional minimal qualifications as listed on the job posting
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Student Services Specialist are:
A. Project management, planning, organizing and coordinating training activities while performing program updates.
B. Working collaboratively with internal staff to provide day-to-day customer support for school districts.
C. Coordinating efforts to correct and resolve highly complex problems.
D. Providing information to school district personnel regarding updates and software features.
E. Participating in organizing and conducting user group meetings for district personnel.
F. Preparing/revising user manuals and training materials.
G. Working with EduTech personnel to coordinate the preparation of training and reporting schedules.
H. Acting as a liaison between the SchoolTool team, EduTech and district personnel for all updates, systems and data.
I. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Manager of Data Services as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: January 30, 2012
Revised: September 22, 2023
Teaching Assistant
The Teaching Assistant shall be responsible to the Principal.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Candidates must hold NYS Teacher Assistant certification or be willing to pursue Teaching Assistant certification. Certification is required by the New York State Education Department - "Any person employed, as a teaching assistant, shall hold of one of the following credentials: temporary license, continuing certificate; or a Level I, II, III or Pre-Professional certificate. However, if an individual holds a teaching, pupil personnel, or administrative certificate, he or she need not also obtain a temporary license, continuing certificate, Level I, II, III or Pre-Professional certificate to serve as a teaching assistant, unless required by the employing district."
- Must be able to perform one and two person lifts and/or physical interventions on a daily basis with students weighing 50-200 pounds and successfully complete Therapeutic Crisis Intervention Training (TCIS), if necessary for specific assignment.
- Possess a broad skill set of effective teaching and learning to engage learners of all levels, including but not limited to:
- Ability to work collaboratively as a member of a team
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Commitment to promoting equity, practicing cultural responsiveness, and creating inclusive environments.
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Teaching Assistant are:
- Provide individual and group instructional services to students under the general supervision of a licensed or certified teacher.
- Assist classroom teacher in implementation of Individualized Education Plans/504 Plans, if applicable.
- Adapt and implement classroom lessons and activities under the supervision of the teacher.
- Work cooperatively with staff, administration and consultants to meet all students’ needs.
- Communicate effectively with the team including classroom teachers, other professional staff and parents.
- Collect data and provide input to the behavioral specialist and classroom team.
- Assist students with daily living skills (dressing, toileting, etc.), if applicable.
- Accompany students to and from all areas outside of the classroom (swimming, riding the bus, etc.), if applicable.
- Plan and implement daily activities under the supervision of the teacher.
- Assist with maintaining record-keeping.
- Assist students in communicating utilizing adaptive communication devices, if applicable.
- Attend staffing meetings and training before and after school as needed.
- Attend training specific to students.
- Support students in work programs both on and off W-FL BOCES campus locations.
- Depending on the location, may involve direct work with students with autism, emotional and/or developmental disabilities which may include, but are not limited to, oppositional and aggressive behaviors; mood disorders; and potentially severe and unpredictable physical and/or verbal outbursts.
- Depending on the location, this position may include lifting, changing and feeding duties.
- Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Principal necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: May 15, 2018
Revised: March 7, 2024
Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG) Coordinator
The Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG) Coordinator shall be responsible to the Director of Communications.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Experience working in a school district or BOCES in a certified position (teacher, social worker, counselor, school psychologist)
- Preference will be given to candidates that possess NYS Building Level or District Level Administrator certification
- Strong communication skills
- Successful completion and strong understanding of the following TIG/CISM trainings: Group Crisis Intervention and Advanced Group Crisis Intervention: Strategies and Tactics for Complex Situations trainings
- Three to five years responding to crises of trauma, illness and grief.
- Experience coordinating TIG responses
- Strong collaboration and facilitation skills necessary
- Detailed and task oriented
- Ability to create training materials to support and enhance the learning of district TIG team
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Trauma, Illness and Grief (TIG) Coordinator are:
- Act as the Regional liaison and connection for participating TIG Districts.
- Co-coordination/facilitation, support, and response in the event of a TIG activation needing regional support.
- When requested, review a district crisis response plan as well as connection with district teams who are prepared and able to respond to a crisis within the district and offer support to other districts within the region.
- Following a regional crisis response, a process/connection meeting with the coordinator and responders will be offered. This may allow the district to process their response allowing for growth and modifications to the district plan.
- When requested, support districts while creating/improving their district Crisis Response Plan.
- When requested, support districts through implementation and practice of key components of the TIG process.
- Offer yearly connection update meeting with superintendents to share their district’s “chain of command” and crisis flowchart.
- Facilitate yearly TIG Administrative Workshop to include overview of administrative responses and responsibilities.
- Facilitate regional Primary Contact meetings to be held 2x per year.
- Create and present workshops 2x per year to practice and apply skills taught and discussed during training and responses. All workshops will be created to be utilized in a turnkey manner by participants.
- Gather resources and create a TIG Library through the greater regional TIG consortium to include GVEP, Roch. City, Monroe County, trainers at CCSI and ICISF
- Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director of Communication as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: June 13, 2024
The Transition Coordinator/Incarcerated Ed shall be responsible to the Principal of Special Programs.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- School Social Worker, MSW or School Counselor and eligible for NYS Certification in Adult Education
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The Incarcerated Education Programs generally provide quality service to our component districts by serving the compulsory aged youth and adults in the county jails with NYS Alternative High School Equivalence classes or continuing their home-school programs. The Transitions Transition Coordinator/Incarcerated Ed The current responsibilities of the Transition Coordinator/Incarcerated Ed are:
A. Job readiness instruction in the jails - resume writing, interviewing skills, conflict management, soft skills, career exploration
B. Supervising computer-based training simulators for machining and heavy equipment controls and operation
C. Individual case management office hours outside the jails schedule TBD and flexible based on census
D. Maintenance of records for the purposes of demonstrating metrix
E. Assisting with the ramp-up to the new TASC and CB Testing helping students finish if they are released prior to completion
F. Working with other jail program providers (FLACRA, Trillium Health, etc.) to add value
G. Establishing links and partnerships with area employers, as well as working cooperatively with Workforce Development and the One-Stops
H. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Principal of Special Programs as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued January 8, 2014
Revised March 5, 2024
The Tutor shall be responsible to the Assistant Superintendent for Innovation and Accountability.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- Completion of two years at the college level
- NYSED Certification preferred
- Prior teaching experience preferred
- Additional minimum qualifications as listed on the job posting.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Tutor are:
A. Providing instructional programs to pupils in hospitals, day treatment centers, or other facilities which preclude the pupil's attendance in schools of their district residence
B. Implementing instructional programs designed to help pupils continue course work assigned by their district
C. Following all regulations of a student’s IEP and/or 504 plan
D. Communicating all pertinent information with component school district(s), BOCES contacts and families
E. Utilizing secure BOCES issued email or secure component district(s) issued email for all communications
F. Maintaining records of tutoring occurrences and student issues
G. Submitting time sheets bi-weekly, on time and in completed format
H. Following procedures as detailed in the tutor handbook and in accordance with all NYSED laws and regulations and BOCES guidance and policy documents
I. Ensuring a positive, student centered, productive, learning environment
J. Communicating student related concerns to BOCES and component district(s) as soon as they arise
K. Maintaining the appropriate student to tutor ratio
L. Maintaining confidentiality in various aspects including but not limited to student records and familial information
M. Following the component district(s) and/or BOCES Code of Conduct as relevant to the pupil
N. Implementing current, research-based best practices in multiple areas including but not limited to student instruction, behavior management, technology use and safety, differentiation
O. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Assistant Superintendent for Innovation and Accountability as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: October 26, 2021
The Work-Based Learning Coordinator shall be responsible to the Principal.
Qualifications may include but are not limited to:
- NYS School Counselor or NYS Work Based Learning Certification or working towards certification
- Preference given to experience working in special education
Responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify major and general elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed and changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Work-Based Learning Coordinator are:
Program Responsibilities
- Conduct on-going job search activities, maintain, and make available work-based learning opportunities to the students.
- Develop and conduct scheduled visitations of all work experience placements on a regular basis.
- Work collaboratively with component district and W-FL BOCES program staff to assist the graduates in securing employment or enrollment into post-secondary education related to their career interests.
- Assist in the development of and maintain records for students related to work-based learning outcomes, including CDOS requirements.
- Work collaboratively to schedule and implement job search seminars covering job seeking skills, completing job applications, developing resumes and cover letters, and obtaining interviewing skills.
- Conduct annual follow-up placement studies as related to work experiences for students.
- Conduct a follow-up of employers for their evaluation of the effectiveness of the Work-Based Learning Experiences for students.
- Facilitate round table discussions between faculty and business representatives regarding existing school district and regional employment related initiatives for students as well as the development of new innovative activities (i.e. identification of new work-based and school-based activities).
- Work collaboratively with other Work-Based Learning Coordinators and other associates in the field of Work-Based Learning in the region to coordinate activities and placements.
- Utilize and cooperate with community agencies involved in placement activities.
- Assure compliance with IEP/504 accommodations and modifications within the program.
- Attend regional professional development as a representative of W-FL BOCES related to work-based learning to maintain best practices related to Work-Based Learning.
- Conduct Person Centered Planning sessions for students within the component district and W-FL BOCES programs as needed.
Leadership Responsibilities:
- In conjunction with the program Principal, coordinate aspects of student scheduling and instructional programming on a daily basis.
- Responsible for tracking, support and improvement of student achievement in selected courses, and coordinating efforts to improve instructional environment with Principal, Teachers, and Support Staff.
- Analyze operational processes and make recommendations to the Principal for changes and improvements.
- Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Principal as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: September 25, 2019
Revised: March 6, 2024
Non-Certified (A-O)
Listed below are Non-Certified/Civil Service Positions, also known as Classified Positions.
Please Note: Ontario County Human Resources issues the job description specifications and typical duties for Civil Service positions.
Ontario County Human Resources Job Specifications Online
- Account Clerk
- Account Clerk Typist
- Accountant I
- Cook Manager
- Director of facilities ii
Account Clerk
The work is primarily of a routine nature and involves the application of standardized account keeping practices in maintaining and reviewing financial accounts and records. Account Clerks usually work under general supervision on standard assignments in accordance with definitely defined procedures. Supervisors are available for consultation on unusual problems and provide instructions on all new or difficult assignments. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Operates a personal computer in performing duties described below:
- Posts to journal or ledger accounts from appropriation, expense, invoice, payroll, receipts, voucher records and other original entry media;
- Receives remittances by mail or in person, verifies amounts, computes interest and penalties and posts to books of original entry;
- Assists in maintaining labor, material and operational cost records;
- Assists in verifying and reconciling account balances according to a prescribed procedure;
- Helps to review and check routine account keeping records and reports for arithmetical and clerical accuracy, completeness and proper extension;
- Classifies constantly recurring receipts and expenditures and distributes costs according to a prescribed code;
- Compiles data for and helps in the preparation of simple financial and statistical reports;
- Issues receipts for monies received;
- Sorts, indexes and files requisitions, vouchers, ledger cards and other material;
- Compiles payroll data, prepares and checks payroll;
- Operates computing, calculating, check writing and other office machines.
- May, on occasion, be required to operate word processing, data entry or related business equipment.
Working knowledge of modern methods of keeping and reviewing financial accounts and records; working knowledge of office terminology, procedures and equipment; working knowledge of business arithmetic and English; ability to perform data entry work on a computer; ability to make arithmetical computations accurately and rapidly; ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions; ability to write legibly; ability to get along well with others; clerical aptitude; mental alertness; high degree of accuracy; integrity, tact, neatness and courtesy; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
1. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and one year of clerical experience responsible for maintaining financial accounts and records; or
2. Two years clerical experience as described in (1) above; or
3. An equivalent combination of training and experience as described above.
NOTE: Completion of one year of college with study in accounting, secretarial science, office technologies or business administration may be substituted for the one year of required experience as noted in number (1) above.
NOTE: Documented part-time or volunteer experience will be accepted on a prorated basis.
Approved: March 9, 1987
Account Clerk Typist
The work is primarily of a routine nature and involves operating a computer in the application of standard account keeping practices in maintaining and reviewing of financial accounts and records. Employees usually work under general supervision on standard assignments in accordance with definitely defined procedures. Supervisors are available for consultation on unusual problems and provide instructions on all new or difficult assignments. Excepting the ability to operate a computer, this class is equivalent to that of Account Clerk. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Operates a personal computer in performing duties described below:
- Posts to journal or ledger accounts from appropriation, expense, invoice, payroll, receipts, voucher records and other original entry media;
- Receives remittances by mail or in person, verifies amounts, computes interest and penalties and posts to books of original entry;
- Assists in maintaining labor, material and operational cost records;
- Assists in verifying and reconciling account balances according to a prescribed procedure;
- Types forms, form letters, transcripts, invoices, vouchers, records, payrolls, title searches, judgments, lis pendens, reports, index cards, time cards, and similar materials;
- Classifies constantly recurring receipts and expenditures and distributes costs according to a prescribed code;
- Compiles data for and helps in the preparation of simple financial and statistical reports;
- Sorts, indexes and files requisitions, vouchers, ledger cards and other material;
- Compiles payroll data, prepares and checks payroll;
- Operates computing, calculating, check writing and other office machines.
Working knowledge of modern methods of keeping and reviewing financial accounts and records; working knowledge of office terminology, procedures and equipment; working knowledge of business arithmetic and English; ability to perform data entry work on a computer; ability to make arithmetical computations accurately and rapidly; ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions; ability to write legibly; ability to get along well with others; clerical aptitude; mental alertness; accuracy, tact, neatness and courtesy; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
1. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and one (1) year of full-time paid, or its part-time equivalent, account clerical/bookkeeping experience maintaining financial accounts and associated financial records; OR
2. Two years of full-time paid, or its part-time equivalent, account clerical/bookkeeping experience as described in (1) above.
SUBSTITUTION: Completion of one (1) year (1 year equaling 30 credit hours) of college with study in accounting, secretarial science, office technologies or business administration may be substituted for the one year of required experience as noted in (1) above.
Revised 12/16/2018
Accountant I
The work involves responsibility for planning, implementing and monitoring accounting and fiscal management functions in a department or agency. The incumbent in this position analyzes and monitors program funds, grants and expenditures; develops accounting systems; furnishes periodic financial reports; completes the payroll and other related personnel reports; may oversee account keeping activities completed by contract agencies. Work is performed under the general supervision of a department head or higher level administrator with leeway allowed for the exercise of independent judgment in carrying out details of the work. Routine supervision of accounting staff is a responsibility of this position. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Oversees staff in the preparation of monthly billing;
- Supervises day to day activities to ensure proper accounting procedures are followed;
- Develops, revises and implements accounting systems and procedures to provide complete and accurate accounting for the agency’s financial transactions;
- Prepares financial reports required by state laws and local rules detailing claims and expenditures;
- Performs cost and budget analyses, financial forecasting feasibility studies and other accounting tasks to aid in program efficiency and effectiveness;
- Maintains journal and ledger accounts and balances reconciles bank statements and accounts;
- Prepares periodic fiscal and statistical statements and reports for agency use, or submission to State and Federal agencies;
- Assists the department head in the preparation of service contracts by collecting and preparing statistical reports;
- Assists the department head in the preparation of a program’s annual operating budget and application for grants by compiling and analyzing financial data;
- Advises and consults with department head or other staff on current fiscal and reporting requirements and control of expenditures;
- Coordinates purchases for a department, verifies finds are available from appropriate accounts, prepares requisitions and maintains list of qualified suppliers;
- Uses personal computer to make financial inquiries, maintain records and make financial analyses.
Good knowledge of the principles, practices and terminology of accounting; good knowledge of financial administration including budgeting, purchasing and reporting, good knowledge of modern office terminology, procedures and equipment; working knowledge of business arithmetic and English; ability to develop and maintain accounting systems; ability to prepare and analyze complex financial records, reports and statements; ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing; ability to operate a personal computer and utilize common office software programs; ability to perform close, detail work involving considerable visual effort and concentration; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university or one accredited by the New York State Board of Regents to grant degrees with a Bachelor’s degree in accounting, business or public administration, economics or related field, including or supplemented by 18 semester credit hours in accounting and one (1) year of accounting or auditing experience involving the maintenance or auditing of double entry books or a business, including the general ledger, or in the maintenance of governmental agency books involving appropriation accounting and the preparation of budget and financial reports, or
2. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university or one accredited by the New York State Board of Regents to grant degrees with an associate’s degree in accounting, business administration or closely related field including or supplemented by nine (9) semester credit hours in accounting and three (3) years of experience as defined in one (1); or
3. An equivalent combination of training and experience as described by the limits of (1) and (2).
NOTE: Completion of one year of college with study in accounting, secretarial science or business administration may be substituted for the one year of required experience as noted in number (1) above.
NOTE: Documented part-time or volunteer experience will be accepted on a prorated basis.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR APPOINTMENT: Certain assignments made to employees in this class will require access to transportation to meet field work assignments made in the ordinary course of business in a timely and efficient manner.
This is a paraprofessional position involving responsibility for performing a wide variety of administrative and clerical activities and tasks in support of an office or program. Specific tasks may vary depending on the functional area and program objectives of the agency to which the employee is assigned, but the Aide position is characterized by substantial contact with agency clients or the general public to explain program services, requirements, etc., by managing complex records systems and by assisting administrators and professional staff in these higher level positions. The work is performed under the general supervision of a higher level administrator within the framework of clearly defined guidelines and instructions. The incumbent does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Provides information over the phone and to visitors on program services and requirements, may schedule appointments or assist individuals in applying for services, explains procedures and program processes;
- Compiles data and background material to assist in various administrative/professional activities;
- Maintains and processes complex records including computerized records requiring advanced knowledge of agency services and procedures;
- Schedules and arranges conferences, meetings, special events, etc.;
- Assists professional staff in analyzing and evaluating methods, procedures, forms, applications, etc.;
- May compose correspondence in response to routine inquiries and issues;
- Prepares a variety of reports related to the work;
- Opens, reviews and distributes incoming mail in accordance with staff assignments, researches and attaches appropriate background material to correspondence;
- Prepares responses to letters concerning program, policies and procedures for own or supervisor’s signature;
- Coordinates the maintenance of and prepares agency financial, payroll, personnel, and attendance records;
- Designs, sets up and maintains files of correspondence, documents and records;
- Transmits instructions from supervisor to appropriate staff orally, in writing or electronically, and follows up to see that instructions are followed and deadlines are met;
- Screens callers or visitors to determine the nature of the inquiry, answers questions on established policy and procedure, and/or refers to appropriate party or office;
- Types correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes of meetings, hearings and conferences, and related material;
- Monitors expenditures to maintain budgetary controls;
- Orders office supplies and maintains inventory of supplies and equipment;
- Plans and supervises the collection, tabulation, and analysis of statistical and financial data;
- Expedites the preparation of reports and the maintenance of records;
- Reads incoming mail and answers general correspondence;
- Schedules periodic staff conferences for entire department personnel;
- Prepares special studies on the operations of the department and makes confidential investigations as required by officials.
