Principal's Page
Andy McVey, Principal
Andy McVey, Wayne Technical and Career Center Principal
Main Office:
Marilyn Hickey, Senior Account Clerk, 315-589-2676
Melissa Williams, Main Office/Typist, 315-589-2602
We're Doing Great Things!
Our goal at WTCC is to provide high quality, comprehensive technical and career programs to the high school students living in Wayne County.
The achievement of our goal requires collaborative relationships with a variety of partners (Local and Regional Business Leaders, Post Secondary Institutions, The New York State Education Department, Component Schools, Staff, Students and Parents.)
Through this network of partnerships our center is confident that our students will be prepared for a successful transition to the next step in their career path whether they choose direct employment or further studies.
I hope you enjoy exploring our site to learn more about the specific programs and services we offer. Technical and Career Programs are a vital resource on which our community depends for training our future workforce. Lets us know what we can do for you!
Please feel free to contact any of our staff for more specific information related to your area of interest.