Artists, Vendors and Consultants

The district is responsible to make the initial contact with the artist, vendor or consultant. Once the district has established the time and cost of the program, an Arts-in-Ed Request form must be completed with the approving signature of the AIE Representative in the district. If you should need assistance with finding an arts or enrichment program, the Enrichment Coordinator will be happy to assist the district.

Arts in Education Catalog of Artists

Given the current situation we are in, a list of Virtual Arts programming is being provided in place of the catalog of offerings that have been offered in the past.  Please click on the link below to see a listing of Virtual Arts Programming that is currently available.

Virtual Arts Programming Catalog


Artists, Vendor and Consultant Approval

If you are an Artist, Vendor or Consultant who wishes to be listed on this page please submit any flyers or materials to Cassie Gratton, for consideration.

All Artists, Vendors and Consultants who are going into a district must:
  • Provide a contract or complete a contract that is provided by the BOCES.
  • Provide an invoice that is billed to Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES, not the district. Consultants and Artists must have an original signature on the invoice.
  • Invoice
  • Provide a W-9 form.