Good knowledge of office terminology, procedures and methods; good knowledge of the working policies, procedures, rules and regulations governing the agency to which assigned; working knowledge of the agency’s programs, objectives and goals; ability to compile data and background information; ability to prepare and maintain records and reports; ability to communicate effectively; ability to establish a rapport with others for the purpose obtaining or conveying information; ability to assist in reviewing and evaluating program procedures, methods, forms, etc.; ability to keyboard at an acceptable rate of speed; ability to perform prolonged fine finger movement; ability to follow complex oral and written instructions.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York Sate registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration, Business Management, Office Administration, Office Management, Secretarial Studies, Office Technology, or related field, and one year of clerical or administrative experience involving typing; OR
2. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma, and three years of clerical or administrative experience involving typing; OR
3. An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits (1) and (2) above.
Revised: 9/13/18
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This involves providing technical support for software applications and related peripheral equipment. An incumbent in this position analyzes problems concerning personal computers and software to determine an acceptable solution. General supervision is received with wide leeway for independent judgment. Supervision of others is not a requirement. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Analyzes problems concerning PCs and software to determine an acceptable solution;
- Reports and resolves problems and deviations affecting workload and scheduling;
- Tests new or updated software and reports bugs to vendors;
- Provides district personnel with telephone or onsite support;
- Answers questions concerning computer and network software;
- Documents call resolutions for software problems;
- Installs and updates PC software;
- Prepares documentation for users and user support personnel;
- Supports user staff in the use of PC software;
- Modifies and adapts purchased software to a specific need or application.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Full knowledge of personal computers; knowledge of how to identify software problems; ability to operate a PC; ability to communicate orally and in writing, including the ability to communicate technical information to non-technical people; ability to analyze problems and develop appropriate solutions; ability to understand complex written and oral instructions, ability to get along well with others; ability to work independently; organization; ability to work as part of a team; attention to detail.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field; OR
2. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree PLUS twelve (12) college credits in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field; OR
3. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma AND two (2) years’ full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the past seven (7) years which involve the operation and resolution of software applications and hardware problems; OR
4. An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (1), (2) or (3) above.
NOTE: Advanced education degree received, in a program or specific field noted above, will be accepted in lieu of the minimum education noted.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This involves providing technical support for software applications and related peripheral equipment. The incumbent coordinates and supervises the training, installation, and maintenance of computer software and related peripheral equipment. The position also involves the modification and adaptation of purchased software to meet the needs of end users. Work is performed under general direction with wide leeway allowed for the exercise of independent judgment in planning and carrying out the details of the work. Supervision over the work of others may be the responsibility of employees in this class. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Analyzes problems concerning PCs and software to determine an acceptable solution and ensures that all applications function properly;
- Reports and resolves problems and deviations affecting workload and scheduling;
- Tests new or updated software and reports bugs to vendors;
- Provides telephone or onsite support;
- Documents call resolutions for software problems;
- Trains and supports user staff in the use of PC software;
- Tests PC software for compatibility and functionality;
- Installs applications software on the network;
- Conducts and/or participates in meetings with users concerning projects and project status;
- Meets with vendors to provide feedback on software and to receive information;
- Creates and maintains databases;
- Configures software to a specific need or application;
- Prepares documentation for users and user support personnel.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of personal computers; knowledge of the operation of external hardware and peripheral equipment; knowledge of how to identify software problems; knowledge of the sources of information concerning computer software and related peripheral equipment; knowledge of PC operating systems; knowledge of word processing, spreadsheet and database management software; ability to plan, develop and use training materials to instruct others; ability to operate a PC; ability to communicate orally and in writing, including the ability to communicate technical information to non-technical people; ability to analyze problems and develop appropriate solutions; ability to understand complex written and oral instructions; ability to train others; ability to work in an organized way; ability to work independently and as part of a team; attention to detail.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field AND one (1) year of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the past seven (7) years which involved the operation and resolution of software application problems; OR
2. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree PLUS twelve (12) college credits in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field AND two (2) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the past seven (7) years which involved the operation and resolution of software application problems; OR
3. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma AND three (3) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the past seven (7) years which involved the operation and resolution of software application problems; OR
4. An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (1), (2) or (3) above.
NOTE: Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field may substitute for one (1) year of the experience if the education was completed within the past five (7) years.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This is skilled work involving responsibility for the complete overhaul and repair of a wide variety of automotive equipment including heavy-duty equipment such as bulldozers and graders. The work requires a thorough knowledge of the trade. General instructions are received regarding tasks to be performed, but considerable leeway is permitted in planning the details of each assignment. Supervision may be exercised over one or more assistants. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Performs skilled operations in the repair and overhaul of gasoline and diesel motor equipment, including trucks, tractors, graders, bulldozers, power shovels and buses;
Repairs or replaces motor pumps, fuel pumps, generators, carburetors, shock absorbers;
Repairs ignition systems, transmissions, brake systems, clutches, and front and rear axles;
Adjusts connecting rods and bearing;
Adjusts steering mechanisms and aligns wheels;
Makes minor welding repair to automotive equipment;
Greases vehicles, changes oil and oil filter;
Tunes engine and sets the timing;
Attaches and removes snow plow blades and other auxiliary equipment;
Works as a motor equipment operator when directed;
May be required to supervise other automotive mechanics or employees.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of standard automotive repair methods and of the terminology and tools of the trade; demonstrated ability to made difficult repairs to heavy automotive and other mechanical equipment; familiarity with welding techniques; ability to work from plan, manuals and specifications and to follow rough draft sketches and oral instructions; good motor and hand and eye coordination; manual dexterity; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Two years of experience as a skilled automotive repairman.
NOTE: Documented part-time or volunteer experience will be accepted on a prorated basis.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT: Possession of a valid New York State Operator's license at the time of appointment, and maintenance of such license throughout the tenure of employment in the position.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: These duties require the ability to perform maintenance and repair work of a skilled nature on buses and other automotive equipment and also require skill in the operation of a school bus. Insofar as the repair work is concerned, thorough knowledge of the automotive repair trade is required. General instructions are received concerning bus routes and maintenance and repair tasks with the incumbent exercising his own judgment in the normal course of his duties. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Performs skilled operations in the repair and overhaul of school buses and other automotive equipment owned by the school system;
Repairs or replaces motor pumps, fuel pumps, generators, carburetors and shock absorbers; Repairs ignition systems, transmissions, brake systems, clutches and front and rear axles; Makes a variety of other repairs on automotive equipment;
Operates a school bus on a regular schedule or on special occasions; Checks the operating condition of the bus before starting on a trip; Reports any mechanical defect to immediate superior;
Instructs or informs children about safety practices when entering and leaving bus; Maintains orderly conduct of children on bus.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of the standard practices, terminology, safety precautions and tools used in the maintenance and repair of automotive equipment; demonstrated ability to make difficult repairs to heavy automotive equipment; good knowledge of driving safety practices and traffic laws and regulations; ability to operate a bus under all driving and road conditions; ability to get along well with children and command their respect; mechanical aptitude; mental alertness; dependability; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Two (2) years of full-time paid work experience, or its part-time equivalent, as a skilled automotive mechanic in an automotive repair shop.
SUBSTITUTION: Possession of a vocational or technical training program Certificate in the repair of automotive or heavy equipment may be substituted for one (1) year of the required experience.
NOTE: Candidates must be at least at 21 year of age.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT: Possession of appropriate New York State Operator’s license at the time of appointment and maintenance of such license throughout the tenure of employment in the position.
NOTE: In addition, candidates must satisfy the requirements for School Bus Driver set forth in the Rules and Regulations of the New York State Commissioner of Education.
This is semi-skilled work involving responsibility for independently performing a variety of mechanical and other building maintenance tasks or for serving as a helper to a higher level maintenance employee. In either case, although a working knowledge of one or more trades is necessary, a maintenance assistant does not utilize the more skilled journeyman techniques for any considerable portion of his time. In addition, the work may involve the part time operation of a truck, automobile or other automotive equipment. General instructions are received and work is performed under immediate or general supervision, depending upon the nature of the task. Does related work as necessary.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Performs semi-skilled work in masonry, carpentry, electrical or painting operations;
- Repairs windows, doors, floors, walls and other parts of buildings;
- Does interior and exterior painting where quantity rather than fine quality of work performed is the principal object;
- May help to install or repair general plumbing equipment, such as sinks, toilets and baths;
- Assists in cleaning and repairing boilers, pumps, heaters, pipe lines, valves and traps;
- Mixes plaster and concrete and assists in laying brick, plastering walls, finishing concrete work, etc.;
- Operates trucks, automobiles, air compressors and other motorized equipment;
- Takes part in general buildings and grounds cleaning and maintenance activities;
- Serves as general handyperson performing a variety of semi-skilled duties.
Good knowledge of modern buildings and grounds maintenance and repair practices; knowledge of the practices and techniques of one or more of the standard trades; mechanical aptitude; industry; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position; dependability and manual dexterity.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Two years of general experience in either building construction or maintenance work.
NOTE: Documented part-time or volunteer experience will be accepted on a prorated basis.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT: Possession of a valid New York State Operator’s License at the time of appointment, and maintenance of such license throughout the tenure of employment in the position
This class involves a variety of building maintenance and repair tasks of a skilled nature. Employees in this class are required to work along various mechanical lines as the occasion demands. In this respect, the class differs from such classes as painter, carpenter, plumber, etc. which limit incumbent to a single trade. The duties of this class differ from Building Maintenance Assistant by reason of the more skilled nature of the work involved. Incumbents perform their duties with some latitude for independent planning and are responsible for laying out the working details. Supervision may be exercised over the work of semi-skilled workers and other maintenance or custodial personnel; does related work as necessary.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Supervises or performs repairs to plumbing, steam lines, electrical wiring and equipment, furniture, doors, windows, hardware and varied mechanical equipment and machinery;
- Installs shelving, storage cabinets and new hardware;
- Does skilled painting work;
- Oversees and takes part in ordinary building cleaning operations;
- Oversees the operation of a central heating and air conditioning system including air conditioning chillers, air handling units and hot water boiler;
- Makes inspection of property to ascertain repair needs;
- Estimates material required for repairs;
- Keeps daily time and material records;
- Supervises and participates in a general grounds maintenance program;
- May operate an energy management system including a host computer, building management software and assorted peripheral and ancillary devices in regulating heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems.
Thorough knowledge of the practices, processes, materials and tools of the principle trade in which the experience has been gained; working knowledge of one or more additional trades; good knowledge of modern buildings and grounds maintenance and repair practices; familiarity with the operation and maintenance of high pressure heating systems and air conditioning systems; ability to plan and supervise the work of others; ability to understand oral and written directions; mechanical aptitude; dependability; thoroughness; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: One year of experience as a journeyman in one of the recognized skilled trades or four years of experience in either general building construction or building trades work in one or more of the standard trades, such as carpentry, plumbing, electrical.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT: Possession of a valid New York State Operator’s License at the time of appointment, and maintenance of such license throughout the tenure of employment in the position.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This work involves responsibility for purchasing a wide range of commodities including materials, supplies, equipment and services for various departments, agencies or offices of all the county government, including Finger Lakes Community College. An employee in this class has responsibility for procuring quality merchandise as economically as possible, in accordance with purchase specifications. The work is performed under the general supervision of the Purchasing Director with leeway provided for the use of independent judgment. Supervision may be exercised over the work of clerical personnel. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Secures sealed bids, quotes and negotiates contracts with vendors to assure best values available;
Works closely with departments to develop specifications for various materials and construction projects;
Purchases and/or recommends equipment and supplies as needed by various departments and offices;
Receives and analyzes bids and recommends the awarding of orders for the purchase of various materials;
Obtains samples and provides cost estimates for purchases;
Resolves problems concerning purchasing problems such as price increases, late shipments, back orders, etc;
Keeps informed on market conditions, new product development and technological improvements;
Maintains and updates vendors’ lists, price lists and other records and prepares reports as required;
Maintains the fixed asset inventory including the valuation of land, buildings and equipment;
Recommends and assists in implementing purchasing policies;
Attends various meetings relating to purchasing.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Good knowledge of the principles and practices of large scale purchasing; good knowledge of a wide range of materials, commodities and services; good knowledge of the methods for determining quality and grade of purchased items; good knowledge of markets, trade conditions and methods; working knowledge of computers and also to use Word and Excel software; working knowledge of General Municipal Law; good communication skills; ability to coordinate purchases and solve various problems; ability to interpret and adhere to purchase specifications; ability to read blueprints and construction specifications; ability to establish and maintain working relationships with vendors; ability to understand and follow written and oral directions; initiative and resourcefulness; integrity.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered four year college or university with a Bachelor’s Degree in marketing, finance, business or public administration or closely related field and one year of experience in purchasing a variety of commodities on a large scale; or
2. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and five years of experience in purchasing a variety of commodities on a large scale; or
3. An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (1) and (2) above.
NOTE: The purchasing experience must have involved bidding, analyzing bids and recommending purchases of a number of different items.
This is routine manual work requiring efficient and economical performance of cleaning and maintenance operations for buildings, grounds and equipment. Work is performed under the general supervision of a custodian or other superior in accordance with established policies.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Sweeps and mops floors and stairs;
- Dusts woodwork, furniture and other equipment;
- Washes windows, walls, sinks and other fixtures;
- Polishes furniture and metal furnishings;
- Empties wastebaskets, collects and disposes of rubbish;
- Clears snow and ice from walks and driveways;
- May perform a variety of grounds keeping tasks;
- Delivers packages and messages;
- Assists in the operation of a heating plant;
- Arranges chairs and tables and other equipment for special use of building;
- Repairs window shades and replaces light bulbs;
- Paints rooms and equipment and assists in making minor plumbing, electrical and carpentry repairs.
Some knowledge of building cleaning practices, supplies and equipment and ability to use them efficiently and economically; ability to perform a variety of minor maintenance tasks; ability to follow oral and written directions; willingness to perform routine cleaning and other manual tasks; thoroughness; dependability; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT: Certain assignments made to employees in this class will require access to transportation to meet field work assignments made in the ordinary course of business in a timely and efficient manner.
This involves providing technical support including maintenance and installation for software and hardware. The incumbent must analyze and resolve problems. Work is performed under the general direction. Supervision over the work of others is not a responsibility of this position. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Installs internal and external hardware;
- Installs PC operating systems;
- Configures computers for Internet connectivity;
- Attends technical support and vendor training;
- Resolves hardware and software problems (including those with operating systems) and deviations affecting workload and scheduling of personnel;
- Analyzes problems concerning PC software and hardware to determine an acceptable solution and insures that all applications run;
- Answers questions concerning computer software;
- Documents call resolutions for software problems;
- Installs PC software and updates to software and insures network connectivity.
Thorough knowledge of personal computers; knowledge of PC and LAN operating systems; knowledge of client server software; ability to operate a PC; ability to analyze problems and develop appropriate solutions; ability to understand complex written and oral instructions; ability to get along well with others; ability to work in an organized way; ability to work independently; ability to work as part of a team; attention to detail.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and
Two (2) years experience gained within the past five (5) years which involved the operation of a personal computer and peripheral equipment and problem resolution for computer hardware and software.
NOTE: Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York Sate registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science or related field may substitute for one (1) year of experience if the education was completed within the past five (5) years.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This is a technical position which involves application system analysis and project management work. The incumbent is responsible for analyzing and evaluating user needs and designing or revising computer applications. The work is performed under general supervision while being responsible for assigning work to others. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Formats data from different systems to enable conversion for use by other systems;
Follows-up with users concerning deadlines and requirements;
Identifies user problems and procedures for solution;
Analyzes and evaluates needs against technological capabilities and feasibility;
Analyzes and designs needed or revised computer applications/technologies;
Determines new systems needed to help perform tasks;
Makes recommendations concerning new technologies, equipment, software, etc.;
Develops reports to provide summary statistics and/or information from a system;
Develops procedures based upon standards for users to insure uniformity and compatibility;
Designs user interfaces;
Trains internal and external users and user support personnel in a variety of settings;
Assigns work tasks to others;
Provides agency personnel with telephone or onsite support;
Provides all tasks associated with project management (identifying tasks, prioritizing, and scheduling resources).
FULL PERFORMANCE, KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of systems analysis; thorough knowledge of office terminology and standard procedures; thorough knowledge of the capacities of various types of hardware; ability to establish effective working relationships; ability to reason logically; ability to analyze processes; ability to determine where technology should be applied in a process; ability to manage projects; ability to communicate orally including the ability to communicate technical information to non-technical people; ability to communicate in writing; ability to work as part of a team; ability to lead the work of others; ability to train others; ability to re-engineer workflow; attention to detail; sound judgment and initiative.
- Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or a related field AND two (2) years of full-time paid experience gained within the past five (5) years, or its part-time equivalent, in computer programming or computer systems analysis; OR
- Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree AND four (4) years of full-time paid experience gained within the past five (5) years in computer programming or computer systems analysis; OR
- An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (1) or (2) above.
Cook Manager
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: Work involves the preparation and service of food on a large scale and supervising of personnel in a lunch room or institutional kitchen. Work also may include office duties related to the ordering of food and supplies, processing bills and inventory. Work is performed under the general supervision of a lunch manager or other superior. Immediate supervision is exercised over the work of cooks, bakers, and food service helpers and in the absence of lunch manager or other superior may be responsible for the entire kitchen operation. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Supervises and participates in the preparation and serving of food;
- Supervises and participates in the storage and care of foods and supplies;
- Supervises and participates in cleaning of the kitchen service, storage, and dining areas, and the care of equipment;
- Keeps employee time records;
- Plans work schedules;
- Orders food, equipment, and supplies per Bid program;
- Maintains and operates automated inventory system;
- Processes dietary bills for payment;
- Maintains standardized recipe file;
- Oversees selective menu program;
- Performs computerized nutritional analysis of cycle menus and food intake studies;
- Does quality assurance monitoring;
- Inputs and reference data in automated resident cardex as needed;
- Orients and trains staff;
- Tabulates meal monitors;
- In the absence of the Dietetic Technician, may make routine diet changes, obtain diet histories, prepare transfer information for discharged patients, and attend care conference.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Good knowledge of approved methods of food preparation; some knowledge of nutritional values of foods; ability to follow therapeutic diet spread sheets and to make appropriate menu substitutions/replacements as needed for a wide variety of therapeutic diets; ability to follow and modify recipes; ability to supervise the work of others; ability to keep moderately complicated records, do mathematical calculations, operate a personal computer, and submit reports; ability to get along well with children, adults, and/or senior citizens; ability to understand, carry out and provide oral and written directions; ability to plan with a view to economy and efficiency in the use of supplies, equipment and food; resourcefulness; physical strength and stamina; good physical and mental condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Two years of experience in the preparation of food on a large scale; or possession of an Associate Degree in applied science issued after completion of a two‑year course in a technical institute with specialization in foods, nutrition, and institutional management; or any equivalent combination of experience and training.
NOTE: Documented part‑time or volunteer experience will be accepted on a prorated basis.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT: Certain assignments made to employees in this class will require access to transportation to meet field work assignments made in the ordinary course of business in a timely and efficient manner.
GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: Performs responsible building cleaning, operation and minor maintenance work; does related work as required.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This position involves responsibility for the efficient and economical cleaning and maintenance of a building and related facilities.
The work is performed under general direction with some lee way for the exercise of independent judgment in keeping building and facilities up to approved standards of cleanliness and operation. Immediate supervision may be exercised over the work of subordinates.
Makes regular inspections of building and grounds to maintain proper cleaning and maintenance procedures;
Participates in cleaning and maintenance work and may supervise such activities;
Operates or checks the operation of oil, gas or coal-fired heating systems;
Checks to insure that buildings are heated, cleaned, locked and unlocked and in readiness for all activities;
Keeps records and makes reports of supplies used and activities carried on;
Consults with superior regarding unusual maintenance problems and makes recommendations concerning the purchase of supplies, materials and equipment;
Reports any acts of vandalism or breakage to proper authorities.
REQUIRED KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Good knowledge of building cleaning practices, supplies and equipment and ability to use them efficiently and economically; ability to make minor plumbing, electrical, carpentry and mechanical repairs and to perform a variety of routine maintenance tasks; ability to follow moderately difficult oral and written direction; ability to supervise the work of others; thoroughness; resourcefulness; dependability; good judgment; good physical condition.
ACCEPTABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: One year of experience in building cleaning and maintenance work; or any equivalent combination of training and experience.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This involves responding to telephone inquiries from users concerning questions and problems related to computer equipment, systems and software. The incumbent will be required to have knowledge of the customer service software used to support this position. Work is performed under general direction with wide leeway allowed for the exercise of independent judgment in planning and carrying out the details of the work. Supervision over the work of others is not a responsibility of employees in this class. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Responds to calls to the Customer Assistance Center;
Tracks questions which come in to Customer Assistance Center;
Tracks the answers to questions which come in to the Customer Assistance Center;
Insures that calls are routed and assigned to the appropriate personnel;
Reports maintenance/hardware calls for service to appropriate companies;
Distributes customer assistance information to various internal/external users;
Maintains records of work completed;
Acts as a liaison between users and division;
Reviews computer input and output for accuracy;
Resolves problems affecting computer processing equipment and input/output information with user and support personnel.
CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of the operation of PCs; working knowledge of peripheral equipment; ability to get along well with others; ability to adapt purchased software to existing applications; ability to read and understand procedures, documentation and ticket information; ability to communicate orally; ability to communicate in writing; ability to coordinate a variety of activities; ability to remain at desk taking calls for a long period of time; ability to work as part of a team; ability to maintain records; ability to follow written and oral instruction; attention to detail.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and two (2) years of experience gained within the past five (5) years which involved the operation of a personal computer and peripheral equipment.
NOTE: Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or University with an Associate's Degree in Computer Science or a related field may substitute for one (l) year of the experience if the education was completed within the past five (5) years.Director of facilities ii
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: A Director of Facilities II is responsible for planning, organizing and directing the custodial and maintenance activities of a School District’s buildings and grounds department. The work is performed according to established policies and procedures and in accordance with applicable State, local, and federal laws, rules and regulations which apply to school district facility operations and maintenance. Although certain activities are performed in the office, the incumbent of this position will, on occasion, be required to perform maintenance and repair related tasks and activities, which may be performed indoors or outdoors under adverse working conditions.
This position differs from Director of Facilities I in that the incumbent has a greater scope of responsibility, and is typically responsible for the supervision of more than one unit. Supervision is exercised over subordinate supervisors and staff, which may include employees of the transportation department or those responsible for building safety and security. This position differs from Director of Facilities III in that this position is less administrative in nature. The work is performed under general supervision of a School District Administrator, which may include the Superintendent, with leeway allowed for the exercise of independent judgment in carrying out details of the work. The incumbent does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Supervises staff and may participate in daily preventive maintenance and custodial activities, which may include replacing locks, painting, carpeting/floor tile/window/drywall replacement and/or repair;
Manages, develops and schedules a preventive maintenance program designed to retain buildings, grounds and equipment in a safe operating condition;
Schedules inspections and completes reports for federal, state and local regulatory agencies to ensure compliance with codes, rules and regulations;
Inspects and oversees painting, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, and other mechanical maintenance and construction work performed by private contractors, custodial, or maintenance employees to ensure work is in compliance with contract specifications, as well as, applicable codes and regulations;
Supervises the in-service training of custodial, maintenance and if applicable, transportation employees;
Discusses capital projects, maintenance, repair and operational needs with school administrator(s);
Reviews the School District’s expenditures from the prior year and assists the administration with the budget process by forecasting and planning for the upcoming budget;
Monitors expenses to ensure budgetary limits established by the School Board are not exceeded;
Recommends purchase of materials and supplies and develops and directs the maintenance of the inventory control system;
Reviews decisions made by lower-level supervisors regarding work schedules, vacation requests, personal and sick leave requests to ensure compliance with District policies and procedures;
Maintains records and prepares reports related to operations and the work performed and schedules repairs when necessary;
Recommends staffing to administrators and is also responsible for interviewing, hiring, evaluating and disciplining departmental personnel;
Manages, and when necessary, performs preventive maintenance and repairs on equipment, including plumbing, HVAC and electrical systems;
Troubleshoots problems with equipment, including HVAC and electrical systems and may contact contractor to perform repairs when a non-routine issue is identified;
Director of Facilities II Performs inspections on and tests security systems, safety lighting, fire extinguishers, fire alarm system, doors, and eyewash stations to ensure proper operation and compliance with applicable codes and regulations;
Ensures removal of snow and ice from sidewalks and roadways;
Responds to inquiries from employees, school district administrators and the public regarding school district buildings and grounds activities;
Swimming pool maintenance, if applicable, is limited to maintaining pool’s cleanliness and the addition of chemicals to ensure a safe swimming environment for students/public; May work with construction managers, architects and/or engineers to develop, implement and complete capital improvement projects and other long-term plans;
May use a variety of tools and operates a variety of motor and other equipment related to building and grounds maintenance and repair including snow blowers, lawn mowers, tractors, plow trucks, pick-up trucks, hedge trimmers, chainsaws, drills, reciprocating saws, screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, hammers and plungers;
May be responsible for operating motor equipment related to the work.
Thorough knowledge of buildings and grounds maintenance and repair practices and procedures;
Thorough knowledge of safety precautions and practices associated with buildings and grounds maintenance and repair work;
Thorough knowledge of the practices and techniques of one or more of the skilled trades* (defined in minimum qualifications below);
Thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of administrative supervision; Ability to organize, prepare and maintain accurate records and files; Ability to effectively, efficiently and safely use tools and operate equipment related to building and grounds maintenance and repair;
Ability to inspect the work of building tradespersons and contractors to ensure compliance with contract specifications, as well as, applicable codes and regulations;
Ability to prepare budgets, operating reports and a variety of other reports relative to program activities;
Ability to understand, interpret, and follow instructions, plans, diagrams, specifications and blueprints;
Ability to understand and follow written and verbal instructions; Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing;
Mechanical aptitude;
Willingness to work under adverse weather conditions.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and either:
(a) A Bachelor’s or higher-level degree in School Facilities Management, Engineering, Engineering Technology, Building Construction Technology and two (2) years of experience in school facilities maintenance, general building construction, building maintenance or repair work in two or more of the skilled trades*, which included two (2) years of supervisory experience; or
(b) An Associate’s or higher-level degree in School Facilities Management, Engineering, Engineering Technology, Building Construction Technology and four years of experience in school facilities maintenance, general building construction, building maintenance or repair work in two or more of the skilled trades*, which included two (2) years of supervisory experience; or
Director of Facilities II
(c) Six (6) years of experience in school facilities maintenance, general building construction, building maintenance or repair work in more than one of the skilled trades*, which included two (2) years of supervisory experience.
*Skilled trades would include journey level experience as a carpenter, electrician, mason, plumber or heating, ventilating and air conditioning installers. Non-Qualifying Experience: Experience limited to building cleaning is not qualifying. Building cleaning is defined as activities primarily involving a variety of inside and outside building cleaning activities including, but not limited to, washing walls and windows, polishing floors, cleaning restrooms, disposing of refuse.
NOTE: Verifiable part-time experience may be prorated toward meeting full-time experience requirements.
Possession of a valid New York State driver’s license and certificates appropriate to the vehicles, equipment and/or machinery operated at time of appointment or during the course of employment consistent with the needs of the School District. May be required to obtain a New York State Water Operator’s License, Pool Operator’s Certification, Pesticide Applicator Certificate, and other necessary certificates to perform duties of the position during the course of employment.
In accordance with the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) legislation, Chapter 180 of the Laws of 2000, and by the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, candidates for appointment in school districts must obtain clearance for employment from the State Education Department prior to employment based upon a fingerprint and criminal history background check.
A Director of Facilities III responsible for providing administrative direction to a School District's buildings and grounds department. The work is performed according to established policies and procedures and in accordance with applicable State, local, and federal laws, rules and regulations which apply to school district facility operations and maintenance. The majority of activities are performed in the office, but the incumbent will spend time at various work sites ensuring that work is being performed and completed in an efficient manner. This position differs from Director of Facilities II in that the incumbent has primarily administrative responsibilities, while the Director of Facilities II has supervisory responsibilities over subordinate supervisors and staff. May have an Assistant Director of Facilities to assist with the management of day-to-day activities. The work is performed under the general supervision of the School Superintendent with considerable leeway allowed for the exercise of independent judgment in carrying out the details of the work. Supervision is exercised over the work of subordinate supervisors. Does related work as required.
Exercises administrative direction and supervision over the operations and personnel involved in the buildings and grounds department and where applicable, the transportation department of a school district; develops policies and procedures to ensure the preventive maintenance program is carried out to ensure buildings, grounds and equipment are maintained in a safe operating condition; directs, assigns, trains and evaluates the work of subordinate supervisors and personnel; creates and maintains records and reports relative to operations and the programs supervised; assists the Superintendent and School Board in the formulation of policies related to buildings and grounds maintenance, and where applicable, fleet maintenance; discusses capital projects, maintenance, repair and operational needs with school administrator(s); works with construction managers, architects and/or engineers to develop, implement and complete capital improvement projects and other long-term plans; ensures that preventive maintenance is performed and meets regularly with subordinates to discuss repairs on equipment, including plumbing, HVAC and electrical systems; ensures that custodial, maintenance and if applicable, transportation employees receive necessary in-service training; reviews the School District's expenditures from the prior year and assists the Superintendent with the budget process by forecasting and planning for the upcoming budget; approves purchase requests of cleaning supplies, fuel and parts for equipment and buildings; inspects painting, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, and other mechanical maintenance and construction work performed by private contractors, custodial, or maintenance employees to ensure work is in compliance with contract specifications, as well as, applicable codes and regulations; ensures that inspections are performed and tests of security systems, safety lighting, fire extinguishers, fire alarm system, doors, and eyewash stations are completed to ensure proper operation and compliance with applicable codes and regulations; ensures that inspections and reports are completed for federal, state and local regulatory agencies to ensure compliance with codes, rules and regulations; recommends staffing to administrators and is also responsible for interviewing, hiring, evaluating and disciplining departmental personnel; establishes policies and procedures regarding work schedules, vacation, personal and sick leave requests and ensures employees have adequate leave accruals; responds to inquiries from employees, school district administrators and the public regarding school district buildings and grounds activities; attends monthly School Board meetings and other committee meetings, as required, to address issues specific to the buildings and grounds department and where applicable, the transportation department.
Thorough knowledge of applicable codes, laws, rules and regulations governing school buildings and grounds administration; thorough knowledge of safety regulations, procedures and security in the workplace and public buildings; thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of administrative supervision; good knowledge of budgeting principles, practices and procedures; working knowledge of buildings and grounds maintenance and repair practices and procedures; working knowledge of safety precautions and practices associated with buildings and grounds maintenance and repair work; working knowledge of the practices and techniques of one or more of the skilled trades* (defined in minimum qualifications below); ability to plan, direct and supervise a program of buildings and grounds maintenance; ability to organize, prepare and maintain accurate records and files; ability to inspect the work of building tradespersons and contractors to ensure compliance with contract specifications, as well as, applicable codes and regulations; ability to understand, interpret, and follow instructions, plans, diagrams, specifications and blueprints; ability to understand and follow written and verbal instructions; ability to establish, interpret and carry out oral and written policy; ability to prepare budgets, operating reports and a variety of other reports relative to program activities; ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing; and organizational, technical and administrative aptitude.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and one of the following:
(A) A Bachelor's or higher-level degree in School Facilities Management, Engineering, Engineering Technology, Building Construction Technology and three years of experience in school facilities maintenance, general building construction, building maintenance or repair work in two or more of the skilled trades*, which included three years of supervisory experience; or
(B) An Associate's or higher-level degree in School Facilities Management, Engineering, Engineering Technology, Building Construction Technology and five years of experience in school facilities maintenance, general building construction, building maintenance or repair work in two or more of the skilled trades*, which included three years of supervisory experience; or
(C) Seven years of experience in school facilities maintenance, general building construction, building maintenance or repair work in more than one of the skilled trades such, which included or was supplemented by three years of supervisory experience.
*Skilled trades would include journey level experience as a carpenter, electrician, mason, plumber and heating, ventilating and air conditioning installers.
Non-Qualifying Experience: Experience limited to building cleaning is not qualifying. Building cleaning is defined as activities primarily involving a variety of inside and outside building cleaning activities including, but not limited to, washing walls and windows, polishing floors, cleaning restrooms, disposing of refuse.
Possession of a valid New York State driver's license and certificates appropriate to the vehicles, equipment and/or machinery operated at time of appointment or during the course of employment consistent with the needs of the School District.
NOTE: Verifiable part-time experience may be prorated toward meeting full-time experience requirements.
SPECIAL requirement for appointment in SCHOOL DISTRICTS:
In accordance with the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) legislation, Chapter 180 of the Laws of 2000, and by the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, candidates for appointment in school districts must obtain clearance for employment from the State Education Department prior to employment based upon a fingerprint and criminal history background check.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: These duties involve independent responsibility for the performance of complex professional accounting and related fiscal administrative tasks in development, examination, review or analysis activities related to fiscal management of one or more Department’s funds and expenditures. The work is performed under administrative direction of the Department Head(s) or other high-level agency administrator. The work entails responsibility for independently maintaining all accounts in proper balance and for producing and analyzing periodic financial management reports. In addition, this position may oversee special projects or programs relating to financial management functions. Direct supervision may be exercised over the work of subordinate employees engaged in account keeping and financial administration activities. An incumbent of this position does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Devises and implements accounting and auditing systems to provide complete and accurate financial records of a Department or Departments’ fiscal transactions;
Contacts various Federal, State and local representatives regarding program funding and fiscal affairs;
May oversee and manage subordinate staff engaged in a variety of financial operations including performance appraisals;
Studies economic trends and advises agency staff regarding related fiscal planning and cost analyses;
Maintains ledger and journal accounts, takes trial balances and reconciles bank statements and accounts;
Manages the agency payroll functions for staff and/or clients;
Performs cost benefit analyses of various administrative functions and programs;
Manages and oversees accounting and financial transactions to ensure compliance with Federal and State fiscal regulations;
May audit program agent or sub-contract accounts to ensure proper expenditures control of program funds;
Prepares and analyzes required fiscal records and reports;
Manages acquisition/distribution of equipment and supplies maintaining an inventory of equipment in department;
Analyzes the financial operation of the department and recommends improvements and changes in financial policy;
Responsibility for insuring that departmental financial functions are performed efficiently using updated information management technology;
Make long-term and short-term financial projections;
Interprets results and recommends financial direction;
Prepares monthly reports of the financial status of the department(s) to the County Finance Officer.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Good knowledge of modern general and governmental accounting, fiscal and auditing procedures and techniques including budgeting and appropriation practices; ability to interpret Federal/State/local policies; ability to acquire a working knowledge of agency affairs related to fiscal management; ability to prepare complete and accurate financial reports and statements; ability to plan and supervise the work of others; ability to get along well with others; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position; ability to analyze financial operations and recommend financial improvements; thorough knowledge of Information Technology to needs of the department for Financial Management analysis.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor’s Degree in accounting, business administration, or other directly related field specifically structured to prepare individuals for work involving accounting (such degrees must include or be supplemented by 18 semester credit hours in accounting) and four years of accounting or auditing experience which must have been involved in the use of double entry books including the general ledger or other governmental agency books involving appropriation accounting and the preparation of budget and financial reports; or
2. Satisfactory completion of 60 semester credit hours in a regionally accredited or New York State registered two-year college including and/or supplemented by 18 semester credit hours in accounting and six years experience as defined in (1); or
3. An equivalent combination of education and experience as defined by the limits of (1) and (2) above.
NOTE: A copy of your college transcript must be provided at the time of application in order to verify successful completion of 18 credit hours in Accounting
This is a supervisory position involving responsibility for the work of the custodial force of a large building or group of buildings. General direction is received from a superior, allowing considerable leeway for the exercise of independent judgment in keeping buildings and equipment up to approved standards of cleanliness and operation. Immediate supervision is exercised over a number of custodial employees. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Assigns custodians, cleaners and other maintenance personnel to various tasks and supervises their work;
- Receives and handles complaints and a variety of special requests from building occupants;
- Makes periodic inspections of custodian activities to see that they are being performed according to regulations;
- Supervises and participates in the removal of snow and ice from sidewalks;
- Makes minor repairs to lockers, window shades and door checks;
- Oversees cleaning of blackboards, walls and lockers and disposal of waste paper;
- Requisitions, receives and distributes building cleaning supplies, light bulbs, paper towels, soap, etc.;
- Keeps records and makes reports of supplies used and activities carried on;
- Participates in custodial and maintenance work when necessary;
- May be responsible for safety of children entering and leaving buses.
Thorough knowledge of building cleaning practices, supplies and equipment and ability to plan and supervise the work of custodians, cleaners and other maintenance personnel; good knowledge of the operation and maintenance of building equipment; working knowledge of the tools, terminology and practices of one r more skilled trades; ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions; dependability; thoroughness; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Two years of experience in custodial and/or maintenance activities or as a carpenter, plumber, electrician, painter or steam fireman, or it’s part time or volunteer equivalent.
This is a responsible service position in which the incumbent repairs, installs and services all HVAC systems located at the BOCES. The work is performed under general supervision of the Energy Engineer. Supervision is not a responsibility of this class. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Performs preventative maintenance to HVAC equipment by changing oil, filters, belts, bearings, etc.;
- Identifies and solves problems with electric controls, heating systems and refrigeration systems;
- Installs and services boilers, air conditioning systems, air compressors, pneumatic systems, duct work and computer hardware for control systems by measuring pipes, soldering and brazing metals, wiring control systems, etc.;
- Repairs steam and hot water leaks, motors, pumps, steam traps, air handling units and all other HVAC equipment and components;
- Responds to maintenance work requests and tenant complaints;
- Identifies, suggests and implements energy conservation measures;
- Tests and treats water used in air conditioning systems in order to prevent growth of fungi and bacteria;
- Keeps operating logs for all HVAC equipment under employee’s charge.
Thorough knowledge of HVAC systems including electrical, refrigeration, boiler and heat pump; thorough knowledge of types of equipment and appropriate lubricants; thorough knowledge of preventative maintenance and servicing needs of systems; thorough knowledge of mechanical principles; thorough knowledge of possible dangers to health and safety such as asbestos, insulation wastes, chemicals, etc.; thorough knowledge of existing HVAC equipment and how it works; thorough knowledge of systems and problems; thorough knowledge of safety, regulations and devices; thorough knowledge of resources for safety information; ability to install boilers, ducts, air conditioning systems, wiring and piping, ability to analyze servicing need and provide verbal and written descriptions of problems and observations; ability to read warranty specifications, blueprints, installation manuals, maintenance manuals, wiring and piping schematics, flyers and technical books; ability to apply appropriate information to present systems, problems in installation, future servicing, etc.; ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide as used in mathematical formulas; ability to relate mechanical principles to problems; ability to observe and analyze job; mechanical ability and skill; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and five (5) years of experience in the installation, maintenance and repair of HVAC systems to include at least one year of experience in the installation and repair of refrigeration equipment up to 400 tons, and one (1) year in heating.
NOTE: Where education is lacking, work experience described above may be substituted on a year for year basis. Minor repair and preventative maintenance tasks such as changing filters and belts and lubrication of HVAC and refrigeration equipment will not be considered as qualifying experience.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Possession of a valid New York State Operator’s license at time of appointment and maintenance of such license throughout the tenure of employment in the position.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This position requires expertise in the operation and maintenance of networked digital printing equipment and its computer peripherals and bindery equipment. Employee is responsible for the production of a variety of reports, booklets, newsletters, flyers, letterhead, catalogs, curriculum and other documents supporting area education; development of budget and maintenance of equipment; Supervision of staff and scheduling workflow in center; does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Establishes work schedule and is responsible for complete Imaging Center Operations;
Scans documents and graphics layouts for digital reproduction;
Downloads electronic documents and data from the regional network and/or internet to a centralized printer for reproduction;
Provides and receives printing services to/from customers using software on the regional network;
Electronically stores and retrieves previously printed documents for revision and reprint;
Manipulates and/or creates layouts by re-sizing photos, graphics and text;
Trains current and new employees on new imaging equipment and acclimates staff to access various applications on-site or from their work stations;
Supervises and assigns work to staff and establishes priorities;
Sets procedures relative to work flow and efficiency;
Promotes and markets services to customers;
Complies data for budget, manages supplies and materials, balances budget;
Maintains a complete computerized inventory of paper stock, imaging supplies and materials;
Serves as a resource person and facilitator for imaging and printing needs for all customers;
Represents Imaging Center on the organization’s team.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Good knowledge of digital imaging equipment and related bindery and finishing equipment; good knowledge of electronic imaging via direct and networked digital information transfer; good knowledge of layout techniques; working knowledge of paper (weights, purposes and capabilities); good organizational skills; ability to plan work and supervise the work of others; ability to deal effectively with the public; ability to follow detailed instructions; good judgment; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
This involves providing technical support for network systems software and hardware. The work involves the development, installation and support of wide area network equipment and analyzing hardware and software network problems. The work is performed under the general supervision of a higher level staff member. The employee may supervise a team project. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Installs, configures and maintains network file servers;
- Consults with users, vendors and technical staff regarding the purchase of hardware, software and networks;
- Installs and manages network protocols;
- Responds to help desk inquiries either remotely or through on-site visits;
- Diagnoses problems with network typologies;
- Designs and installs local/wide area networks;
- Diagnoses and resolves local area network software problems;
- Conducts site surveys of users to determine current hardware and software and what is needed to support new systems;
- Verifies and corrects problems with data cabling;
- Configures routers and switches for Internet connectivity;
- Installs local area network hardware, software, operating systems and applications software;
- Initiates corrections for problems with the local area network involving computers and data communications software and hardware;
- Trains users and technical staff in network technology;
- Leads projects involving network management;
- Diagnoses local area network hardware component failures and makes recommendations for replacement parts;
- Tests, troubleshoots and terminates various types of cabling;
- Configures local area network switches.
Thorough knowledge of local area network operating system concepts; thorough knowledge of the WEB/Internet/Intranet environment; thorough knowledge of personal computer technology; thorough knowledge of client server software; thorough knowledge of the local area network environment; thorough knowledge of different types of data cabling; thorough knowledge of various network hardware; thorough knowledge of local and wide area network protocols; ability to deduce problems logically; ability to communicate orally, including the ability to communicate technical information to non-technical people; ability to investigate complex problems and develop appropriate solutions; ability to understand complex written and oral instructions; ability to get along well with others; ability to work independently; ability to manage projects; ability to train others; ability to work as part of a team; resourcefulness in helping others to solve difficult problems; initiative; patience; good judgment; attention to detail.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and
Four (4) years experience gained within the past five (5) years which involved the maintenance, configuration or installation of personal computer hardware and software.
NOTE: Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York Sate registered college or university with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or related field may substitute for two (2) years of the experience if the education was completed within the past five (5) years.
NOTE: Completion of two or more years of education at the college or university level in Computer Science or a related field may substitute for one (1) year of the experience if the education was completed within the past five (5) years.
This involves providing technical support for network systems software and hardware. The work involves the installation of the network equipment and analyzing hardware and software network problems. The employee works under the general supervision of a higher level staff member. The employee may supervise a team project. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Installs and manages network protocols;
- Installs, configures and maintains network file servers;
- Installs local area network and/or wide area network hardware, software, operating systems and applications software;
- Initiates corrections for problems with the local and/or wide area network involving computers and data communications software and hardware;
- Diagnoses problems with network technologies;
- Diagnoses local/wide area network hardware component failures and makes recommendations for replacement parts;
- Confers with users, technical staff and vendor representatives to identify network problems;
- Recommends appropriate local area network hardware as needed;
- Assigns work to team members and monitors progress of projects;
- Leads projects involving network management;
- Responds to help desk inquiries either remotely or through on-site visits;
- Conducts site surveys of users to determine current hardware and software and what is needed to support new systems;
- Diagnoses and resolves local/wide area network software problems;
- Designs wide area network infrastructure;
- Responds to local and/or wide area network customer complaints;
- Verifies and corrects problems with data cabling;
- Informs management of problems or potential problems;
- Monitors the local and/or wide area network for problems of data integrity or performance;
- Installs, configures and maintains internet file servers;
- Researches and evaluates new local/wide area network products and/or services;
- Consults with users, vendors and technical staff regarding the purchase of hardware, software and networks and upgrades;
- Designs and installs local/wide area networks;
- Participates in committees on network operating system and hardware standards;
- Configures routers and switches for internet connectivity;
- Configures local/wide area network switches.
Thorough knowledge of local area network operating system concepts; thorough knowledge of network communication standards, WEB servers and security policies; thorough knowledge of personal computer technology; thorough knowledge of local area network Novell, CAN and CNE operating systems; thorough knowledge of the local area network environment; thorough knowledge of the WEB/Internet/Intranet environment; ability to deduce problems logically; ability to detect and resolve severe computer breakdowns and problems; ability to configure work stations and networks; ability to work as part of a team; patience; good judgment.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and
Five (5) years experience gained within the past seven (7) years which involved the maintenance, configuration or installation of personal computer hardware and software for local and/or wide area networks.
NOTE: Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York Sate registered college or university with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or related field may substitute for two (2) years of the experience if the education was completed within the past five (5) years.
NOTE: Completion of two or more years of education at the college or university level in Computer Science or a related field may substitute for one (1) year of the experience if the education was completed within the past five (5) years.
This involves providing technical support for network systems software and hardware. Employees are also responsible for monitoring the network for problems of response time and for the installation of the network equipment. The position also requires an employee to confer with vendor representatives and system programmers. Supervision is typically not performed by an employee in this class. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Monitors local area network for problems of data integrity and performance;
- Initiates corrections for problems with the local area network involving computers and data communications software and hardware;
- Confers with users, technical staff and vendor representatives to identify network problems;
- Installs local area network hardware, software, operating systems and applications software;
- Installs and manages network protocols;
- Responds to help desk inquiries either remotely or through on-site visits;
- Diagnoses problems with network typologies;
- Troubleshoots communication path connectivity to wide area network;
- Verifies and corrects problems with data cabling;
- Diagnoses local area network hardware component failures and makes recommendations for replacement parts;
- Tests, troubleshoots and terminates various types of cabling, including fiber optics, Type 1, Category 5 and other cabling.
Thorough knowledge of personal computer technology; thorough knowledge of different types of data cabling; thorough knowledge of various network switches; ability to deduce problems logically; ability to communicate orally, including the ability to communicate technical information to non-technical people; ability to investigate complex problems and develop appropriate solutions; ability to understand complex written and oral instructions; ability to get along well with others; ability to work independently; ability to work as part of a team; resourcefulness in helping others to solve difficult problems; initiative; patience; good judgment; attention to detail; ability to configure network switches and ups.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and
One (1) year of experience gained within the past five (5) years which involved data cabling, testing cables and terminating cable.
NOTE: Completion of two or more years of education at the college or university level in Computer Science or Electronics Technology or a related field may substitute for one (1) year of the experience if the education was completed within the past five (5) years.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This involves providing technical support including maintenance and installation for desktop and mobile device software and hardware. The incumbent must analyze and resolve problems relating to the above statement. Work is performed under the general supervision of a higher staff member. Supervision over the work of others is not a responsibility of this position. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Installs internal and external PC hardware;
- Installs PC and mobile device operating systems;
- Configures computers for network connectivity;
- Attends technical support and vendor training;
- Resolves hardware and software problems with PC and mobile devices;
- Analyzes and resolves common problems concerning PC software and hardware to determine an acceptable solution and insures that all supported applications run;
- Answers questions concerning computer operating functions;
- Documents call resolutions for all reported problems;
- Installs PC and mobile device software and updates as well as ensuring network connectivity.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of personal computers and mobile devices; knowledge of PC and LAN operating systems; knowledge of client server software; ability to operate a PC; ability to analyze problems and develop appropriate solutions; ability to understand complex written and oral instructions; ability to get along well with others; ability to work in an organized way; ability to work independently; ability to work as part of a team; attention to detail.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field; OR
2. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree PLUS twelve (12) college credits in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field; OR
3. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma AND two (2) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the past five (5) years, which involved the operation and maintenance of personal computers or mobile devices AND the resolution of software and hardware problems pertaining to these devices; OR
4. An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (1), (2) or (3) above.
NOTE: Advanced education degree received, in a program or specific field noted above, will be accepted in lieu of the minimum education noted.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This involves providing advanced technical support for software and hardware. An incumbent in this position is responsible for the installation of desktop computers, network, and mobile device hardware and software. The position is also responsible for analyzing and resolving problems with desktop computer and network hardware and software. The employee works under the general supervision of a higher level staff member. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Installs desktop computer, mobile device, and network hardware;
- Installs desktop computer and mobile device operating systems and software;
- Resolves difficult hardware and software problems (including those with operating systems);
- Analyzes and resolves complex problems concerning desktop computers, mobile device, peripherals, and network software and hardware;
- Set up, troubleshoots, configures and maintains desktop computer and mobile device security;
- Tests network software for compatibility and functionality;
- Communicates project status to users concerning completion and satisfaction with the project or issues;
- Diagnoses complex hardware and software failures, replacing faulty hardware and/or completing repairs;
- Installs desktop computers and mobile device software and updates as well as insuring network connectivity.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of personal computers and mobile devices; thorough knowledge of desktop computer, mobile device, and LAN operating systems; thorough knowledge of the operation of peripheral devices and connectivity; ability to analyze complex problems and develop and implement appropriate solutions; ability to understand complex written and oral instructions and technical documentation; ability to get along well with others; ability to work independently; ability to communicate with other; ability to work as part of a team; attention to detail.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field AND one (1) year of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the past five (5) years, which involved the operation and resolution of software and hardware problems associated with networked personal computers or mobile devices AND network operating systems; OR
2. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree PLUS twelve (12) college credits in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field AND two (2) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the past five (5) years, which involved the operation and resolution of software and hardware problems associated with networked personal computers or mobile devices AND network operating systems; OR
3. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma AND three (3) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the past five (5) years, which involved the operation and resolution of software and hardware problems associated with networked personal computers or mobile devices AND network operating systems; OR
4. An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (1), (2) or (3) above.
NOTE: Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field may substitute for one (1) year of the experience if the education was completed within the past five (5) years.
This is routine manual work requiring physical endurance and a willingness to perform arduous tasks. Close supervision is maintained over the work at all times. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Operates air compressor, jack hammer, concrete mixer and pumps;
- Assists in patching and grading streets and building manholes;
- Rakes, tamps and shovels cold patch;
- Loads and unloads trucks;
- Excavates and backfills for new construction and repairs;
- Cleans and flushes streets, culverts and catch basins;
- Clears blocked sewers;
- Shovels and removes snow from streets, sidewalks and park recreational areas;
- Assists in the repair of sewers, catch basins, hydrants, mains and services;
- Collects and disposes of rubbish;
- Performs unskilled work in connection with the painting and maintenance of signs and bridges;
- Digs and refills trenches for water and sewer pipe lines;
- Lays sewer pipe;
- Assists in repairing sweepers and making brooms;
- Works on refuse collection route, lifting cans from curb to truck, or emptying cans in truck;
- Cuts grass, trims shrubs, rakes leaves, spades flower beds and assists in ground maintenance activities;
- Oils and cinders streets;
- Directs trucks on dump grounds;
- Oversees and participates in ash dumping, dump cleaning and leveling;
- Performs general building and grounds cleaning tasks.
NOTE: Ontario County and City of Canandaigua applicants only.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT: Possession of an appropriate New York State motor vehicle operator’s license.
The work involves the performance of routine library clerical duties necessary for the proper organization and distribution of library materials. No prior knowledge of library procedures is required; on the job training is provided. Work is performed under direct supervision of higher lever clerks or librarians. May supervise pages and volunteers. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Arranges or files materials according to library filing rules;
- Performs routine searches of and updates computer records;
- Issues borrowers cards according to library procedures;
- Performs routine circulation, reserve and overdue functions;
- Makes and checks routine arithmetic computations;
- Operates office equipment such as photocopiers, fax machine or computers;
- Answers the telephone and takes messages;
- Calls patrons to deliver messages or information on library materials;
- Types cards, lists, labels or short entries on forms.
Working knowledge of office terminology, procedures and equipment as applied to library clerical work; working knowledge of business arithmetic and English; working knowledge of library filing and shelving rules; ability to understand oral and written instructions; ability to operate an alphanumeric keyboard such as a typewriter, terminal or personal computer accurately – skilled typing is not necessary; tact and courtesy in dealing with staff and public.
ACCEPTABLE EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING: Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma.
The work involves the routine care of patients in accordance with a detailed and well-defined patient care plan under direct supervision of a Registered Professional Nurse. Assignments concerning patient care are given specifically with limited leeway allowed for exercise of independent judgment. Supervision may be exercised over the work of Nursing Assistants. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Assists the school physician in physical, visual and auditory screening examinations of students and employees;
- Administers first aide and emergency treatment to students and employees;
- Prepares and maintains health records for school authorities;
- Assists at school immunization clinics;
- Arranges for transport of sick or injured students or employees to hospital, home, doctor’s or dentist’s office in case of emergency;
- Inspects the school plant, playground and cafeteria and reports on general safety and sanitary conditions;
- Orders, inventories and oversees the storage of first aide and related health supplies and equipment;
- Consults with attendance teachers, staff members and school nurse-teachers concerning a variety of health factors related to non-attendance and communicable disease;
- Prepares records and reports as required.
Good working knowledge of nursing techniques and their relation to medical and surgical practices and skill in their application; working knowledge of dietetics, sanitation and personal hygiene; ability to carry out therapeutic treatments prescribed; ability to understand and follow technical, oral and written instructions; ability to keep records and make reports; ability to get along well with patients and others; good observation; mental alertness; firmness; initiative; cheerfulness; patience; emotional stability; sympathetic attitude toward the sick; good moral character; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Completion of a course of study approved by the State Education Department as qualifying for Licensed Practical Nurse.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATIONS: Eligibility for a license issued by the State of New York to practice as a Licensed Practical Nurse. Possession of the license at the time of appointment.
This position is responsible for managing, directing, planning, organizing, developing, and overseeing the financial, investment, and payroll systems. This work is performed independently and under the general supervision of school executives. The incumbent is responsible for directing the preparation of the most complex and important financial reports required and for overseeing the investments and employee benefit fiscal function. This position involves using independent judgment within the framework of generally accepted accounting principles and relevant laws and rules. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Oversees and directs the administration of accounting, cash management, investment, real property tax collection, and payroll functions and oversees the employees involved in carrying out these fiscal activities insuring compliance with all state and federal laws;
- Plans, organizes, and directs the accounting functions;
- Maintains detailed accounting records showing the status of each appropriation (Education Law, Section 2122(1);
- Prepares budget status report and submits to the Board in accordance with Section 170.2(p) of Commissioner’s Regulations, or more frequently as required by the Board;
- Supervises and manages the staff of the Central Business Office, regarding day to day operations and reports to the school executives;
- Reviews, recommends and carries out financial policy changes, working closely with the school executives;
- Reviews and approves the accounting transactions of all financial software systems;
- Implements changes to the financial software system;
- Interprets and implements new accounting principles and applications and works closely with the school executives to insure that necessary changes in the financial management system are implemented;
- Oversees the payroll cycle responding to questions and problems of the staff performing the payroll-related duties;
- Analyzes the payroll system and assures that the payroll system complies with all federal, state and local laws and regulations;
- Reviews and recommends changes to the payroll system to more effectively and efficiently produce the payroll;
- Authorizes supplemental payments and repayments for overpayments; Integrates and reconciles accounting operations;
- Responsible for the financial integrity of the fiscal records of all funds and accounts, including capital projects;
- Administers the preparation of and reviews the correctness of the annual financial report to the New York State Comptroller and the New York State Department of Education.
Thorough knowledge of modern accounting principles and practices; ability to direct, prepare and maintain accounting records and reports; resourcefulness in applying accounting procedures and practices to problems encountered in work; ability to analyze accounting records and financial statements and to draw logical conclusions; good accounting judgment; thorough knowledge of investment instruments, payroll administration and related laws; good knowledge of computers; ability to work closely with and direct the work of others; ability to work closely with the organization assisting with problems and providing direction for accounting and tax principles and their effect on the financial management system.
Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered four-year college or university with a Bachelor's Degree in accounting or business administration and five years of experience in maintaining or auditing double-entry accounting records and payroll functions, two years of which must have been in Municipal or Fund activities.
NOTE: Possession of a CPA, MBA or MPA Degree can be substituted for one year of the required five years experience.
The work involves responsibility for routine patrol tasks performed at a swimming pool or bathing beach to ensure the safety and welfare of the bathers. The work is performed under direct supervision with considerable leeway allowed for the exercise of sound judgment in emergency situations. An error in judgment might result in the loss of life. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Stands watch or patrols bathing beach or swimming pool keeping bathers within bounds and going to their aid when they are in difficulty;
- Applies resuscitation techniques and otherwise renders first aid;
- Instructs beginners in swimming;
- Keeps the beach free of glass and other debris;
- Performs other routine duties such as repairing equipment, pool cleaning and maintenance;
- Maintains order;
- Enforces compliance with beach or pool rules.
Good knowledge of first aid, life saving and rescue work as applied to accidents in the water; ability to swim well; ability to deal with the public and to secure cooperation without unnecessary antagonism; ability to keep records and to make simple reports and arithmetic computations; good observation; mental alertness; good moral character; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Must be at least 16 years of age. Possession of a current American Red Cross Basic Life Support for the professional rescuer CPR, or equivalent certification; and possession of a current Lifeguard Training Certificate, or (for pools only) a certificate in Basic Lifeguarding from a certifying agency (such as the American Red Cross, Boy Scouts, YMCA) acceptable to the State Health Commissioner.
WATERFRONT LIFEGUARDING: Requires American Red Cross Lifeguard Waterfront Module.
NOTE: May be 15 years of age if employed at a facility where a Senior Lifeguard is present.
NOTE: According to the New York State Department of Health, the CPR Certificates must be renewed annually.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This is routine work involving responsibility for the safe and prompt delivery of mail, documents and related materials between offices, banks and post office. Work is performed under general supervision in accordance with specific oral or written direction. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Makes rounds of offices delivering and picking up mail several times daily;
- Sorts and prepares all outgoing mail with correct postage;
- Assists with bulk rate mailings, sorting by zip codes, bundling, packing in proper containers;
- Delivers mail and picks up completed printing orders and supply orders as required;
- Runs errands for various officials;
- Takes checks to post office to have postage meter filled and also for deposit in mail accounts at the post office;
- Assists in various duties such as collating, stapling, shredding paper, complete care of mail equipment, etc.;
- Delivers packages and instructional materials to various offices.
Working knowledge of office procedures and practices; ability to understand and follow simple oral and written directions; knowledge of geography of the school district; willingness to learn and perform tasks assigned; clerical aptitude; mental alertness; trustworthiness; tact and courtesy; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Possession of an appropriate New York State motor vehicle operator’s license.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This involves providing technical support for network systems software and hardware. The work involves the development, installation and support of network equipment and analyzing hardware and software network problems. The work is performed under the general supervision of a higher level staff member. The employee may supervise a team project. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Installs, configures and maintains network file servers;
- Consults with users, and technical staff regarding the purchase of hardware, software and networks;
- Installs and manages network services;
- Responds to help desk inquiries either remotely or through on-site visits;
- Diagnoses problems with networks;
- Diagnoses and resolves network and/or software problems;
- Participates in site surveys to determine current hardware and software needs;
- Verifies and corrects problems with data cabling;
- Troubleshoots and configure
srouters and switches for connectivity; - Installs network hardware, software, operating systems and applications software;
- Initiates corrections for problems with the network involving computers and data communications software and hardware;
- Trains technical staff in network technology;
- Participates in projects involving network management;
- Diagnoses network hardware component failures and makes recommendations for repairs;
- Tests, troubleshoots and terminates various types of cabling;
- Configures local area network switches.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of network operating systems; thorough knowledge of the Internet/Intranet environment; thorough knowledge of personal computer technology; thorough knowledge of mobile devices; thorough knowledge of client server software; thorough knowledge of the local area network environment; thorough knowledge of different types of data cabling; thorough knowledge of various network hardware; thorough knowledge of network protocols; ability to diagnose problems logically; ability to communicate orally, including the ability to communicate technical information to non-technical people; ability to investigate complex problems and develop appropriate solutions; ability to understand complex written and oral instructions; ability to get along well with others; ability to work independently; ability to assist with projects; ability to train others; ability to work as part of a team; resourcefulness in helping others to solve difficult problems; initiative; patience; good judgment; attention to detail.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field AND one (1) year of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the past three (3) years which involved the maintenance, configuration or installation of network infrastructure hardware and software; OR
2. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma AND three (3) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the past five (5) years, which involved the maintenance, configuration or installation of network infrastructure hardware and software; OR
3. An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (1) or (2) above.
NOTE: Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field may substitute for one (1) year of the experience if the education was completed within the past five (5) years.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This involves providing high-level technical support for network systems software and hardware. The work involves the design, installation, and support of network equipment and resolution of hardware and software network problems. The work is performed under general supervision. Supervision over the work of others may occur in the form of project team leader. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Installs and manages network services;
- Installs, configures and maintains network file servers;
- Installs local area network and/or wide area network hardware, software, operating systems and applications software;
- Initiates corrections for problems with the local and/or wide area network involving computers and data communications software and hardware;
- Diagnoses problems with networks;
- Diagnoses local/wide area network hardware component failures and makes recommendations for repairs;
- Confers with users, technical staff and vendor representatives to identify network problems;
- Recommends appropriate network hardware as needed;
- Supervises and assigns work to team members and monitors progress of projects;
- Supervises projects involving networks;
- Responds to help desk inquiries either remotely or through on-site visits;
- Conducts site surveys to determine current hardware and software and what is needed to support new and existing systems;
- Diagnoses and resolves local/wide area network software problems;
- Designs advanced network infrastructure;
- Verifies and corrects problems with data cabling;
- Informs management of problems or potential problems;
- Monitors the local and/or wide area network for problems of data integrity or performance;
- Installs, configures and maintains file servers;
- Researches and evaluates new local/wide area network products and/or services;
- Consults with users, vendors and technical staff regarding the purchase of hardware, software and networks and upgrades;
- Designs and installs local/wide area networks;
- Participates in committees on network operating system and hardware standards;
- Configures routers and switches for network connectivity;
- Configures local/wide area network switches.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of network operating systems; thorough knowledge of network communication standards, security policies and procedures; thorough knowledge of personal computer technology; thorough knowledge of local area network operating systems; thorough knowledge of the Internet/Intranet environment; ability to diagnose and resolve complex network problems; ability to configure work stations and networks; ability to work independently and as part of a team; ability to train others; ability to create and maintain network infrastructure documentation; ability to plan and supervise subordinates work in a manner conducive to full performance and high morale; patience; good judgment; attention to detail.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field AND one (1) year of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the past five (5) years, which involved the maintenance, configuration or installation of network infrastructure hardware and software for local and/or wide area networks; OR
2. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field AND three (3) of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the past five (5) years, which involved the maintenance, configuration or installation of network infrastructure hardware and software for local and/or wide area networks; OR
3. An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (1) or (2) above.
NOTE: Advanced education degree received, in a program or specific field noted above, will be accepted in lieu of the minimum education noted.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This involves providing technical support for network systems software and hardware. Employees are responsible for the installation of the network equipment. The position requires an employee to confer with senior technical support staff as needed or assigned. Supervision is typically not performed by an employee in this class. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Monitors local area network for problems with connectivity and performance;
- Initiates corrections for problems with the local area network software and hardware;
- Confers with users and senior technical staff to identify network connectivity problems;
- Installs local area network hardware, software, operating systems and applications software;
- Installs and corrects PC software and updates as necessary to ensure network connectivity;
- Responds to help desk inquiries either remotely or through on-site visits;
- Diagnoses problems with network/infrastructure connectivity;
- Verifies and corrects problems with data cabling;
- Diagnoses local area network hardware component failures and makes recommendations for repairs;
- Tests, troubleshoots, and terminates various types of cabling, including fiber optics, Ethernet, and other cabling.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of personal computer technology; thorough knowledge of different types of data cabling; thorough knowledge of various network switches; ability to diagnose problems logically; ability to communicate orally, including the ability to communicate technical information to non-technical people; ability to investigate difficult problems and recommend appropriate solutions; ability to understand complex written and oral instructions; ability to get along well with others; ability to work independently; ability to work as part of a team; resourcefulness in helping others to solve difficult problems; initiative; patience; good judgment; attention to detail; ability to configure common network equipment.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma AND one (1) year of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the past five (5) years which involved data cabling, testing of cables, terminating cable and resolving desktop PC problems.
NOTE: Completion of twelve (12) credit hours at the college or university level in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a closely related field may be substitute for the required experience if the education was completed within the past five years.
NOTE: Advanced education degree received in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a closely related field will be accepted in lieu of the minimum education and experience as noted above, if the degree was earned within the past five years.
NOTE: Possession of a trade school certification in Computer Science, Computer Technology or a closely related field may be substituted for the required experience if the certification was earned within the past five years.
This is a professional position involving responsibility for evaluation, planning and providing occupational therapy treatment to clients in accordance with written prescription or referral from a physician who provides medical direction. The Occupational Therapist is responsible to the Senior Medical Management. Supervision may be exercised over the work of Occupational Therapy Assistants, Occupational Therapy Aides and clerical employees assigned to the service. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Evaluates the degree of function and disability of clients unless contra-indicated by professional judgment or a physician’s admission notes;
- Develops a treatment plan based upon his findings, short and long term rehabilitation goals and in accordance with the physician’s diagnosis, prescription or referral;
- Performs occupational therapy procedures upon the written prescription or referral from a physician, utilizing a creative activity which may be normal, industrial, recreational or educational designed and/or adopted to correct or remedy any disability;
- Fabricates and applies hand splints, trains clients in the use of adaptive assistive devices and/or self help techniques to achieve maximum independence;
- Records on clients’ chart all evaluations, re-evaluations, progress notes, consultations and discharge summaries;
- Participates with other faculty/department personnel in the formulation of clients’ total care plans, medical diagnosis and progress reports;
- Maintains program records including but not limited to the service budget, statistical reports of frequency and types of treatment and number of clients served;
- Confers periodically with various therapists, nurses and physicians regarding all facets of client care and related activities;
- Develops or assists in the development of occupational therapy policies and procedures;
- Participates in the selection of personnel in the occupational therapy service, assigns their duties and provides supervision;
- Assists in the development of and instructs in the department in-service education and programs.
Good knowledge of the principles, techniques and practices of occupational therapy; good knowledge of the operation and minor maintenance of apparatus and equipment used in occupational therapy; working knowledge of community resources available to support or supplement the occupational therapy program; ability to evaluate, plan and execute treatments for patients; ability to plan and supervise the work of others; ability to get along well with others; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
Licensed and currently registered by the New York State Education Department as an Occupational Therapist and maintenance of such license throughout appointment.
Listed below are Non-Certified/Civil Service Positions, also known as Classified Positions.
Please Note: Ontario County Human Resources issues the job description specifications and typical duties for Civil Service positions.
Ontario County Human Resources Job Specifications Online
- Treasurer
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This position performs specialized clerical tasks with major emphasis on the preparation, processing and maintenance of payrolls and requires a high degree of accuracy and the ability to plan and organize the full payroll process. The work involves responsibility for applying departmental procedures and practices to all payroll-related tasks. It also requires an understanding of labor contracts, rules, policies and procedures. Maintenance of confidential records as well as providing human resources with a variety of information is also required. Supervision is exercised over other payroll staff. Work is performed under general supervision with leeway for exercise of independent judgment. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Analyzes, prepares and inputs payroll data accurately and in a timely manner;
- Reviews wages computed and corrects errors to ensure accuracy of payroll;
- Maintains changes in payroll records;
- Ensures compliance with all applicable state and federal wage and hour laws;
- Develops and maintains detailed documentation of operational procedures and policies;
- Prepares journal entries for payroll and verifies balances of payroll and trust accounts;
- Performs various journal entries, account reconciliations, and provides general ledger support;
- Uses the automated payroll system to calculate and pay retroactive pays and make various adjustments;
- Verifies employee deductions and makes necessary adjustments;
- Addresses W-2 questions and distributes yearly;
- Advises employees and supervisors on payroll policies and regulations;
- Handles questions and complaints in regards to payroll issues;
- Prepares periodic reports (gross payroll, hours worked, vacation accrual, tax deductions, benefits deductions, etc.);
- Performs basic queries to audit the accuracy of the payroll system;
- Processes and verifies the accuracy of New York State retirement funds received;
- Prepares monthly retirement reports and submits them to New York State verifying that credits and salaries reported are correct;
- Maintains unemployment, disability and other insurance records;
- Maintains I-9 documentation and tax withholding forms;
- Completes employment verification.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of the methods and techniques required in payroll processing and administration; thorough knowledge of State and Federal rules, regulations and laws that govern tax withholding, reporting and compliance; good knowledge of recordkeeping methods and principles; good knowledge of computerized payroll systems; working knowledge of office terminology, procedures and equipment; ability to follow oral and written instructions; ability to make arithmetic computations rapidly and accurately; ability to prepare accurate reports and summaries; ability to work cooperatively with others; ability to operate various office equipment initiative; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
- Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree in Business or Accounting AND one (1) year of full-time paid, or its part-time equivalent, accounting OR complete payroll processing experience which must include preparation and filing of all required federal, state and local reports; OR
- Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma AND three (3) years of experience as described in (1) above; OR
- An equivalent combination of training and experience as described above.
NOTE: Advanced education degree received, in a program or specific field noted above, will be accepted in lieu of the minimum education noted.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT: Certain assignments made to employees in this class will require access to transportation to meet field work assignments made in the ordinary course of business in a timely and efficient manner.
Revised: June 28, 2019
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: The work involves responsibility for the oversight and processing of payroll data and records, requiring a high degree of accuracy. The work involves responsibility for directing staff engaged in performing payroll work requiring planning, organizing and payroll procedures and accounting. The work is performed under general supervision.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Processes bi-weekly payrolls;
Trains, supervises and audits the work of payroll staff;
Determines procedures and projects of the Payroll Unit for optimum performance;
Ensures that established deadlines and business practices are followed;
Conducts training classes for departmental payroll users and trains new payroll users on a one to one basis;
Designs and creates basic queries to audit the accuracy of the payroll system;
Reviews and audits payroll transactions for accuracy during the payroll process;
Uses the payroll system to calculate and pay retroactive pays and various adjustments;
Processes and verifies the accuracy of New York State retirement refunds received;
Prepares monthly retirement reports and submits to New York State;
Verifies that credits and salaries reported to New York State Retirement are accurate;
Audits the system for accuracy in regards to various benefits and deductions;
Prepares Journal Entries for payroll and verifies balances of payroll and trust accounts;
Performs higher-level analysis of payroll operations, payroll system and payroll problems in various payroll areas;
Advises employees and department heads on payroll policies and regulations;
Handles questions and complaints in regards to payroll issues;
Develops and maintains detailed documentation of operational procedures and policies for the payroll and financial systems;
Processes year-end adjustments and manual checks, verifying that all the information in the payroll system is accurate and up to date before processing the W2s;
Balances payroll records periodically;
Reconciles all State and Federal payroll mandates;
Compiles information needed by independent auditors;
Tests the payroll system calculations for compliance with laws, regulations, and business practices;
Serves as the tax administrator, ensuring conformity with all tax laws, regulations, guidelines and reporting procedures;
Ensures that the implications of tax updates are reported to management before they are applied;
Compiles data and prepares reports to assist in labor negotiations;
Researches labor relations’ issues in regards to payroll for labor management committee, providing technical assistance;
Analyzes how to add newly negotiated benefits into the payroll system to make them work efficiently;
Sends quarterly reports to departments for verification of positions and funding splits.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of accepted accounting principles and techniques and ability to apply these in the performance of duties; thorough knowledge of the payroll system; thorough knowledge of State and Federal rules, regulations and laws that govern tax withholding, reporting and compliance; ability to work with confidential information, ability to understand and carry out complex oral and written directions, ability to write clear and accurate reports and summaries; high degree of accuracy, resourcefulness and initiative, tact and good powers of observation, perception and analysis; ability to work cooperatively with others; ability to operate various office equipment, personal computer and software.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from High School or possession of a High School equivalency diploma and EITHER:
- Associate’s Degree in Business Management or Accounting and three (3) years of accounting and complete payroll processing experience including preparation and filing of all required federal, state and local reports one (1) year of which must have been in a supervisory capacity, or
- Five (5) years of accounting and complete payroll processing experience including preparation and filing of all required federal, state and local reports one (1) year of which must have been in a supervisory capacity, or
- An equivalent combination of training and experience as set by the limits of (1) and (2) above.
This is a professional position involving responsibility for evaluation, planning and providing physical therapy treatment in accordance with written prescription or referral from a physician who provides medical direction. The Physical Therapist is responsible to the facility administrator for the operation of the department. Supervision may be exercised over the work of Physical Therapy Assistants, Physical Therapy Aides and clerical employees assigned to the service. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Evaluates the degree of function and disability of patients unless contraindicated by professional judgment or a physician’s admission notes;
- Performs physical therapy procedures upon the written prescription or referral from a licensed physician
- Participates with other faculty/department personnel in the formulation of clients’ total care plans, medical diagnosis and progress reports;
- Participates in the selection of personnel in the physical therapy service, assigns their duties and provides supervision;
- Assists in the development of and instructs in the department in-service education and programs.
- Records on clients’ chart all evaluations, re-evaluations, progress notes, consultations and discharge summaries;
- Maintains program records including but not limited to the service budget, statistical reports of frequency and types of treatment and number of clients served;
- Insures the implementation of the specific therapy and/or therapeutic instruction for the individual students;
- Assists the staff in the development of the general educational therapeutic-physical environment which is necessary to meeting the total needs of the student;
- Monitors the student’s progress and reaction to the therapy program and continues to re-evaluate and change the program as indicated;
- Performs a physical motor assessment on any student who is considered a candidate for physical therapy services;
- Instructs the student in utilizing appropriate equipment for maximum functioning.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE’S, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Good knowledge of the principles, techniques and practices of physical therapy; good knowledge of the operation and minor maintenance of apparatus and equipment used in physical therapy; good knowledge of pathological conditions an socio-economic factors affecting a patient’s disabilities; working knowledge of community resources applicable to physical therapy; ability to plan and supervise the work of others; ability to get along well with others; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Licensed and currently registered by the New York State Education Department as a Physical Therapist and maintenance of such license throughout appointment.
This is a skilled sub-professional position involving responsibility for assisting a Physical Therapist with the treatment and prevention of neuromuscular or musculoskeletal disabilities by the application of direct physical therapy procedures to patients. The work is performed under the supervision of a qualified Physical Therapist who evaluates the patient, develops the treatment plan and designates specific responsibility to the Assistant. A Physical Therapist is available at all times for direction and assistance. Supervision may be exercised over one or more Physical Therapy Assistants. Applies physical therapy treatments to patients or assists in their application in a health care facility under the supervision of a qualified Physical Therapist. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Applies heat, cold, electricity, light, water treatments, massage, therapeutic exercise training in phases of ambulation and other activities of daily living in according to the Physical Therapist’s direction;
- Observes, records and reports patient’s reactions to treatments and programs;
- Prepares, sets up and maintains physical therapy treatment areas and equipment;
- Provides for and observes safety precautions during all phases of treatment;
- Confers periodically with the Physical Therapist regarding all facets of patient care and related activities;
- Participates with other faculty/department personnel in the formulation of clients’ total care plans, medical diagnosis and progress reports;
- Evaluates the degree of function and disability of patients unless contraindicated by professional judgment or a physician’s admission notes;
- Performs physical therapy procedures upon the written prescription or referral from a licensed physician
- Participates in the selection of personnel in the physical therapy service, assigns their duties and provides supervision;
- Assists in the development of and instructs in the department in-service education and programs.
- Records on clients’ chart all evaluations, re-evaluations, progress notes, consultations and discharge summaries;
- Maintains program records including but not limited to the service budget, statistical reports of frequency and types of treatment and number of clients served;
- Inventories, cleans, stores and otherwise maintains supplies and equipment;
- Supervises Physical Therapy Aides as directed by the Physical Therapist;
- Performs record keeping functions related to maintenance and execution of the physical therapy program.
Good knowledge of the principles, techniques and practices of physical therapy; good knowledge of the operation and minor maintenance of apparatus and equipment used in physical therapy; working knowledge of human anatomy and physiology; working knowledge of the concepts and scope and limitations of physical therapy; sufficient physical strength to support and lift adult patients; ability to follow written and oral instruction; ability to plan and supervise the work of aides; skill in observing and recording patient’s responses to treatments; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Certification and current registration by the New York State Education Department as a Physical Therapy Assistant and maintenance of such license throughout appointment.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This is technical programming work involving responsibility for preparing instruction coded into a form acceptable to the computer. Work is concerned with the study of various problems, various kinds of information sources, flow of information, adaptation of information for computer use and the information output. Work is performed under the direct supervision of the agency administrator. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Designs detailed programs, flow charts and/or diagrams, which indicate logic flow and mathematical relations;
Modifies programs by revising instructions or altering the sequence of operations;
Debugs new and modified programs to assure completion according to predetermined and requirements;
Prepares input and output layouts, programs documentation and operator run manual procedures;
Assists in the analysis and design of new or revised computer applications;
Prepares daily activities report for cost allocation.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of programming techniques and concepts, thorough knowledge of computers and peripheral equipment; working knowledge of modern office methods and techniques; ability to follow complex oral and written instructions; ability to supervise; accuracy; good judgment; initiative; ability to work harmoniously with co-workers and all levels of management; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered four-year college or university with a Bachelor's Degree in computer science or related field which shall have included training in programming language; or
2. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered two-year college with an Associate's Degree in computer science or related field and one year of experience in programming language; or
3. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and four years of experience in programming language; or
4. An equivalent combination of training and experience as indicated in (1) and (2) and (3) above.
This involves technical computer programming and project management work. The work is performed under the general supervision of agency administrator with wide leeway provided for the use of independent technical judgment. Supervision may be exercised over the work of programmers and other subordinate staff. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Formats data from different systems to enable conversation for use by other systems;
- Identifies user problems and procedures for solution;
- Determines new systems needed to help perform tasks;
- Writes programs using programming software;
- Develops reports to provide summary statistics and/or information from a system;
- Collects detailed information concerning procedures and their interaction with other tasks by interviewing employees and supervisory personnel, as well as reviewing written information;
- Develops procedures based upon standards for users to insure uniformity and compatibility;
- Trains internal and external users and user personnel in a variety of settings;
- Plans multi-stage implementation for solution;
- Modifies existing programs by revising instructions or altering the sequence of operations;
- Debugs new or modified programs to assure completion according to predetermined requirements;
- Prepares program documentation and run procedures;
- Provides all tasks associated with project management (identifying tasks, prioritizing, and
- scheduling resources).
Thorough knowledge of programming principles, techniques, languages and concepts; thorough knowledge of systems analysis; thorough knowledge of various types of hardware; ability to establish effective working relationships; ability to reason logically; ability to analyze processes; ability to communicate orally including the ability to communicate tec1mical information to non-technical people; ability to communicate in writing; ability to work as part of a team; ability to re-engineer work flow; attention to detail; sound judgment and initiative.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from a high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and four (4) years of experience gained within the past five (5) years in computer programming or computer systems analysis.
NOTE: Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field may substitute for two (2) years of the experience if the education was completed within the past five (5) years.
Completion of two or more years of education at the college or university level in computer science or a related field may substitute for one (1) year of the experience if the education was completed within the past five (5) years.
Performs public relations duties and supervises the dissemination of information in a school district. This is creative work involving responsibility for editing and preparing written material for a quarterly publication that is mailed to school district residents. The work requires imagination and a demonstrated flair for writing and visual presentation of informational materials. The work is performed under the general direction of the Assistant Superintendent with leeway provided for the use of independent judgment. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Prepares and edits news releases and factual articles for a quarterly publication;
- Maintains friendly and cooperative relations with the press, radio and other publicity media;
- May prepare booklets, pamphlets, leaflets, lectures, special reports and other promotional literature.
Good knowledge of publicity principles and methods; good knowledge of the organization, objectives and content of the school district program; good knowledge of organizations and publications interested in the school district; skill in the performance of public relations activities; ability to establish and maintain friendly relationships with members of the press, television, radio and other publicity media; ability to get along with others; ability to express ideas orally and in writing; initiative and resourcefulness; good physical condition.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered four year college or university with a degree in journalism, public affairs or closely related field; or
2. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered four year college or university and one year of publicity or promotional experience; or
3. Five years of responsible publicity or promotional experience; or
4. Any equivalent combination of training and experience.
Performs public relations duties and disseminates information to the public. This is creative work involving responsibility for editing and preparing written material for a variety of publications. The work requires imagination and a demonstrated flair for writing and visual presentation of informational materials. The work is performed under the general direction of a higher level supervisor with leeway provided for the use of independent judgment; does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Prepares various district calendars, brochures and informational flyers;
- Assists various departments with publication development/enhancement;
- Maintains Event Hotline, Emergency Hotline and Community Education Hotline;
- Coordinates outdoor entrance and stadium sign messages;
- Updates school news on website;
- Provides press releases/makes personal contact to media regarding school activities;
- Interacts with area school public relations directors to gain input regarding best practices;
- Coordinates response to email requests received through web site;
- Assists Staff Developers to develop opportunities for district staff to enhance their community relations and communication skills;
- Maintains and recruits instructors for community education programs;
- Participates in Administrative Team meeting;
- Participates in Board of Education meetings;
- Assists Superintendent with slideshow presentations at various district events;
- Assists Superintendent with letters;
- Participates on District Safety Committee and assists administrators with crisis communication;
- Publicizes assists and coordinates various community/school activities;
- Photographs school events/activities for use in publications/website;
- Maintains volunteer database.
Working knowledge of publicity principles and methods; good knowledge of the organization, objectives and content of the school district program; working knowledge of organizations and publications interested in the school district; skill in the performance of public relations activities; ability to establish and maintain friendly relationships with members of the press, television, radio and other publicity media; ability to get along well with others; ability to express ideas orally and in writing; initiative and resourcefulness; good physical condition.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and either:
1. Possession of 60 credit hours from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university; or
2. Four years of experience in a public relations, advertising, news media support position, or closely related field; or
3. Any equivalent combination of training and experience as set by limits of (1) & (2) above.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: The work involves responsibility for directing all purchasing activities and meeting the procurement needs. The Purchasing Director is responsible for planning, initiating, recommending and administering purchasing policies, projects and activities and negotiating purchasing contracts and issues. The Purchasing Director also analyzes formal bids and makes recommendations for purchases exceeding statutory limits. The duties of this position are performed under the administrative supervision of the Assistant Superintendent with wide leeway provided for the use of independent professional judgment. The Purchasing Director exercises direct and general supervision of the work of the employees of the Purchasing Department, and has regular contact with outside vendors and other local governments.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Oversees and supervises the purchasing of all materials, supplies and equipment;
Meets and negotiates purchases, contracts and maintenance agreements with vendors;
Meets with department heads to determine needs and solicit feedback as to performance of department;
Analyzes formal bids, making recommendations for acceptance or rejection;
Analyzes the benefit of lease versus purchase and recommends the most fiscally prudent course of action;
Develops cooperative purchasing agreements with other municipalities and public and private non-profit agencies.
CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of markets, business methods; trade conditions and modern purchasing practices, including a knowledge of a wide range of commodities; thorough knowledge of all laws governing municipal purchasing practices; ability to prepare, negotiate and execute contracts; ability to analyze purchasing options and determine most effective option; ability to communicate well both orally and in writing; ability to recognize and implement improvements to all activities of the department; ability to know and use computer technology to bring about efficiencies in operations; ability to work as a team member in a total quality management environment; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:Graduation from high school and either:
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered four year college or university with a Bachelor's Degree and four years experience in purchasing a variety of commodities on a large scale, at least two years of which shall have been in a supervisory capacity; or
2. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered two-year college with an Associate's Degree and six years of experience in purchasing a variety of commodities on a large scale at least two years of which shall have been in a supervisory capacity; or
3. An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined in (1) and (2) above.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: Under the supervision of a Head Nurse or Public Health Nurse provides professional nursing services requiring substantial specialized judgment and skills in accordance with a prescribed nursing care plan. May supervise Licensed Practical Nurses and auxiliary nursing staff. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Assesses patient nursing care needs and prepares, implements, and evaluates the nursing care plan;
- Supervises Licensed Practical Nurses and auxiliary nursing staff;
- Gives skilled nursing care and prescribed treatments to patients and demonstrates nursing care to patients and families;
- Identifies physical and emotional illness of patients through observation and analysis of records;
- Coordinates plans for care with nutritionists, social workers, physical therapists, physicians and other professional health workers concerned with individual and family health care;
- Counsels and guides individuals and families in the prevention of illness and the attainment of maximum health;
- Maintains essential nursing care records and reports.
Good knowledge of current professional nursing practice; skill in the application of current nursing procedures and techniques of patient care; ability to recognize the needs and concerns of people and maintain constructive working relationships in dealing with them; ability to communicate effectively; ability to accept and utilize guidance; ability to perform duties in accordance with ANA Code for Professional Nurses; acceptable physical and mental health to carry out the responsibilities of the position.
Completion of a course of study approved by the New York State Education Department as qualifying for Registered Professional Nurse.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATIONS: Eligibility for a New York State Registered Professional Nurse's License. Possession of the license at the time of permanent appointment.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT: Possession of a valid New York State Operator's license at the time of appointment, and maintenance of such license throughout the tenure of employment in the position.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: The work involves responsibility for the operation of a school bus or mini‑van on an assigned route. In addition, a School Bus Driver is expected to perform minor maintenance tasks on vehicles to which he or she is assigned as well as to ensure the safety and proper conduct of students boarding, riding, and departing from the bus. The work is performed under the general supervision of the Transportation Supervisor or other official permitting leeway in carrying out the details of the work. A School Bus Driver also does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Operates a school bus or mini‑van on a regular schedule or on special occasions;
Checks the operating condition of the bus before starting on a trip;
Reports any operational defect to immediate superior;
Informs children about safety practices;
Maintains orderly conduct of children on bus;
Keeps interior and exterior of vehicle clean and neat;
Maintains records of mileage, routes, times, and incidents;
Prepares and maintains maps of routes and pick‑up points;
May be required to operate a station wagon or other similar vehicle;
May be required to perform minor maintenance tasks on the vehicle.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Good knowledge of driving safety practices and traffic laws and regulations; ability to operate a bus under all driving and road conditions; ability to understand and follow simple oral and written directions; ability to get along well with children and command their respect; mental alertness; dependability; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Possession of a valid New York State Operator's license and maintenance of such license throughout the tenure of employment in the position. Candidates must be at least 21 years of age.
NOTE: In addition, candidates must satisfy the requirements for School Bus Driver set forth in the Rules and Regulations of the New York State Commissioner of Education.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This is a professional business management position responsible for supervision and performance of assigned functions usually including budgeting, purchasing, accounting and reporting. Activities are carried out in accordance with school district policies under the direction of the chief school officer. The work requires the
maintenance of close liaison with instructional and non-instructional department heads.Supervision is exercised over the work of business office and other assigned staff. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Establishes accounting records and procedures to conform to district policy, state and federal requirements and installs procedures for encumbrance, expense accounting, and distribution of revenues into proper fund accounts;
Supervises the collection of revenues by establishing procedures for the district tax collector, treasurer, and assigned personnel;
Supervises the maintenance of grant accounts in order to make required reports to funding agencies;
Makes fund transfers between accounts to cover unanticipated expenditures;
Develops and supervises the maintenance and control of property classification and inventory systems for fixed assets and supplies.
Supervises preparation and transmits periodic financial reports to appropriate federal and state authorities;
Prepares a variety of special reports on district operations at the request of the Board, Superintendent, state and federal agencies;
Supervises the preparation of the monthly internal financial reports and explains them to the board;
Provides information and staff assistance to the district treasurer for preparation of the annual financial report for the State Education Department and for public inspection;
Directs studies of financial transactions to prepare cost analysis reports for the board.
Reviews and consolidates all budget requests and revenue sources to prepare and develop the budget document;
Explains tentative budget to chief school officer to improve his understanding;
Upon notification of an actual or potential change in resources or appropriations, evaluates the current or planned activities of the districts, and on the basis of this evaluation recommends to-the chief school officer those particular budget cuts or supplementary budget amounts which should be considered by them;
In a city school district, prepares legal notice for publication of changes in the adopted budget from the proposed budget.
Facilities Operations, Maintenance and Safety
May direct, through supervisory staff, district facilities operations, maintenance, security, safety activities and a preventative maintenance program;
May schedule, review and participate in periodic staff inspections of district facilities to determine needed improvements, replacements, and correction of safety hazards;
May maintain communication links with suppliers of plant services and materials to develop current information for decision making on purchasing and product utilization.
Financial Planning
May prepare long and short term financial plans for use by administrators and board who consider educational needs, population projections, plant development plans, staffing needs, and revenue projections;
Develops monthly cash flow statement to aid in determining cash available for investment and/or borrowing needs;
Determines sources for current temporary borrowing and employs competitive bidding to obtain best interest rates based on repayment conditions and potential for reinvestment of borrowed funds;
Determines best available investment instruments and obtains quotations on interest rates considering investment amount, time of investment, or prevailing interest rates;
Establishes annual calendar of payments on loans to assure availability of funds to meet debt service requirements;
Develops plans for long term borrowing by use of capital notes and/or serial bonds including the preparation of repayment schedules, development of data for bond sale prospectus, and arranging for sale of bonds in cooperation with bond consultants;
May provide fiscal, statistical and business management information in support of state and federal grant applications for district projects.
Food Service
May coordinate fiscal management and reporting functions of food service programs through the establishment of a system of controls to assure compliance with federal, state and board requirements.
Insurance Management
Develops the district risk management program on the basis of evaluation of exposures and makes recommendations to the board;
Maintains an insurance register for ready access to policy information;
Periodically audits insurance coverage against inventories, appraisals, liabilities and replacement cost.
Personnel (Non-Instructional)
May direct the maintenance of personnel records to control employee pay, vacation, sick leave, insurance and retirement files for use in personnel transactions and resolution of personnel problems;
May maintain or delegates and supervises continuous communication with municipal civil service agency for reporting of personnel transactions and to assure conformance with Civil Service Law and Rules;
Provides financial and other data to a negotiator, negotiating team, fact finder, mediator or arbitrator, before, during or after contract negotiation;
Prepares and delivers to instructional and non-instructional employee organization representatives data authorized by the board for use in contract negotiation and administration.
Purchasing and Inventory Control
May establish a calendar of purchasing activities to assure timely ordering and delivery of goods and services;
Write specifications based on requests for supplies, services and equipment, and consultations with users to assure correct vendor delivery of bid and non-bid items;
Determines needs for formal bidding, purchases through state contracts, sources exempt from bidding law and those obtainable by direct purchase;
Directs the issuance of purchase orders to vendors;
Assures conformances with specifications by establishing of inspection receipting and reporting procedure for deliveries from vendors;
Uses a file of state contracts and other sources exempt from bidding law to obtain supplies and equipment best available through these sources;
Places bid advertising in accordance with law and opens and analyzes bids to determine low bidder conformance to specifications and recommends bid award to board;
Interviews vendors to discuss product lines, quality levels and product availability;
May establish locations for storage and procedures for distribution control of equipment and supplies.
UNION NEGOTIATIONS AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: Negotiates employer-employee contracts for the board with non-instructional employee organizations; prepares minutes of negotiation meetings for record and board information; writes final draft contract for board and employee organization review and approval; supervises final contract duplication and distribution; administers negotiated contracts with non-instructional employee organizations as authorized representatives of the board.
CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of accounting methods and budgetary procedures; thorough knowledge of the techniques of monitoring expenditure of funds; thorough knowledge of debt and investment management; good knowledge of business administration procedures; good knowledge of the techniques of solving financial problems; good knowledge of the principles of cost analysis; working knowledge of the principles of personnel supervision; working knowledge of purchasing and inventory practices; ability to plan and coordinate the work of others; ability to identify and anticipate financial problems and needs; ability to readily acquire familiarity with laws, regulations and policies; ability to identify and set priorities; ability to verbally explain and defend budgets; ability to interpret financial reports; skill in organizing and consolidating narrative and tabular information into a clear, logical, fiscal plan; demonstrated skill in communicating effectively both orally and in writing; skill in human and public relations; good judgment; thoroughness; dependability.
UNION NEGOTIATIONS AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: Good knowledge of the principles, practices and laws pertaining to employer-employee contract development and administration.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor's Degree including or supplemented by 24 semester credit hours in Accounting, Business Education, or Business Administration and, three years of business administration experience which must include accounting and budgeting duties one year of which shall have been in a supervisory capacity; or
2. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered community college with an Associate Degree in Accounting or Business Administration and five years of business administration experience which must include accounting and budgeting duties two years of which shall have been in a supervisory capacity; or
3. An equivalent combination of training and experience as indicated in (1) and (2).
UNION NEGOTIATIONS AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION: Two years of experience in employer-employee contract negotiations and administration.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This is an important supervisory position involving responsibility for efficiently and economically providing nutritious lunches for school children. Depending upon the size of the school lunch program, work may be performed under the direction of a school lunch director or a school district administrator. Immediate or general supervision is exercised over the work of one or more cook-managers and other school lunch program personnel. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Plans and supervises the preparation and service of lunches in a large school or in several small schools;
Plans menus or recommends changes in master menus with due regard for nutritional values, acceptability and budgetary limitations;
Determines requirements and submits requisitions for foods, supplies and equipment;
Prepares layouts and makes recommendations for maintenance of and additions to equipment and plant;
Maintains approved standards of sanitation, health and safety;
Supervises and trains school lunch personnel, makes staff assignments and evaluates work performance;
Assists in the selection of school lunch personnel;
Receives, inspects, stores and distributes supplies and maintains inventories and related records;
Supervises the collection of and accounting for cash receipts;
Makes reports relating to school lunch program activities;
Provides information to school staff, students and community agencies which will promote increased interest in the program.
CHARACTERISTICS: Good knowledge of the fundamentals of nutrition and their application to the health of children; good knowledge of all phases of the school lunch program; good knowledge of the principles and practices of large quantity food preparation, menu planning, purchasing, equipment selection and care, sanitary food handling and storage; ability to plan and supervise the work of others; ability to train personnel; ability to keep records and prepare reports; ability to maintain good personal relations with children and adults; ability to understand
and carry out oral and written directions; initiative; neat personal appearance; tact and good judgment; courtesy; resourcefulness; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
1. Eight years of experience in institution management, hotel administration or restaurant management involving large quantity food service and graduation from a standard senior high school; or
2. Four years of satisfactory experience in institution management, hotel administration or restaurant management involving large quantity 'food service and possession of an associate degree in applied science issued after completion of a two-year course in a technical institute with specialization in foods, nutrition and institution management; or
3. Graduation from a four-year course from a college or university recognized by the University of the State of New York with specialization in foods, nutrition and institution management; or
4. An equivalent combination of experience and training.
NOTE: One year of training in a college or technical institute is equivalent to two years of experience.
NOTE: Documented part-time or volunteer experience will be accepted on a prorated basis.
An employee in this class is responsible for independently, performing complex clerical operations and administrative support tasks for a department head, administrative officer or program manager. This position requires greater independent judgment and more thorough knowledge of an office's organization rules and regulations. Incumbents typically spend approximately one half of the work time keyboarding and the rest of the time on record keeping and complex administrative tasks. Employees in this class work under general supervision with wide leeway for independent judgment. Supervision is exercised over the work of clerical subordinates. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Types correspondence, memorandum, reports and other documents using a typewriter, word processor or personal computer;
- Transcribes correspondence from dictation equipment;
- Composes and types correspondence on matters where policies and procedures are well-defined;
- Screens callers or visitors to determine the nature of the inquiry and refers to appropriate party or office and answers inquiries as appropriate;
- Schedules conferences and meetings;
- Maintains and establishes confidential and general office files;
- Receives, sorts and distributes incoming mail;
- Checks, codes and processes requisitions, claims and bills;
- Prepares and maintains financial, statistical and personnel records;
- Orders supplies and materials and maintains inventory;
- Collects information to' be used as a basis for reports and memoranda and prepares summaries;
- Answers telephone and gives out information.
Thorough knowledge of office terminology, practices and procedures; good knowledge of business arithmetic and English; good knowledge of the organization and functions of the office to which assigned; ability to handle routine administrative details independently; ability to operate an alphanumeric keyboard such as a typewriter, word processor or personal computer at an acceptable rate of speed; ability to prepare and maintain program records and routine reports; ability to establish cooperative relations with the public and staff in other governmental and private agencies; ability to carry out oral and written directions; ability to collect information for program operations; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree in Secretarial Science or related field and one year of clerical experience which involved typing; or
2. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and three years of clerical experience which involved typing; or
3. An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (1) and (2) above.
This is moderately difficult clerical work involving responsibility for independently performing, and/or supervising varied account keeping, clerical and related tasks. The work may require a general understanding of specific law, office rules, procedures and policies. Employees generally follow a prescribed routine and in most cases receive only infrequent general instructions. For the most part work is performed under general supervision. Supervision may be exercised over the work of one or more clerical assistants; does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Oversees and classifies a variety of receipts and expenditures, and distributes items according to prescribed procedures;
- Assigns work, reviews and records work done, and instructs new employees in specialized account keeping activities;
- Has charge of posting to journal or ledger from a variety of original entry media;
- Reviews and checks account keeping records and reports for arithmetical and clerical accuracy, completeness and proper extension;
- Supervises the verifying and reconciling of individual account balances;
- Compiles and prepares labor, material and operational cost records and reports;
- Supervises the processing, sorting, indexing, recording and filing of a variety of control records and reports;
- Operates computing, calculating, check writing and other office machines;
- Is responsible for the preparation of reports from journal or ledger;
- Working from rough draft or from data personally developed, types accounting and financial statements, payrolls, statistical tabulations and data, form letters, memoranda, vouchers, reports, requisitions, and other materials;
- Conducts routine correspondence on matters where policies and procedures are well defined;
- Answers telephone and gives out routine information or relieves at switchboard. May, on occasion, be required to operate word processing, data entry or related business equipment.
Good knowledge of modern methods used in maintaining financial accounts and records; good knowledge of office terminology, procedures and, equipment; good knowledge of business arithmetic and English; ability to plan and supervise the work of others; ability to make arithmetic computations rapidly and accurately; ability to write legibly; ability to get along well with others; mental alertness; high degree of accuracy; tact and courtesy; good physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
1. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and three years of full-time paid clerical experience involving responsibility for maintaining financial accounts and records; or
2. Four years experience as described in (1) above; or
3. An equivalent combination of training and experience as described above.
NOTE: Documented part-time or volunteer experience will be accepted on-a prorated basis.
NOTE: Study in a regionally accredited college -or university registered by the State of New York may be substituted for the experience on a year-for-year basis for up to two years.
This is moderately difficult clerical and typing work involving responsibility for independently performing and/or supervising varied account keeping, clerical and related tasks. The work may require a general understanding of specific law, office rules, procedures and policies. Employees generally follow a prescribed routine and in most cases receive only infrequent general instructions. For the most part work is performed under general supervision. Supervision may be exercised over the work of one or more clerical assistants. Excepting for the ability to type, this class is equivalent to that of Senior Account Clerk; does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Operates a typewriter and/or Electronic Work Station (personal computer, word processor, or any other electronic microprocessor/device) and/or a computer terminal in performing duties described below:
- Oversees and classifies a variety of receipts and expenditures, and distributes items according to prescribed procedures;
- Assigns work, reviews and records work done, and instructs new employees in specialized account keeping activities;
- Has charge of posting to journal or ledger from a variety of original entry media;
- Reviews and checks account keeping records and reports for arithmetical and clerical accuracy, completeness and proper extension;
- Supervises the verifying and reconciling of individual account balances;
- Compiles and prepares labor, material and operational cost records and reports;
- Supervises the processing, sorting, indexing, recording and filing of a variety of control records and reports;
- Operates computing, calculating, check writing and other office machines;
- Is responsible for the preparation of reports from journal or ledger;
- Working from rough draft or from data personally developed, types accounting and financial statements, payrolls, statistical tabulations and data, form letters, memoranda, vouchers, reports, requisitions, and other materials;
- Conducts routine correspondence on matters where policies and procedures are well defined;
- Answers telephone and gives out routine information or relieves at switchboard.
Good knowledge of modern methods used in maintaining financial accounts and records; good knowledge of office terminology, procedures and equipment; good knowledge of business arithmetic and English; ability to type and input information accurately; ability to plan and supervise the work of others; ability to make arithmetic computations rapidly and accurately; ability to write legibly; ability to get along well with others; mental alertness; high degree of accuracy; neatness; tact and courtesy; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
1. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and three years of full-time paid clerical experience involving responsibility for maintaining financial accounts and records; or
2. Four years experience as described in (1) above; or
3. An equivalent combination of training and experience as described above.
NOTE: Study in a regionally accredited college or university registered by the State of New York may be substituted for the experience on a year-for-year basis for up to two years.
NOTE: Documented part-time or volunteer experience will be accepted on a prorated basis.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT: Certain assignments made to employees in this class will require access to transportation to meet field work assignments made in the ordinary course of business in a timely and efficient manner.
This involves providing technical support for software and hardware applications. The incumbent coordinates and supervises the training, installation, and maintenance of computer software and related peripheral equipment. The position also involves the modification and adaptation of purchased software to meet the needs of member school districts. Work is performed under general direction with wide leeway allowed for the exercise of independent judgment in planning and carrying out the details of the work. Supervision over the work of others may be the responsibility of employees in this class. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Analyzes problems concerning PC and network software to determine an acceptable solution and insures that all applications run;
- Reports and resolves problems and deviations affecting workload and scheduling;
- Tests new or updated software and reports bugs to vendors;
- Answers questions concerning computer and network software;
- Documents call resolutions for software problems;
- Trains and supports user staff in the use of PC software;
- Provides training support for new users;
- Tests PC software for compatibility and functionality;
- Installs applications software on the network;
- Conducts and/or participates in meetings with users concerning projects and project status;
- Meets with vendors to provide feedback on software and to receive information;
- Creates and maintains databases;
- Modifies and adapts purchased software to a specific need or application;
- Prepares documentation for users and user support personnel.
Thorough knowledge of personal computers; knowledge of the operation of external hardware and peripheral equipment; knowledge of how to identify program problems; knowledge of the sources of information concerning computer hardware and software; knowledge of PC operating systems; knowledge of word processing, spreadsheet and database management software; ability to plan, develop and use training materials to instruct others; ability to operate a PC; ability to communicate orally, including the ability to communicate technical information to non-technical people; ability to communicate in writing; ability to analyze problems and develop appropriate solutions; ability to understand complex written and oral instructions; ability to get along well with others; ability to work in an organized way; ability to work independently; ability to work as part of a team; attention to detail.
Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and three (3) years of experience gained within the past five (5) years which involved the operation of a personal computer and peripheral equipment and resolution of software and hardware problems.
NOTE: Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate's Degree in Computer Science or a related field may substitute for one (1) year of the experience if the education was completed within the past five (5) years.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: These duties involve responsibility for participating in and supervising a variety of building maintenance and repair tasks of a skilled nature. Incumbents perform their duties with some latitude for independent planning and are responsible for laying out the working details. Supervision is exercised over the work of skilled workers and other maintenance or custodial personnel. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Supervises the maintenance of electrical systems; building control circuits, heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems; and plumbing systems;
Maintains electrical systems; building control circuits, heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems; and plumbing systems;
Establishes and follows a preventive maintenance program for all electrical and mechanical equipment;
Operates, controls and programs an energy management system;
Analyzes control systems and equipment performance and makes necessary adjustments to these systems;
Inspects and reviews various maintenance projects;
Consults with the mechanical systems maintenance supervisor to make recommendations and to assist in coordinating of projects.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of the common practices, tools and terminology necessary for maintenance and repair of electrical and mechanical systems; thorough knowledge of the design, construction and installation of electrical and mechanical systems; thorough knowledge of on-the-job health and safety issues; ability to operate a computerized energy management system; ability to plan, supervise and evaluate the work of others; ability to understand oral and written directions; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High school graduation or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and EITHER:
1. An Associate’s Degree in heating, ventilating and air conditioning, electrical technology or related field AND four (4) years experience in the installation, repair and/or maintenance of EITHER plumbing AND heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment; OR electrical equipment; OR
2. Six (6) years experience as noted in (1) above;
3. An equivalent combination of training and experience as described in (1) and (2) above.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT: Possession of a valid New York State Operator’s license at the time of appointment and maintenance of such license throughout the tenure of employment in the position.
This involves providing technical support for software and hardware. An incumbent in this position is responsible for the installation of internal and external pc and network hardware. The position is also responsible for analyzing and resolving pc and network hardware and software. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Installs internal and external pc and network hardware;
- Installs pc operating systems;
- Gathers information to respond to basic help-desk questions;
- Resolves hardware and software problems (including those with operating systems) and deviations affecting workload and scheduling of personnel;
- Analyzes problems concerning pc and network software and hardware to determine an acceptable solution and insures that all applications run;
- Sets up, troubleshoots, configures and maintains desktop security of the network and pc's as well as data storage hardware and software;
- Tests network software for compatibility and functionality;
- Talks to users concerning project status and satisfaction with the project;
- Diagnoses hardware failures, replacing faulty hardware and/or recommends replacement of parts;
- Installs pc software and updates to software and insures network connectivity.
Thorough knowledge of personal computers; knowledge of pc and LAN operating systems; knowledge of the operation of external hardware; ability to operate a pc; ability to analyze problems and develop appropriate solutions; ability to understand complex written and oral instructions and technical computer documentation; ability to get along well with others; ability to work independently; ability to work as part of a team; attention to detail.
Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and three (3) years of experience gained within the past five (5) years, which involved the operation, and the resolution of software and hardware problems associated with networked computers, networked peripherals and network operating systems.
NOTE: Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate's Degree in Computer Science or a related field may substitute for one (1) year of the experience if the education was completed within the past five (5) years.
The work involves performing skilled clerical and supervisory tasks associated with computer processing equipment. The incumbent coordinates and supervises clerical functions to ensure that correct data is supplied to data processing. A variety of clerical tasks are performed on both data processing input and output to ensure accuracy and completeness. Direct supervision is received from higher level departmental employees. Supervision is exercised over clerical employees. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Checks computer and data processing output for accuracy and makes appropriate corrections;
- Supervises the completion and processing of data submitted to data processing;
- Performs moderately difficult clerical operations on a variety of data processing documents;
- Assists in training employees on departmental operations and users on appropriate function;
- Operates data processing and miscellaneous office equipment;
- Performs specialized clerical procedures of the department where assigned;
- Assists in compiling data for financial reports and records and maintains records of completed work;
- Supervises and performs clerical operations involving the preparation and review of payrolls, tax and assessment rolls, checks, accounting and bookkeeping records and data control reports;
- Assists in developing new procedures and revising old procedures related to the processing of data processing documents;
- May trouble shoot, assist or train others in "trouble shooting" on computer processing equipment and input/output information with user and subordinate personnel;
- Supervises processing and the release of data;
- Acts as liaison between users and division, when necessary.
Good knowledge of basic computer concepts and the operation of related data processing equipment; good knowledge of the organization and functions of the department and diction in which assigned; good knowledge of the methods of maintaining and checking financial accounts and records; ability to plan, assign, supervise and review the work of subordinate clerical and data processing personnel; ability to maintain activity control records and to prepare detailed reports; a high degree of accuracy; dependability; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
1. Completion of two (2) years of study at a regionally accredited New York State registered two (2) or four (4) year college and two (2) years of office clerical experience, at least one (1) year of which involved the operation of data processing equipment or' the clerical processing of computer input or output; or
2. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and four (4) years of office or clerical experience, at least one (1) year of which involved the operation of data processing equipment or the clerical processing of computer input or output; or
3. An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (1) and (2) above.
NOTE: Documented part time or volunteer experience will be accepted on a prorated basis.
This is a technical position responsible for designing, administering and participating in the maintenance, repair, and operation of computer networks. Work involves the installation of the network equipment and analyzing hardware and software network problems. The employee works under the general supervision of a higher level staff member. The employee may supervise a team project. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Installs and runs Internet protocol networks;
- Designs, installs, and maintains local area networks, campus area networks, municipal area networks/wide area networks;
- Installs, configures, and maintains network file servers;
- Maintains firewall administration, Internet security, Web application issues and router and wide area network configurations;
- Administers personal computer networks involving installation, maintenance, and repair;
- Analyzes and takes corrective action to resolve network problems involving computers and data communications hardware and software using appropriate analyzing tools;
- Maintains up-to-date knowledge of new trends and technology for computer hardware, software and networking;
- Tests new computer hardware and software;
- Consults with users, vendors and technical staff regarding the purchase of computer hardware, software and networks;
- Informs management of any adverse condition;
- Leads special projects involving network management;
- Researches, evaluates and documents solutions to technology needs;
- Informs and trains users and technical staff.
Thorough knowledge of personal computer and product technology; good knowledge of logical operations of computer and data communication devices; working knowledge of data processing methodology and techniques; ability to define and recommend computer hardware and software; ability to detect and resolve severe computer breakdowns and problems; good knowledge of file servers, routers, and hubs; ability to create and implement network design and installation of all hardware and software; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships; ability to work with customers to implement technology plans; initiative; patience; dependability; good judgment; ability to work as part of a team and assume a leadership role; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and EITHER:
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York state registered college or university with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Computer Technology, Data processing, Management Information Systems, and four (4) years paid fulltime or its part-time equivalent experience responsible for the maintenance, configuration or installation of personal computer hardware and software for local area networks; OR
2. Graduation from a regionally accredited college or university with an Associate's Degree in Computer Science, Computer Technology, Data Processing, Management Information Systems, and six (6) years experience as defined in (1) above; OR
3. Eight (8) years paid full-time experience as defined in (1) above; OR
4. Any equivalent combination defined by the limits of (1), of training and experience (2), and (3) above.
This is technical programming work involving responsibility for preparing instruction coded into a form acceptable to the computer. Work is concerned with the study of various problems, various kinds of information sources, flow of information, adaptation of information for computer use and the information output. Functioning within a project team environment where detail design specifications exist, the Senior Programmer will be responsible for the successful completion of that project within the prescribed parameters established. Training and supervision is exercised over less experienced programmers within an assigned project. Work is performed under the direct supervision of the Director of Data Processing or designee. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Designs detailed programs, flow charts and/or diagrams which indicate logic flow and mathematical relations;
- Modifies programs by revising instructions or altering the sequence of operations;
- Debugs new and modified programs to assure completion according to predetermined requirements;
- Prepares input and output layouts, programs documentation and operator run manual procedures;
- Assists in the analysis and design of new or revised computer applications;
- Prepares daily activities report for cost allocation;
- Interprets detail design specifications and transforms that information into computer programs;
- Assigns work tasks; assists in the technical and procedural methods; reviews work for completeness and accuracy of less experienced programmers within specific projects;
- Prepares verbal and written periodical reports pertaining to assigned projects.
Thorough knowledge of programming techniques and concepts, thorough knowledge of computers and peripheral equipment; working knowledge of modern office methods and techniques; ability to follow complex oral and written instructions; ability to supervise; accuracy; good judgment; initiative; ability to work harmoniously with co-workers and all levels of management; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered four year college or university with a Bachelor's· Degree in Computer Science, or related field with a minimum of one year of Computer Programming; or
2. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered two-year college with an Associate’s Degree in Data Processing or related field and three years of experience in Computer Programming; or
3. High school graduation and five years of experience in Computer Programming, or
4. An equivalent combination of training and experience as indicated in (1) and (2) and (3) above.
NOTE: Documented part-time or volunteer experience will be accepted on a prorated basis
This is moderately difficult clerical and typing work requiring a general understanding of specific law, office rules, procedures and policies. It calls for the exercise of independent judgment in the application of prescribed procedures and methods to routine cases. For the most part work is performed under general supervision. Supervision may be exercised over the work of one or more clerical assistants. Excepting the ability to type, this class is equivalent to that of Senior Clerk; does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Operates a typewriter and/or electronic work station (personal computer, word processor or any other electronic microprocessor or device) and/or a computer terminal in performing duties described below:
- Acts as secretary to an official in cases where assignments call for the use of judgment and experience in making decisions in accordance with established policies and procedures;
- Assigns work, reviews and records work done and instructs new employees in specialized clerical and typing work of a unit;
- Working from rough draft or from data personally developed, types accounting and financial statements, payrolls, statistical tabulations and data, form letters, memoranda, vouchers, reports, requisitions and other materials;
- Reviews accounts, reports and other documents for completeness, accuracy and conformity with established procedure;
- Conducts routine correspondence on matters where policies and procedures are well defined;
- Supervises and participates in the typing, issuing and recording of applications, licenses and permits;
- Has charge of the typing of records and reports and reviews for clerical accuracy and completeness;
- Oversees and participates in the typing, processing, indexing, sorting, recording and filing a variety of control records and reports;
- Is responsible for the maintenance of personal records and preparation and typing of payrolls;
- Answers telephone and gives out routine information or relieves at switchboard;
- Occasionally operates addressograph, mimeograph, computing calculating and other office machines;
- Cuts and proofreads stencils;
- May, on occasion, be required to operate word processing, data entry or related business equipment.
Good knowledge of office terminology, procedures and equipment; good knowledge of business arithmetic and English; ability to type accurately at 40 words per minute; ability to understand and carry out oral and written directions; ability to get along well with others; ability to write legibly; clerical aptitude; mental alertness; neatness; accuracy; tact and courtesy; integrity; good judgment; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
1. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma including or supplemented by a course in typing and two (2) years of clerical experience; or
2. Three years experience as described in (l) above; or
3. An equivalent combination of training and experience as described above.
NOTE: Documented part time or volunteer experience will be accepted on a prorated basis
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: The work involves responsibility for developing and designing software at the application level and creating the instruction to develop the system application and test the software. An employee in this class is responsible for developing components of an application or system and determining how they will interact. Work involves the design, verification and test runs for applications. Work is performed under the direct supervision of higher level agency supervisor. Supervision over the work of others is not a responsibility of this position. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Designs detailed system software and documentation which indicate logic flow and mathematical relations;
- Modifies software by revising instructions or altering the sequence of operations;
- Troubleshoots new and modified programs to assure completion according to predetermined and requirements;
- Prepares input and output documentation and operations procedures;
- Assists in the analysis and design of new or revised system applications;
- Prepares daily activities report for cost allocation.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of software development techniques and concepts, thorough knowledge of computers and peripheral equipment; ability to follow complex oral and written instructions; accuracy; good judgment; initiative; ability to work harmoniously with co-workers and all levels of management; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field which shall have included 21 credits in computer programming or software development; OR
2. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate's Degree in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field which shall have included 21 credits in programming, AND two (2) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, in computer programming or software development; OR
3. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and four (4) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, in computer programming or software development; OR
4. An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (1), (2) and (3) above.
NOTE: Advanced education degree received, in a program or specific field noted above, will be accepted in lieu of the minimum education noted.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This is a technical position that is responsible for developing and preparing instruction coded of considerable difficulty into a form acceptable to the computer. This position differs from the Software Developer I in that the employee has the ability to evolve new programming techniques on a high-level computer system and can coordinate programs within a particular application. Work involves the design, verifications, test runs and implementation of new programs. General supervision is received from a higher level agency employee. Training and supervision is exercised over less experienced developers within an assigned project. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Designs detailed programs, flow charts and/or diagrams which indicate logic flow and mathematical relations;
- Modifies programs by revising instructions or altering the sequence of operations;
- Debugs new and modified programs to assure completion according to predetermined requirements;
- Prepares input and output layouts, programs documentation and operator run manual procedures;
- Assists in the analysis and design of new or revised computer applications;
- Prepares daily activities report for cost allocation;
- Verifies program operation by confirming tests;
- Interprets detail design specifications and transforms that information into computer programs;
- Assigns work tasks;
- Assists in the technical and procedural methods;
- Reviews work for completeness and accuracy of less experienced programmers within specific projects;
- Prepares verbal and written periodical reports pertaining to assigned projects;
- Provides district personnel with telephone or onsite support.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of programming techniques and concepts, thorough knowledge of computers and peripheral equipment; working knowledge of modern office methods and techniques; ability to follow complex oral and written instructions; ability to work as part of a team; ability to supervise; ability to lead the work of others; ability to train others; ability to re-engineer workflow; attention to detail; accuracy; sound judgment and initiative.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or related field which shall have included 21 credits in computer programming, AND one (1) year of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the last five (5) years, that involved computer programming or software development; OR
2. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or related field which shall have included 21 credits in computer programming, AND three (3) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the last five (5) years, that involved computer programming or software development; OR
3. High school graduation or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and five (5) years full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the last five (5) years, that involved computer programming or software development; OR
4. An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (1), (2) and (3) above.
NOTE: Advanced education degree received, in a program or specific field noted above, will be accepted in lieu of the minimum education noted.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This position involves systems design, software development and project management work. The work is performed under the general supervision of with wide leeway provided for the use of independent technical judgment. Supervision may be exercised over the work of software developers and other technical staff. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Formats data from different systems to enable conversation for use by other systems;
- Identifies user problems and procedures for solution;
- Determines new systems needed to help perform tasks;
- Writes programs using programming software;
- Develops reports to provide summary statistics and/or information from a system;
- Collects detailed information concerning procedures and their interaction with other tasks by interviewing employees and supervisory personnel, as well as reviewing written information;
- Develops procedures based upon standards for users to insure uniformity and compatibility;
- Trains internal and external users and user personnel in a variety of settings;
- Plans multi-stage implementation for solution;
- Modifies existing programs by revising instructions or altering the sequence of operations;
- Debugs new or modified programs to assure completion according to predetermined requirements;
- Prepares program documentation and run procedures;
- Provides all tasks associated with project management (identifying tasks, prioritizing, and scheduling resources);
- Provides district personnel with telephone or onsite support.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILL, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of programming principles, techniques, languages and concepts; thorough knowledge of systems analysis; knowledge of various types of hardware; ability to establish effective working relationships; ability to reason logically; ability to analyze processes; ability to communicate orally including the ability to communicate technical information to non-technical people; ability to communicate in writing; ability to work as part of a team; ability to re-engineer work flow; attention to detail; sound judgment and initiative.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field which shall have included 21 credits in computer programming, AND two (2) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the last five (5) years, that involved computer programming or computer systems analysis; OR
2. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering Technology or a related field which shall have included 21 credits in computer programming, AND four (4) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the last five (5) years that involved computer programming or computer systems analysis; OR
3. High school graduation or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and six (6) years full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the last seven (7) years that involved computer programming or computer systems analysis; OR
4. An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (1), (2) and (3) above.
NOTE: Advanced education degree received, in a program or specific field noted above, will be accepted in lieu of the minimum education noted.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This position involves responsibility for performing a variety of clerical and manual activities in a central storeroom by receiving, storing and distributing an extensive and varied stock of supplies, equipment, fuel, lubricating supplies, and/or other items as required. The work is performed under general supervision of a manager, with leeway allowed for exercise of independent judgment in carrying out details of the work. Supervision may be exercised over the work of subordinate employees. The incumbent does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Assists with development and maintenance of a computerized system for parts and/or asset inventory;
Checks incoming supplies and equipment against purchase orders, bills, vouchers, and requisitions to insure proper shipment and no damage has been sustained;
Receives, checks and stores a wide variety of fuel, lubricating supplies, tools, equipment, and replacement parts;
Contacts vendors on incorrect or damaged shipments;
Unpacks, counts, sorts and shelves supplies and materials;
Updates perpetual inventories, notes any deficiencies in stock levels and submits purchase requisitions to purchasing office for supply replenishment;
Inventories supplies and orders items needed to replenish stock to designated shelf level;
Establishes appropriate computerized record backup;
Maintains weekly and monthly consumption records by user department;
Performs a variety of clerical activities related to the work;
Maintains storeroom in a clean and orderly manner by sweeping, mopping and dusting floors and shelves;
Insures stockroom security by admitting only authorized personnel;
CHARACTERISTICS: Good knowledge of methods and practices used in receiving and storing supplies, equipment and materials; working knowledge of inventory control methods and procedures; working knowledge of microcomputer operation; ability to adapt purchased microcomputer software to inventory and maintenance record keeping; ability to perform prolonged fine finger movement on a keyboard at a predetermined rate of speed, ability to install purchased software for microcomputer operation; ability to design and organize forms and procedures for inventory control; ability to maintain systematic stock-keeping records; ability to read English and use a variety of supply catalogs and manuals. Physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position. Must understand the overall goals and objectives of department and make decisions accordingly. Must have basic knowledge to create spreadsheets, use data base software, and communicate via email software.
- Graduation from high school or possession of an equivalency diploma and one year of experience involving ordering, storing and issuing supplies and materials on a large scale, which shall have involved use of a microcomputer; OR
- Two years of experience as outlined in (1) above; OR
- An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (1) and (2) above.
- Must have a valid NYS driver license with a clean record
- Must pass a back ground check
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
Develops and maintains a computerized system for inventory, replenishment and control; Develops and maintains computer programs for electronic scanning devices;
Establishes appropriate computerized record backup;
Installs and adjusts software to meet inventory and maintenance needs;
Assists with the development of purchase orders using New York State standards;
Contacts vendors regarding purchase orders, expected delivery dates and return of incorrect or damaged goods;
Checks incoming supplies and equipment against bills, vouchers, and requisitions to insure proper shipment and no damage has been sustained;
Receives, verifies and stores a wide variety of fuel, lubricating supplies, tools, equipment, and replacement parts;
Unpacks, counts, sorts and shelves supplies and materials;
Updates perpetual inventories, notes any deficiencies in stock levels and submits purchase requisitions to purchasing office for supply replenishment;
Maintains weekly and monthly consumption records by user department; Performs a variety of clerical activities related to the work;
Maintains storeroom in a clean and orderly manner by sweeping, mopping and dusting floors and shelves;
Insures stockroom security by admitting only authorized personnel.
FULL PERFORMANCE: KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERI STICS: Thorough knowledge of inventory control procedures used in receiving, disbursement, count and balance checks and accountability of perpetual inventory; good knowledge of the methods and procedures involved with property movement; good ability to adapt computer software to inventory and maintenance records keeping; good ability to install software; ability to development, implement and maintain inventory control procedures; ability to maintain systematic stock-keeping records; ability to effectively use computer applications such as spreadsheets, word processing, calendar, e-mail and database software in performing work assignments; ability to read, write, speak, understand, and communicate in English sufficiently to perform the essential function of the position; ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships and coordinate efforts of personnel; integrity; accuracy; dependability; initiative; tact; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma AND four (4) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, involving requisitioning, receiving, storing and issuing supplies, materials and/or equipment on a large scale.
NOTE: Completion of 60 credit hours from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university in business management, business administration, accounting, computer science or a closely related field may be substituted for work experience up to two years, with 30 credits equaling one year of experience.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT: Possession of an appropriate New York State Operator's license at the time of appointment, and maintenance of such license throughout the tenure of employment in the position.
This position is for current high school or college students and involves responsibility for assisting staff members in a wide range of tasks. The employee works under the immediate supervision of a professional staff member. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Assists staff members with recording attendance in recreation or class activities;
- Assists staff members when visiting social services participants in stimulating cognitive skills in babies and teaching mothers how to do the same;
- Assists staff members in preparing routine clerical work.
Interest in working with people; ability to get along with others; dependability; ability to understand and follow directions; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This is a technical position which involves application system analysis and project management work. The incumbent is responsible for analyzing and evaluating user needs and designing or revising computer applications. The work is performed under general supervision while being responsible for assigning work to others. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Formats data from different systems to enable conversion for use by other systems;
- Follows-up with users concerning deadlines and requirements;
- Identifies user problems and procedures for solution;
- Analyzes and evaluates needs against technological capabilities and feasibility;
- Analyzes and designs needed or revised computer applications/technologies;
- Determines new systems needed to help perform tasks;
- Makes recommendations concerning new technologies, equipment, software, etc.;
- Develops reports to provide summary statistics and/or information from a system;
- Develops procedures based upon standards for users to insure uniformity and compatibility;
- Designs user interfaces;
- Trains internal and external users and user support personnel in a variety of settings;
- Assigns work tasks to others;
- Provides agency personnel with telephone or onsite support;
- Provides all tasks associated with project management (identifying tasks, prioritizing, and scheduling resources).
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of systems analysis; thorough knowledge of office terminology and standard procedures; thorough knowledge of the capacities of various types of hardware; ability to establish effective working relationships; ability to reason logically; ability to analyze processes; ability to determine where technology should be applied in a process; ability to manage projects; ability to communicate orally including the ability to communicate technical information to non-technical people; ability to communicate in writing; ability to work as part of a team; ability to lead the work of others; ability to train others; ability to re-engineer workflow; attention to detail; sound judgment and initiative.
- Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or a closely related field AND two (2) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the past five (5) years in computer programming or computer systems analysis; OR
- Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate’s Degree AND five (5) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the past five (5) years in computer programming or computer systems analysis; OR
- An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (1) or (2) above.
NOTE: Advanced education degree received, in a program or specific field noted above, will be accepted in lieu of the minimum education noted.
REVISED: NOVEMBER 20, 2016, MARCH 26, 2019
This title is employed for positions which are created for the main purpose of relieving school teachers of that part of their duties, which, while related to the teaching process, can be performed by non-professional personnel. The duties of this class differ from those of School Monitor due to the more complex nature of the assignments that are performed. The duties of Teacher Aide may require specific skills or abilities. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Assists teachers in the correction of test papers, recording of grades, maintaining files and preparing statistical reports;
- Proctors and otherwise helps to conduct examinations;
- Assists in overseeing technical operations of language laboratory equipment;
- Helps to set up science laboratory equipment, conduct experiments and performs limited review of student laboratory reports;
- Helps in the technical preparation and production of television programs;
- May read in a foreign language from prepared scripts for tape recording purposes;
- Reads to and plays records for children in lower grades;
- Provides piano, violin or other musical accompaniment.
Good general intelligence; ability to establish good relationships with children and others; familiarity with classroom routine; good background or knowledge in specific field where specialized duties are involved; above average clerical aptitude; resourcefulness in conducting above described activities indirectly related to teaching process; neat personal appearance; ability to maintain discipline; tact; courtesy; good judgment; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma.
Certain assignments made to employees in this class will require access to transportation to meet field work requirements made in the ordinary course of business in a timely and efficient manner.
The work involves responsibility for performing highly skilled technical work in the maintenance and repair of a telecommunications network system. Under the general supervision of the Assistant Computer Center Director, an employee in this class isolates and repairs a failing element of a specific telecommunications unit of line. Employees are also responsible for monitoring the network for problems of response time and for the installation of the network equipment. The position also requires an employee to confer with vendor representatives, system programmers, and console operators. Supervision is typically not performed by an employee in this class. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Maintains, installs and repairs electrical, telecommunication equipment and network component units such as modems, terminals, controllers, teleprinters and multiplexers;
- Monitors and controls the network for problems of response time and initiates necessary corrective action;
- Trouble shoots network component unit problems utilizing multimeters, oscilloscopes, data line monitors, breakout boxes and halcyon line analyzers;
- Isolates problems to specific unit of line and makes board component repairs;
- Confers with users, technical staff and vendor representatives to identify network problems, order replacement parts and supplies, and expedite repairs.
Thorough knowledge of the principles of electronic technology as applied to trouble shooting procedure and preventative maintenance. Good knowledge of the concepts, use and abilities of a computer system inclusive of telephone data line characteristics both dedicated and dial. Ability to judge facts and circumstances choosing correctly between several alternatives. Ability to relate well with both system users and technical people. Physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
One (I) year of full time work experience or it's part time equivalent in the field of electronic telecommunication systems repair or maintenance.
NOTE: Successful completion of training in electronics, electric technology or a closely related field at a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or technical or trade school may be substituted for the required work experience on a year for year basis.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This is an important supervisory position involving responsibility for the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the transportation facilities of a school district. The work is performed under general supervision allowing considerable leeway for the exercise of independent judgment. Supervision is exercised over the work of all subordinate transportation personnel. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Prepares bus routes and schedules for all public and non-public schools served by the District;
- Supervises and performs the maintenance on all district-owned transportation equipment and vehicles;
- Supervises bus drivers and reviews time sheets;
- Develops and supervises preventative maintenance programs;
- Recruits personnel and supervises training for all transportation personnel;
- Authorizes purchases of parts, tools, and makes recommendations for changes in the fleet;
- Supervises transportation input to payroll department;
- Develops and maintains standards for the health and safety of transportation employees;
- Conducts emergency bus drills;
- Cooperates with drivers, principals, parents, and other school officials to maintain district standards for student behavior and safety;
- Conforms and responds to all State and Federal laws and complies with all reporting requirements;
- Supervises the maintenance of daily records of mileage, pupil data base, expense for oil, grease, parts, etc. and generates a monthly report;
- Cooperates with business office in insurance matters;
- Advises Superintendent on road conditions and school closing;
- Performs other duties as assigned by the Business Administrator.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of standard transportation methods and the operation of buses; good knowledge of automotive repair methods and of the terminology and tools of the trade; good knowledge of the geography of the district; good knowledge of driving safety practices; good knowledge of the New York State Motor Vehicle Law and applicable regulations of the Public Service Commission; ability to plan and supervise the work of subordinates; ability to keep records and make reports; ability to get along well with others; dependability; good physical condition.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from high school AND EITHER:
1. Three (3) years full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, as a skilled automotive mechanic or technician in a full-service automotive repair shop; one (1) year of which must have been in a supervisory capacity; OR
2. Five (5) years full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, dispatching motor equipment OR in the operation of multi-passenger vehicles (15 passengers or more, requiring a CDL license).
SUBSTITUTION: Possession of a vocational or technical training program Certificate in the repair of automotive or heavy equipment may be substituted for one (1) year of the required experience.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT: Possession of a valid New York State Class B, with P Endorsement, License at the time of appointment, and maintenance of such license throughout the tenure of employment in the position.
NOTE: Advanced education degree received will be accepted in lieu of the minimum education noted.
REVISED: 4/28/10, 2/27/19
The Treasurer shall be responsible to the Board of Cooperative Educational Services when performing the legal duties of the Treasurer, and shall be responsible to the Assistant Superintendent for Administration when performing other assigned duties.
The responsibilities listed in this job description cannot be considered to be all-inclusive; they are guidelines to help identify the major elements of the job. Specific assignments will be reviewed as needed by the Board (or the Assistant Superintendent for Administration acting for the Board). Changes will be made as needed.
The current responsibilities of the Treasurer are:
A. Be the custodian of all monies received by the BOCES from whatever source; deposit all monies received and collected.
B. Record in the official note register the dates of the resolutions authorizing notes, types of notes, the dates on which notes were drawn, the numbers of the notes, banks from which the money was borrowed, the amounts of the notes, rates of interest, the dates of maturity, the dates the notes were paid and the amounts of principal and interest paid.
C. Be responsible for pre-numbered receipt forms issued in triplicate by persons other than the Treasurer.
a. Keep a record of all pre-numbered receipt forms issued or held in stock and be accountable for same.
b. Make certain that s/he receives a copy of each pre-numbered receipt form issued. Verify and balance same to monthly bank statement. Report any discrepancies immediately to the Assistant Superintendent for Administration.
D. Supervise the preparation of the monthly Treasurer's Report for the Board Agenda. This shall be done for each fund established by the Board in full conformance with Section 170.2(o) of the Commissioner's Regulations.
E. Issue a pre-numbered receipt form for all monies paid over to his/her custody; original to the payer, copy retained by Treasurer. Verify and account for same and have available for audit at any time.
F. Sign payroll checks out of the payroll account upon authority of a duly certified payroll.
G. Maintain the official financial records of the BOCES in accordance with Section 36 of General Municipal Law. Such records shall be retained and disposed of only in accordance with adopted Records Retention and Disposition Schedules 1-S-1 and 1-S-1A as provided by Public Officer's Law, Education Law, and Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.
H. Disburse monies only upon the receipt of a signed warrant except where claims may be paid in advance of audit in accordance with Section 1724 of Education Law. The Treasurer shall be the sole signer of the check unless a second signature of a BOCES officer is required by resolution of the BOCES Board.
I. Be the chief accounting officer of the BOCES. It shall be the treasurer's duty to maintain detailed accounting records showing the status of each appropriation (Education Law, Section 2122 (1)). A budget status report shall be prepared and submitted to the Board in accordance with Section 170.2 (p) of Commissioner's Regulations, or more frequently as required by the Board.
J. Make budgetary transfers only upon authorization of the Board or Assistant Superintendent for Administration.
K. Invest BOCES monies as authorized by the Board.
L. Maintain appropriate records and data to assist in budget preparation and control such as cash flow, expenditure and revenue projections, indebtedness, retirement obligations, etc.
M. Health Insurance - Maintain records of billings and payments of retirees and individuals who pay 100% of their premiums.
N. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board when performing the legal duties of the Treasurer, and as assigned by the Assistant Superintendent for Administration when performing otherwise, as deemed necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the position.
Issued: 07/18/97
Revised: 06/29/2020
The work is primarily of a routine nature and involves the independent performance of standardized clerical tasks involving the full-time or substantial part-time operation of a typewriter. Detailed instructions are given for new or difficult assignments. Alertness and a willingness to learn and prepare for assignments of progressively increasing difficulty are essential attributes for employees in this title. Excepting the ability to typewrite, this class is equivalent to the class of the Clerk. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Operate a typewriter and/or electronic work station (personal computer, word processor, or any other electronic micro-processor/device) and/or a computer terminal in performing duties described below:
- Types forms, form letters, transcripts, invoices, vouchers, records, payrolls, title searches, judgments, lis pendens, reports, index cards, time cards and similar materials;
- Transcribes dictaphone cylinders and/or longhand copy (which includes the typewriters used in relation to word processing);
- Acts as receptionist;
- Types and maintains various types of records;
- Files correspondence, memoranda, reports and other materials;
- Operates simple office machines copiers, adding machines, word processing machines;
- May, on occasion, be required to operate word processing, data entry or related business equipment;
- Indexes materials and performs simple record keeping tasks;
- Makes entries on cards or bills or in ledger from original sources;
Working knowledge of office terminology, procedures and equipment; working knowledge of business arithmetic and English; ability to type accurately at 35 words per minute; ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions; ability to get along well with others; ability to write legibly; clerical aptitude; mental alertness; neatness; accuracy; tact and courtesy; physical condition commensurate with the demands of the position.
1. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma; or
2. One year clerical experience which involved typing.
NOTE: Documented part-time or volunteer experience will be accepted on a prorated basis.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT: Certain assignments made to employees in this class will require access to transportation to meet field work assignments made in the ordinary course of business in a timely and efficient manner
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This position involves the development of Internet/Intranet based technologies supporting departments/districts. The work involves responsibility to coordinate, design, edit, develop and implementation of Web based strategies. An employee in this class provides technical assistance to all departments/districts with their web sites. The majority of work assignments will be focused on web pages but some support for overall public information work may be required. The work is performed under the general supervision. Supervision over the work of others is not a responsibility of employees in this class. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Participates in the design, development and implementation of Internet/Intranet based strategies and technologies designed to meet department/district needs;
- Participates in the content design, development, and posting of web pages and Internet based instructional technologies;
- Collaborates with departments/district to design and implement content updates and maintenance of Web pages;
- Analyzes and resolves design, layout and implementation problems relating to web sites.
- Designs and develops interfaces from Web pages to internal and external web based applications and databases;
- Designs, develops and maintains Internet/Intranet based technologies for interactive Chat services;
- Participates in the research/analysis and recommendation for new Internet/Intranet products and services for all network systems;
- Provides school district personnel with telephone or onsite support with web page design and development;
- Develops documentation for maintenance, installation and troubleshooting;
- Monitors and produces measurement statistics relating to performance and utilization.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Must possess a thorough familiarity with Web/Internet/Intranet environment and integrated development; thorough knowledge of web authoring tools and CGI integration: knowledge of network communications standards, web servers and security policies, including firewalls and proxy servers; ability to investigate complex problems and develop appropriate solutions; ability to plan and implement complex action plans; ability to understand complex written and oral communications; initiative and resourcefulness in helping others solve difficult problems.
1. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor's Degree in Web Design or a closely related field; OR
2. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with an Associate's Degree in Web Design AND two (2) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, in the design, development and implementation of web-based strategies; OR
3. Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma AND four (4) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, in the design, development and implementation of web-based strategies; OR
4. Any equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (1), (2), and (3) above.
NOTE: Advanced education degree received, in a program or specific field noted above, will be accepted in lieu of the minimum education noted.
REVISED: NOVEMBER 30, 2016, MARCH 27, 2019
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: This involves the supervision and oversight of information technology activities, as well as planning of activities. The position involves reviewing information to determine necessary action and is responsible for resolving problems with the network. The work is performed under general supervision. Direct supervision is exercised over technical staff. Does related work as required.
TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: (Illustrative only)
- Supervises the work of technical information technology staff;
- Reviews information from school districts to determine if follow-up actions are necessary;
- Participates and takes a lead role in the development of an organizational strategic plan;
- Completes information technology management planning projects;
- Plans and prioritizes all wide area network maintenance;
- Maintains and updates wide area network disaster recovery and backup plans;
- Participates in the budget planning process.
- Installs and manages network protocols;
- Installs, configures and maintains network file servers;
- Initiates corrections for problems with the local and/or wide area network involving computers and data communications software and hardware;
- Diagnoses problems with network typologies;
- Diagnoses local area network hardware component failures and makes recommendations for replacement parts;
- Confers with users, technical staff and vendor representatives to identify network problems;
- Recommends appropriate local and wide area network hardware as needed;
- Assigns work to team members and monitors progress of projects;
- Leads projects involving network management;
- Diagnoses and resolves wide and local area network software problems;
- Designs wide area network infrastructure;
- Informs management of problems or potential problems;
- Monitors the local and/or the wide area network for problems of data integrity or performance;
- Installs, configures and maintains Internet instructional technologies and file servers;
- Researches and evaluates new Internet/Intranet products and services for all network systems;
- Tests wide area network hardware, software and peripheral equipment;
- Consults with users, vendors and technical staff regarding the purchase of hardware, software and networks and upgrades;
- Prepares documentation of networks;
- Participates in committees on network operating system and hardware standards;
- Configures routers and switches for Internet connectivity.
FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of network operating system concepts; thorough knowledge of network communication standards, WEB servers and security policies; thorough knowledge of Internet services; thorough knowledge of wide and local area protocols; through knowledge of the WEB/Internet/Intranet environment; ability to deduce problems logically; ability to detect and resolve severe computer breakdowns and problems; ability to investigate complex problems and develop appropriate solutions; ability to prepare written documentation; ability to communicate information orally, including communicating technical information to non-technical people; ability to lead and work as part of a team; initiative; good judgment.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma AND
Six (6) years of full-time paid experience, or its part-time equivalent, gained within the past eight (8) years which involved the maintenance, configuration or installation of personal computer hardware AND software for local and/or wide area networks.
NOTE: Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Information Resource Management, Computer Science or a closely related field may substitute for two (2) years of experience if the education was completed within the past five (5) years.
NOTE: Completion of two or more years of education at the college or university level in the fields listed above or a closely related field may substitute for one (1) year of the experience if the education was completed within the past five (5) years.